View Full Version : headaches - sometimes wake me up

13-04-09, 12:39
I wonder if anyone can help me i have been getting headaches and nausea for the past two to three weeks now - they are waking me up at night normally about half 4 am - this morning i was awake at 2am 4am and 630 am - i feel very tired in the days which is probably understandable ! im scared i guess of it being a tumour or something as i know these can wake u in the night - i would apreciate any honest apinions x thanks :weep:

13-04-09, 12:41
sounds like a migraine my sis gets them and feels the same way u do infact sometimes she throws up

i wouldnt worry

13-04-09, 13:16
Hi Jeni,

I agree they do sound like migraines. I get them and I feel nausea and sometimes get quite ill. Stress and anxiety can make them worse. I found that things that triggered mine at there worst were: stress, hormones, weather, allergies and lack of sleep. One other thing was starting anti-depressants - horrible headaches. Sometimes I would see flashes before one started, other times not. No rhyme or reason to them. I do hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


13-04-09, 13:20
thanks guys - i think the thing that worried me themost is that i was waking up with them ! like 4am and i read somewhere that tumors can cause that ! i know its unlikely but when ur sat on ur own u worry dont u x

Marc EH
13-04-09, 13:43
It does sound like a migraine love. I'm getting a lot of headaches and blurred vison which I think is from my medication + the anxiety! I keep worrying but have decided to try and keep calm and it will pass in time.

13-04-09, 14:40
thanks - i posted this same post on another site and had someone tell me to get straight to th docs as it may be a brain tumor and be fatel - i thought anxiety sites were meant to make u better n not give u more anxiety - thank god for this place xx its jsutt he waking up thing thats bothering me its doing my head in

13-04-09, 14:48

whatever site u went to i wouldnt go back they cant call themselfs a anxeity website if they say things like that.

dont listen to them its nothing.

13-04-09, 14:57
it was daily stregnth - i havent been on it for ages and then i posted about the headaches thinking they might help and am now even more worried than i was before

13-04-09, 23:17
Hey, just about the waking up thing..you mention you seem to wake up at the same time roughly.. you know your brain in very clever, my aunty was telling me how it can kinda get itself into habits, and because you'll be thinking about waking up in the night, your much much more likely to.. Its kinda also like, for me, if i know i need to be up early in the morning, i have a really terrible nights sleep, and constantly wake up, checking the time..

Just try and get it off your mind a bit, don't go to bed thinking 'im gonna be up in the night', take a hot water bottle, have a soothing drink before bed, camolmile is meant to be good, and try relax. Perhaps have a bath or something.