View Full Version : stool question?!! im here again!

13-04-09, 09:31
hi ya, ive posted before and still waited for my appointment for the sigmoidoscopy but im not rushing them as im to scared and im getting married in may.

anyway my stools are no longer loose but are in small pieces and light in colour, is this normal? as i'm 27 and my stools have always been bigger sized in about 2 pieces ( sorry for TMI ). My piles are no longer a problem either althoughh they are still there they are not painful prob due to the smaller stools.

Anyway i worry so much i have bowel cancer but also so scared of the docs and the hospital at the same time, so don't want to chase up my appointment. i know very stupid :0( but i want to just enjoy planning my wedding without having a trip to the hospital inbetween aswell!

13-04-09, 09:38

Have you been very stressed?

Not totally sure but think that this can happen if you are stressed, think its too do with your blood being directed away from your digestive system when you adrenaline levels go up.


13-04-09, 11:58
hi there im in a similar situation to you..except i have an apt for a flex sigmoidoscopyy on the 30 april....how long have you been waiting? mine came through in about 2 wks from seeing the specialist...why dont you give the hospital a call just to give you an approx idea of the waiting time...it may help........do you have piles is this your concern...i had a protoscopy done and he told me i have internal piles they dont bleed just give a sensation of not having emptied your bowels (sorry!!)...although other people exp bleeding ...what have your symptoms been and why do you think u have bowel cancer? I am thinking the same tho-this is the cause of my anxiety at the min..im terrified they are going to find a massive tumour..when i go to the toilet i pass mucus too...the specialist said its most likely down to the piles though i dont beleive him!?!........im 29 by the way i think it would help you to give them a call...remember if you had anything your symptoms would not lesson has you have described!.........good luck with planning your weddingxx

13-04-09, 13:11
Hi ya thanks for reply, i had piles for over a year no bleeding only occasionally a line a blood running across the stool which didn't worry me as i know that probably happened as it was coming out as it was quite painful going to the toilet, i had mucas aswell i went to docs regular in this time for her to check the pile as i had only 1 on the outside. But in jan i had enough and asked to be refered to hospital but from that day and for about 7 weeks after, my stools were very loose and so i cound't feel the pain of the piles anymore, any way 5 weeks after seeing the doc i saw the surgeon at the hosp who used a scope and saw i had internal piles but he said because of the loose stools he would like to do a sigmoidoscopy which frightens the life out of me but i have waited 7 weeks now and still no appointment but in the last couple of weeks my stools are no longer loose but very small pices and light in colour.

13-04-09, 13:14
Don't worry about the sigmoidoscopy..................I found it didn't hurt at all (probably more embarrassing than painful), no discomfort either. If you have a problem with bowel movements, get it checked out. I did, and I was diagnosed with procitits...........a bit of immflamation on the bowel, treated with suppositries, hey presto! everything is fine now. It may flare up again but I know what is happening if the symptoms occur again.
There are any number of minor and non life threatening things which cause a change in bowel movements, including anxiety, yet we all imagine it's cancer (I've done it myself).
Leah, I would try and get your appointment before your wedding so that you have a diagnoses, chances are it's going to be something really minor. That way you can enjoy your wedding without having it at the back of your mind.
Good luck

13-04-09, 14:35
I agree with everything said above hun. I had a bad bad patch of worrying that I had bowel cancer or something as I suffered bad constipation for about 5 weeks.

I agree you should get everything done and dusted so you can have a lovely wedding. I would ring up and see what is happening with your appointment and I would just say that you're sorry but you're still having bother and you've heard no word.But anxiety and other meds etc can have a right big shindig on the bowels. Mine went reall really bad with worry about cervical cancer and bresat cancer fears.

Take care

Amy xxxx

13-04-09, 14:56

i have just had a specialist apt for me bowels due to persistent blood on tissue after bm docs have said fissure but i wasnt happy so they referred me... she examined ne with a rigid sigscope, what did they use for you?? she said there are 2 small fissures and everything else looked normal, im just at my wits end ihave been on gtn ointment which had stopped any blood for 3 wks til today and its back just a tiny bit but its there :( they wont give me any further investigation even tho iv had a few occasions of cramps in past few months or so, i dont have any actual bowel issues at moment go once every morning and its fairly normal really am lost and depressed with this :(