View Full Version : where does anxiety come from..

12-04-09, 15:27
Hey guys,

Just a quick thread, I have on and off bouts of anxiety for many years now and Im really interested in considering where does it stem from? I mean I have often had attacks after not having anxiety of years, the attacks seemingly brought on by nothing. At times it is frustrating for me as I feel if I do not know exactly where it comes from I cannot work to stop it, is it repressed emotions? I have been the type of person to mask my emotions and have glossed over things I have experienced earlier in life, do you ever get rid of anxiety completely? any way this forums been a source of interest for me take care all! xxx

12-04-09, 17:46
Anxiety can go away.
My mam suffered for almost 9 year, but after a couple years CBT therapy and meds she finally began to have a life!!
Its been over 2 year since she last had a panic attack, she gets the occasional off day where she feels anxious, but because of the therapy she knows how to control it.. Wish i could say the same for myself!!
My panic all started when my uncle passed away, when i was just 13 :-( .. But only recently in the past year i have developed anxiety, heart palps and air hunger!! :'-(

Last night i had a huge anxiety attack for no reason at all, i was just sitting watching TV and it stemmed from no where!!

You said you hide your emotions etc, maybe this could be the cause of your anxiety? Are you on any medication?


12-04-09, 18:15
If only we knew!

I personally think that it can stem from a particularly traumatic event or masking feelings as you said. I had both so mine came out in a terrible way after my aunt died....I was convinced I was going to die soon after

I actually think mine was a 6th sense though, had terrible panic and anxiety for about 3 months before my mum was diagnosed with cancer. I would sit in the gp surgery in bits telling them something awful was going to happen thinking it was my own health and had endless tests.

Once my mums news came, that horrific anxious feeling almost completely went (replaced by sadness of course)...I do believe mine was some sort of premonition, although i know thats sounds doo lally!

masking emotions is a big one hun, i have always done that and knew one day it would have to all come out some day. Maybe our bodies are purely trying to get rid of those emotions...

who knows
