View Full Version : heartburn also causes chest pains?!

12-04-09, 23:03
hello went to primary care tonight cos of my chest pains in middle of chest and above belly button ,i coudlnt cope no longer , had a nice chat to the doc who examined my chest said he thinks its from acid, which baffled me i do get the pain in shoulder blades too though but as i ave health anxiety it takes ages for me to trust what the doctor says its terrible, any one experienced this ? iam 24 and pretty phyiscaly healthy apart frm mentally ! so they didnt think it was anythnk to worry about plus i had an ecg last year but even though i was still worried wen a friend of mine asked why they never gave me another ecg!!! i nearly cried but im sure its ok, as he told me to countine taking the omprezole i was given a while ago for acid refulx that caused me problems swallowin so i guess acid can cause alot of nasty problems ,and as were more snesitive with the anxiety it makes it worse. sorry to go on but im feeling a little better just waitin for the dreaded pain to disapear its nasty esp wen i bend over or lie down, thanks for listening love chanty xxx gota try and accpet this even though my mind says other things

12-04-09, 23:50
Hi, acid reflux is really nasty because it can hurt a lot and can take some time to respond to treatment but it is nothing to worry about, it poses no danger at all :)

Get a good night's sleep, that will help :D