View Full Version : Enough is Enough, PLEASE read and help if you can

12-04-09, 13:58
Hi, well I have posted a few times and had some nice replies, I even went on to the chat page, a little dissapointed as all the chat was about the weather and kylie?!!! Still I guess it was friends chatting. Any way, I am in need of some re assurence. I have been fighting the thoughts of Bowel Cancxer and trying hard to convince myself it is IBS, I awoke today to see the Children doing the easter egg hunt, something I ( or was it the Easter Bunny) set up late last night, It was great to see their faces, faces that if I have C then I may not see soon............I want to, if I can hust say what is happeneing, I do have a Doctors appointment on Wednesday. Right it is Gurgling tummy, very windy, today LOTS of belching, feeling slightly nauseas, pain not excruciating, down left in my tummy. No weight loss, No dark stools and no real loose or hard stools, it kind of is both in one sitting, if that makes sense. I am sick of it, I am also frightened. I am a 51 year old male, to my friends I am the lippy fun loving sarky one, but inside it is all churning and today, well today I have had enough. I have suffered with Anxiety for over 23 years and all my symptoms from Heart attack to Lung Cancer, and strangley Bowel Cancer I though I had the very first time have all amounted to nothing, so the odds are, and my Wife God Bless her who has stood by me unflinching for all those years has been right every time, and I hope she is this time, but I cannot get the feeling out of my head that this is serious, My Dad has Cancer - for real, in his osophegous, he started with wind and not being able to swallow - I can swallow fine, but with him having it and now these feelings I have, it is such a worry. I have, and I regret it Googled ( sorry ) and to be fair I cannot see all the symptoms for C on my list, mucvh more like IBS , had IBS before but I dont rememer it going on for nearly a month as this has, but today, well I have just had enough, any words of comfort guys? please no lies if you think it is serious say so, I would rather honesty then I know I can trust, one lie leads to a life time of never really knowing, so what do you think serious or not?.

Sorry this is so long, I guess anyone who has gotten this far must care, so thank you.

12-04-09, 14:07
im going to say not serious and does sound just like ibs , but always best to get checked let us know how you get on at drs

12-04-09, 14:20

Have to agree sounds like IBS to me hun, are you recieving any treatment for your HA, with your father being ill at the moment your HA will be difficult to cope with as well as the emotional turmoil you are going through.

Perhaps when you see your doctor on Wednesday you could have a chat about your HA and see what support can be arranged at this difficult time for you.


12-04-09, 14:29

It sounds very much like IBS (I am almost ashamed to say this but the other month the wind leaving my nether regions was unbelievable). Please stop worrying about something you haven't got.

If you read other members of this board with IBS their symptoms are exactly the same as yours.:D
You mentioned the length of time you have had it well when I was nursing in London I was being treated for it then and that was in 1976.

I don't suffer from HA but have a unruly bowel (saying that when I saw in on the monitor whilst having a colonoscopy it looked beautiful just like a sea anemone).

12-04-09, 14:32
Hi, just wanted to say thank you to the people above, it means alot when strangers can take the time and so obviousley care about an individual they have never met and help, thank you again, and I truly hope that for what ever reasons you are all on this site go away soon, my thanks.

12-04-09, 15:33
Awww Cray

I hope you are feeling a little better about it all, I will be honest...I dont honestly see anything you should be worrying about, It all sounds like irritable bowel or just a bowel doing what a bowel does.

My mum also has been diagnosed with cancer and it does make me worry more about every symptom i get, maybe this is more of the problem than you think (your dads news?) But it has taught me something...if she can be positive living with cancer and still be the most laid back woman on earth, I'm certainly not going to let anx get me and ruin my life worrying about when i will get it when i am perfectly healthy, that wouldnt make sense.

Best to get it checked to put your mind at rest but I really would be surprised from what you've explained if there is anything serious to worry about.

tc xxx

12-04-09, 17:31
I hope you are feeling better. Ive had mild bouts of.... I wouldnt call it IBS, just bloatedness, trapped and escaping wind, stomach pains and such but which have only last days, maybe weeks, but after I lost my dad last October, I had the worst case that Id ever had which went on for about a month before I saw the doc, who just said it was a sluggsh stomach and to up my fibre intake. It lasted over 3 months but it did pass, I found that fibregel helped. I havent been too bad since January, just the odd bad day, but saying that, it seems to have come back during the past few days and its worrying me also, stupid I know as I have just gone through it once!! I have just taken a fibregel and will be adding a couple of bio yoghurts and multibionta! Let us know how you appt goes on Wednesday, but I hope you feel better by then.

agent orange
12-04-09, 17:57
Dear Christmas, I posted the other day to you. I have a lot of these symptoms and sorry to say this but, I.B.S does not always go in a day or a week etc, it can be there for ages, trust me i know because I have it. It is not as bad as it was, but truely I had it for weeks and I still have nausea, belching and it has been 3-4 years and I've not lost weight etc. It is a real bind, but go for the tests if you and the doctor think it advisable. I went for a few blood tests and a look up the colon, but all fine. Anxiety can really affect the stomach as I posted to you in a previous post. I think you are beating yourself up and yes I understand the worry because I was at the time. I.B.S is a very common disorder, and i hope that once you've been to the doctor, you will be reassured. Take care.
P.s if you want any other advice please i.m me, I would be glad to advise.

12-04-09, 18:03

really does sound just like IBS. I have had it for years. Different degrees, length of time, severity of symptoms. Everytime I was convinced it was cancer. had endoscopy and colonoscopy - twice. All clear. I am grips of a different panic at the moment so can see IBS clearly for what it is but know EXACTLY where you're at. It is frightening and you feel like no one else can possibly have been as convinced a you. But a lot of us here have. You have my understanding for what its worth. Go to the GP and get reassured but I really do think it is IBS.