View Full Version : Constant spaceyness/dizzyness

12-04-09, 21:07
Hey Guys

I have all the symptoms of anxiety from the nervous feeling in the stomach to the tingly hands and numb feet, from head pains to chest pains and obviously all the main ones, breathing and heart etc etc.

I only started with anxiety and panic attacks 2 weeks ago and already they are being a nightmare. My Main concern is the constant (24/7) soacey feeling i have. I dont feel like im gunna fall over but when im walking i feel like im walking on air, also if i look at the carpet it seems really close to my face and im 6 foot 2 tall. anyone know if it seems norml to have a constant spaceyness feeling at the start of anxiety and how long it will last?

12-04-09, 23:53
Hi mate, what was it that started your panic attacks and anxiety? If you've been feeling like this for a couple of weeks you must try to do something about it now. You don't want anxiety to become your "normal" state of being.

Feeling "spacey" does sound like a symptom of anxiety but it could also be caused by a virus or inner ear infection or even lack of sleep. If you're worried, get yourself checked out by a doctor for peace of mind.

13-04-09, 09:10
Hi mate, ive been checked out by 2 doctors and a optician now. both of them could not find anything. obviously this worries me abit as im starting to get really worried with this very spacey feeling like i have got a brain tumour (im trying to put this down to anxiety at the moment). Has anyone else had the same experiance as me though? Its really worrying me and would like to know if more people have had it....its such a scary feeling but no-one really replies much to it.

My ears do feel full and my eyes feel really tired.... people say so much, its anxiety/its probs a virus/ its most likely vertigo/inner ear infection that i dont know which one to stick with.

If anyone else has had the same symptoms i would love to find out how it turned out, im getting scared guys. And im not normally like that. The weird thing is the dizzyness feels worst when i look far away or move my head, even the slightest bit. If im sat up close to say like the computer for instance i can cope with it (even tho it still does feel weird). this does kind of lead me onto thinking i may have vertigo of some kind, but why would it come out the blue so quickly? straight after a panic attack.

13-04-09, 10:17
Hi mate, the problem is it could be many things but at least none of them are serious so there is no need to worry too much. You've been checked by doctors which rules out anything serious. You are not showing symptoms of a brain tumour so forget about that.

It does sound to me like you are having a problem with your eyes or your ears, but then again it could just be anxiety. Book yourself in for an eye test mate, it's always good to take care of your peepers. Did the doctors check your eyes and ears?

There are plenty of viruses going round at the moment and it can take a couple of weeks to recover from one if you catch it.

13-04-09, 10:23
Hi Psycho,

Yeh i had an eye test last wednesday and they dint find anything, just that i needed a new prescription...but i have that now. And both times doctors checked my eyes. Its just a weird feeling. I can still type fast and dont feel like im going to fall over when i walk. it just feels like somthings really not right and if i look at somthing reallt busy or when i walk i find myself feeling very light headed and tho the pattern starts moving, if you know what i mean? i Dont even want to check the symptoms of brain tumours because i think it will worry me more, altho i dont have any sharp headaches at all and generrally just feel abit fuzzy in the front of head and i have kneck ache.

Anyone know how long these things can last before they pass? feels like im slowly going mad :(, at 22 i dont want this.

13-04-09, 10:31
:hugs: :hugs: I have copied this from ""symptoms"" in the ""Main Menu"" on left of screen (you have to scroll through quite a bit to get to this Passing LOTS of good info on the way))
Now for the Brain – One of the body symptoms that people hate most is the one when you feel all foggy, surreal, woozy or spacey. You may either feel that you are not real or that the earth is not real and you’re a time warp away. These are often the hardest symptoms to understand and its very common to deduce that you must be going mad which makes you panic even more. This is completely untrue and you are very safe.
Hope this helps
Best wishes

13-04-09, 10:35
I agree with June, if you've been checked by doctors it is likely you are just suffering an effect of anxiety. Could also be tiredness or low blood sugar. Make sure you are eating regularly, don't drink too much caffeine, get enough sleep and whenever you start to freak out remember you are perfectly safe, you are just going through a weird time which will resolve itself soon. In 3 weeks you might not even remember it :)

13-04-09, 10:39
God i hope so psycho, at the moment i feel like a moon man. like i just could float off at any time. I will keep you all updated anyway to how i get on, and stuff....wanted to get on to chat page but need to memeber for 5 days :(. Also:

well i have realised that the spaceyness seems no where near as band when i have had a bit to drink....just the next day its all 2X worse. which leads me to thinking its all anxiety based, coz if it was somthing physical, surely i wud feel worse when drunk? just wish a doctor could say 'X is the reason'

13-04-09, 11:09
Lawton86 Have you looked at these pages??? there is a lot to reasure you on there.

Best wishes

13-04-09, 11:15
Just read them now and yes it does make me feel better. I also notice that when i tip my head from side to side my head and ears feel really heavey and its causing a much more dizzy feeling. this sounds more like a case of vertigo to you guys then anything majorly wrong? i have tryed doing it for like the last 5 minutes and feel really dizzy. now and feel quite panicy

13-04-09, 14:15
Hi there,

I have been suffering the same symptoms for 6 weeks now. I have been to docs and told its an inner ear problem, but that doesn't ring true! I have also had mri scan and that was normal. I guess it is anxiety as its worse when I worry about it and when I am not distracted. I am so worried about it too. Even if it is anxiety I don't know how I am going to cope with life feeling this way all the time. It does help to know other people feel the same. Maybe if I was sure it was anxiety I could overcome it. Such a wierd feeling. Sometimes lightheaded sometimes like I am moving, sometimes sort of headrushes. Sometimes when I move sometimes not. It keeps changing. Very scary. I hope you get some answers soon and maybe you can let us know what happens. Good luck

15-04-09, 11:02
Like you I also suffer from giddiness
Sometimes it feels
- a bit light headed
- like i am dropping down a black hole (terrifying Hubby has to hold me
for that one)
- like i just got off a roundabout (weak legs nauseous)
- like insects crawling in my brain (UGH)
- like the floor is made of a soft foam or i am on a boat.......Queasy
I have just had MRI scan (no results yet)
I ws told that the scan was to find out why my hearing was so poor on one side - nothing to do with the giddiness:blush: they said that is probably my anxiety:blush:
Best wishes
PS have you looked at "similar threads" at the bottom of this page??

26-07-11, 15:35
from wen i wake up to bedtime i feel constantly dizzy made worse if im tired il feel detached all day get the shakes and really panic something bad is going to happen.
no matter how many times i try to tell myself its jus cos ive hardly eaten or that im tired i cant help but worry.
the last time i felt like this day in day out was about 8yrs ago so wonder y it has come back again.
i cant concentrate on anything and i am suposd to be goin bk to work tmo which i dnt think im ready for but feel so pressurd to that i am jus guna hav to.

dont kno wat to say really im better wen ive slept properly n not got things on my mind yet even on those days i wont go anywhere if i feel weird
its horrible i kno how u feel

26-07-11, 20:44
Out of all the symptoms I have had in the past 9 years related to depression and anxiety...

Dizziness is the one that I hate the most. It started a couple of years after my symptoms of depression developed.

I have had an on/off feeling of 'like the floor is made of a soft foam or i am on a boat.......Queasy' (as brilliantly described above!) for 7 years now.

When it first began I was petrified. I was house bound because I thought I was going to fall over all the time and I was panic-striken with worry over what it could be.

After ECG's, MRI's, full blood work and numerous other tests... it transpired that I am in perfect health. It was all thanks to anxiety.

I have learnt to live with it and now I don't notice it half as much and I held down a job as a manager in an extremely busy bar for years, so it can be battles against and you can win!

I really sympathise with you, I remember how I felt when it first started and I was a mess with worry.

But things do get better! I'm not suggesting yours will last as long as mine but even if it did, you WILL find ways to cope with it.



26-07-11, 21:18
Hi yes yes and yes I feel spacey slot ibfelt it today x

I describe it as feeling nit real nothing makes sense the more u try the worse it feels. I was once told that when your stressed your mind can't cope with it all so it protects it's self let's intake in what u need snd that's it.

I feel dizzy from it too also when I move head worse when I'm anxious and can't stoop thinking. Ive not had texts done. It is classic anxiety chick xx remember the more u worry the worse the symptom will be. Xx

28-07-11, 19:59
I have had the constant spacey dizziness for about 7 years now. i've had all the tests you can imagine and apart from a little bit of tinnitus ( ringing sound in my right ear) i'm physically fine ( oh apart from type 2 diabetes also which i think i got from sitting around doing nothing feeling dizzy for years). it's always hard to describe it to a doctor as it's not really dizziness where i feel like i will fall over.. it's as if my brain is full of cotton wool and fog and i just feel really strange. i think it is likely psychological and definately linked with depression and anxiety. the depression leads to low mood and isolation, which in turn makes me worry which increases the dizzy which makes me depressed and it goes around and around like that! i just want to feel like a normal non spaced out human being and get on with life! 7 years later i still feel the same.. feel it right now as i type this and will feel like this tomorrow and the next day.

28-07-11, 21:40
hi, it sounds to me like it could be a sinus problem..i've recently suffered with this, i get dull headache above my eyes and sometimes feel dizzy if i look up quickly...just a suggestion...