View Full Version : getting fat OH MY GOD!!

13-04-09, 16:56
:blush: well i put on some jeans yesterday and could hardly get over the muffin top i had !!! i have always been quite thin/slim but it seems im getting a bit podgy lately my appetite has increased and yes im putting on weight grr!!anyone else noticed this on cit? im really happy and no anxiety or depression the tablets are magic beans for me maybe im just a greedy moo:roflmao:

13-04-09, 18:18
Ive put on a stone since being on these.I did loose nearly a stone before i started on them so not bad really.I now have a sweet craving for chocolate eclaires yumm! but try not to give in to it as sweets can cause panic and anxiety levels to rise :scared15: Plus i dont want to put any more weight on ,im small like you .Its not how much you eat ! more of what you eat! And also keeping active. Sue

13-04-09, 20:42
I wouldn't worry, women look better with a bit of meat on them. Nothing worse than a woman who is built like a scarecrow, or worse... a model. Ugh. ;)

14-04-09, 07:21
Ive put on a stone since being on these.I did loose nearly a stone before i started on them so not bad really.I now have a sweet craving for chocolate eclaires yumm! but try not to give in to it as sweets can cause panic and anxiety levels to rise :scared15: Plus i dont want to put any more weight on ,im small like you .Its not how much you eat ! more of what you eat! And also keeping active. Sue

Interesting - I don't have a sweet tooth at all, but have the most intense cravings for sugar since I started C 10 days ago.


14-04-09, 09:35
i started taking prozac last september and it really really helped with my depression temporarily but stopped working in january suddenly . i upped the dosage from 20mgs a day to 60mg and have not since felt an improvement but have noticed that i have put on nearly 2 stone since i started .two stone!! i havent been eating brilliantly but dont usually balloon more than a stone when i do put on weight. im now discontinuing the prozac because being so fat is making me even unhappier than i was in the first place . too scared to try another anti d -altho have heard wellbutrin/zyban is a good one for zero weight gain .any users have any feedback ?

14-04-09, 11:58

Your post made me smile, I am putting weight on too and I am on my third week of Citalopram, I have got the appetite of a horse at the minute so I know just what you mean!

Have you tried drinking sugary tea? I find this sometimes curbs my apetite when I don't think I actually need to eat and think it might just be the tablets!

Either that or you could just use it all as a good excuse to go shopping for some new clothes and show off your new curvaceous self! Whoop whoop! :D

Danny xxx

14-04-09, 16:24
:D that made me laugh im glad you boys like a woman with some blubber lol i have been to the gym today :noangel: and i walked up a big hill home as well soo yes alls well i will try not and be such a greedy gal as i dont wannna be MUSHROOMING OUT everywhere lol - im gonna try and be good i think sweet thing and crisps are my downfall i LOVE crisps !! also i find that during the day i can fall asleep as soon as i sit down i get fatigue but ive always haad that soo i cant blame the magic beans for that one!!!

23-08-09, 10:38
When i first went on citalopram i was skinny (5ft 7 and 9 stone) i lost a bit of weight because i had the side effects so severely. I was also a vegan at the time which probably helped. I did get a bit more hungry but nothing severe, then i made the massive mistake of going on the contraceptive pill a few years into it, this made me very ill and i was told i had to come off it immediately or it could give me a mini stroke! Unfortunately in the 2 months i was on it, the damage had been done, i had gained about 6 stone, and my depression got crippling because of it, I stopped taking citalopram as i was convinced it was the culprit, and it made me quite ill and moody, I think i made a mistake coming off it suddenly, it was one of the best things i have taken, now after all the moaning at my doctor, i am trying to think of a way to ask him to put me back on them! but im staying well away from the pill!

23-08-09, 12:30
I used to take the contraceptive pill to help relieve painful period symptoms and can't remember why i stopped taking the pill but i know it was a contributing factor to when i started to put on weight. I also take citalopram and have put on a stone over a three year period and am now very overweight. I have started to eat a balanced diet recently but im hoping to go back to slimming world on wednesday even if i lose only one or two pounds a week.

23-08-09, 12:32
I have lost the weigh, most it anyway, but my metabolism has pretty much been destroyed from the pill, i used to be able to eat anything i wanted and not gain anything, now if i eat more than 800 calories i gain weight!!
Looking back, i would say citalopram had nothing to do with it, unless mixing them causing it?

23-08-09, 12:59
I've gained a lot of weight recently.. I started losing the weight, lost about half a stone, then managed t injure myself from the exercsie I was doing! So now it might be a while before I can go back to the intensive exercise. i am really unhappy about it- I can't fit into the majority of my clothes and feel a mess. I really wish I could lose this weight..

24-08-09, 22:09
Dont worry the weight gain is mostly the fact that you are feeling so much better hence the appetite. You will lose it again when you go back to your normal intake of food.


26-08-09, 19:57
i have put on about 2 stone on citalopram. was also taking the pill but stopped it as thought it was probably not helping weight. have now lost half a stone but seems to be all i can lose! any one else find this?

27-08-09, 03:32
I put on 2 stone over 2 yrs
I gave en up 2 weeks ago and lost 1/2 stone already

27-08-09, 22:07
i have gained so much weight :(

27-08-09, 23:12
I have to say since I went cold turkey 6 weeks ago I had a terrible time, all the side effects that everyone has said about on the forums but life does get better - I have to admit I wish I had come off them a long time ago. My life has not changed that much, but now since being off them feel more in control. Strange as it may sound, after about 5 weeks of terrible terrible side effects I now feel amazing. Apart, unfortunately from putting on at least 1 stone. I have never had a weight problem before, but apparently a side effect of coming off of the drugs is weight gain. This is because the drugs suppress your appetite. I had no idea of this or any of the side effects and wish I never ever took them. I still have wobblers and mood swings sometimes, but think that is unfortunately part of my situtation and circumstances. But to be honest, apart from the weight gain, I feel fantastic and more in control of my life than ever before.

If you want to go off them, do it, it is a long hard struggle, but now 6 weeks in, I feel fantastic. The problems in my life are still there, but I feel stronger in myself and now more in control of life.

Hope all goes well with everyone on this site as I know we are all different, but I now feel better not being controlled by drugs but in control of my own life, in the true sense of the word.

Take care all

28-08-09, 16:41
Thanks for that youcandoit, you're post was really reassuring. I'm glad it's all gone well for you coming off Citalopram. Well done.

I've been on Citalopram for four months now and I've found my appetite has got worse which I can't afford as I'm 27 stone now as it is :ohmy: . Anyway I have decided to come off them, I was on 10 mg and I've been on 5 mg for the past 6 days, I'll give it just a few more days and then I'll stop them altogether. So far I've been alright but time will tell. :unsure: