View Full Version : Help Please

12-04-09, 12:59
I hope somebody can give me some advice and reasurrance please. I woke up this morning with pain behind my left eye going up round the back of my head slight dizziness and tingling in my fingers of my left hand. I,m freaking out here and making myself worse the pressure on the left side of my face is painful and worrying any advice?

12-04-09, 13:21
Hi Mandy

It sounds a silly question but it is possible that you have slept in an awkward position and put some strain on the neck muscles?

I'm not a HA sufferer but I also woke up this morning with the headache from hell and discomfort in my left shoulder and arm..I have taken some Ibuprofen which hasn't shifted it. :lac:

I'm sure it's nothing sinister and will probably ease off as the day goes on, maybe try some painkillers and giving your neck and shoulder muscles a gentle rub.

I also find that very overcast weather gives me a headache, at the moment in London it is grey and miserable...maybe the sun will shine later.

Hope you feel better soon :)

12-04-09, 13:27
Ladybird thanks so much hun for your reply. I thought after having health anxiety for 12 years I,d have more sense by now when the symptoms strike but they seem to keep changing as time goes on and anothe new one crops up. I rang the 24 hour emergency doctor and he told me to take paracetamol every four hours and drink lots of water but the paracetamol aint working but I,ll keep taking them for the rest of the day to see what happens. Thanks a million hun. xxx