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View Full Version : chest twinges....big ones

12-04-09, 22:00
Can you have a heart attack and not even know it???
I was visiting with a friend, and all of a sudden, I got a really hot, twinge, right in my chest, on the left side. I get twinges there a lot, every once in a while. Its like a muscle twitch, but it feels really really deep. It just comes on for a second or two then goes away. But today it was quite strong....it was a definite pang, and it felt really really hot.
I worried a little, but kept talking...but I was very very aware of it. I felt kinda hot all over, and a tiny bit panicky.
Could I have had a heart attack?
I have been worried about the twinges for a while now, probably 6 months or so. And I am going to go and talk to my doctor about it. But,...how likely is it something serious? I mean, it cant be anxiety, cause I dont feel anxious all the time, not nearly at all actually. And anxiety wouldnt cause me to keep having twinges. In the same spot. I must have like...a problem with an artery or something. I just feel deep down that there is soemthing wrong with my heart.
Please reassure me.

12-04-09, 22:04
Hi there

I have had a heart attack and the pain is NOT near the heart - it is in the middle so no you didn't have a heart attack and not know it.

I used to get heart pains all the time - remember the heart is a muscle so does give us pain like any other muscle - do some stretches and it will help.

12-04-09, 22:26
I get musculoskeletal pain in my chest on and off - its always one side or the other about half way down my ribs and is extemely sharp and cramp like - sometimes its hot and stabbing. I have had this on and off for at least 8 years! I have had the heart attack blood test 3 times in past 5 years fo these pains and everytime its not my heart. My GP says any sharp stabbing pain is very unlikely to be your heart as most heart pain is a tight crushing sensation often around all your chest but centered in the middle about level with your bra strap if your female! she said you can get cramp in the muscles between your ribs or shooting pain in the nerves that run along your ribs.

13-04-09, 17:20
if it feels hot hun, it could be heart burn. Had you eaten recently when you got it?

I had it once, and i had never suffered from heart burn before and it really scared me!

When you panic it can make your physical symptoms worse. Don't worry. You will be fine x