View Full Version : Hang in there - it's working for me too :)

12-04-09, 16:47
I'm on nearly my 4th week on 10mg now, the side effects have gone, and i'm really starting to feel the benefits now. Ive had some 'dodgy' days, but most of them have been great! Ive started going out the the pub again with my friends, and don't feel anxious at all (the first time i did) can go shopping without rushing in and out with my heart going crazy, and i can get through my day at work without feeling spaced out from over breathing, i do a little every now and again, but when i think about what i was like before taking these, stressed, spaced out, over breathing, palpitations, dizzy every second of the day (and that was at the best of times in my own home!) i felt like giving up.

I just wanted to give a little encouragment for those who are just starting, or suffering with the side effects, it really can be great :D I'll admit i have had bad days or bad hours, but i fell there is only so much a pill can do, and with it i think i can get over the rest by myself.

Good luck everyone x

13-04-09, 20:48
More good news -- yet another No More Panic victory :D :D :D

It's so good that you are getting back in control! Hopefully by the time your course of treatment ends, you will be completely back to your good old self! :)

I wonder how many people have found reassurance and comfort here. I don't know if I could have coped with citalopram without the advice I have received on this forum. Citalopram is good stuff but my body could barely tolerate it. I'm so glad I stuck it out because citalopram does work!

Marc EH
13-04-09, 23:11
This is great news!! I'm so down at the moment and on day 12 - it's only with the help of everyone on here that I'm still taking the meds. Can't wait for the side effects and symptoms to go..:)