View Full Version : Hi Guys, Im new to the forumn and im new to panic attacks!

12-04-09, 20:27
Hey Guys,

I am a 22 year old male from the UK who started suffering with panic attacks just over 2 weeks ago. Ever since then i have had severe anxiety and more panic attacks, which is crazy to think i never had them before. Ever since my first panic attack i have felt constantly spacey and like im walking on air....is this normal? the only time i dont feel like this is about the first 15 mins i wake up from a sleep. is that pretty normal?

My kneck aches alot of the time from all the tension too and i hate the sickly nervous feeling that lies in my stomach, it puts me off food and drink tottally.

I am here for any help anyone wants and also be nice if you guys can help me through this, because at the moment it feels like im trying to break out of a nightmare that i cant wake up to.

I currently am on no meds apart from prochlorperizine which the doc gave me to help with the dizzyness coz he thought i might have some vertigo, but im pretty sure i dont.

so if my story sounds the same i would love to hear from you or your storys too :)

12-04-09, 23:16
Hi Lawton,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


13-04-09, 19:46
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice and support on here , the chatroom is also very good, take care xx

14-04-09, 07:19
Hi Lawton


Hope to see you in chat sometime


14-04-09, 08:50

I think that sounds about normal for all us panic attack sufferers. I think this website is very supportive and you will find everyone's advice helpful.



14-04-09, 22:41
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

14-04-09, 23:32
Ooh I got that when I first started having panic attacks. It has subsided now though so hang on in there x