View Full Version : pins and needles in random parts of body

13-04-09, 14:17
I have begun to get numbness tingling or pins and needles. It usually starts in my arms (elbows) and can be accompanied by a dull ache in the elbows. It then migrates to all parts of my body and feels like a mini shocks from a carpet or like something is crawling on me. It seems to get worse when I am anxious but is there whether I am anxious or not. It also seems to get better when I am distracted but never seems to go away completely. I have had nerve conduction studies on my arms and an MRI of my neck and back which were all normal. I am considering a brain MRI because of MS like symptoms. I used to have panic attacks but it was the "I am about to have a heart attack" variety not these neurological symptoms. I went to rehab about two years ago and my panic went away for the most part. I am in good physical shape 43 years old and very puzzled by these feelings and what to do about them. Please help if you can.

13-04-09, 17:55
I get this too although now I have stopped thinking about it and kind of accepted it, it has gone away mostly. I suffered with really bad pins and needles in my head for about a week and a half (I ended up going to a&e twice!) and everytime I starting worrying and panicking about it, it got worse. So try to relax a bit, keep busy and fingers crossed that it will eventually go away.