View Full Version : need some positives

12-04-09, 12:01
Hi, i have got a really hectic day today - well hectic for me since i don't ever want to go anywhere.

I have easter lunch with my in laws, my partner isnt going to be there for long as he has to work so i will be there on my own. I then will have to drive to somewhere i never have later to pick him up!! :(

I don't want to do any of it.

Im feeling really sick and anxious.

Help!! :wacko:

12-04-09, 12:18

It seems to me your putting a lot of pressure on yourself. Just try your best and what ever you manage to achieve will be amazing, as you say you dont normally do as much as this. Plus going out somewhere like the inlaws may be a welcome distraction if you let yourself get into the lunch. Just set yourself really mini goals like I will see if I can manage ten miniutes etc and praise yourself for reaching them and I reckon you will end up having a really good time.

XxX Di.

12-04-09, 20:17
Thanks Di, that was a really helpful reply. i had a really good day today in the end! xx

13-04-09, 12:18
Im so glad. :yesyes: