View Full Version : I can't bear the thought of going to work on mon?

14-08-05, 00:45
Hi There,

I have been thinking about this for hours. I have just got a new job and when i'm not working at it i'm thinking about it , trying to anticipate how i will deal with my next panic attack, it's just awful, I feel so depressed about this today! *sighs* Is there anything i can do to stop thinking about it *crys*. Everyone thinks i'm lazy, i'm so ambitious though, and they just think i'm dreaming. I setup my own company and hope it to be succesful, but all i get is put down all the time. I'm so tired of my anxiety, i can't take it any more.. alway's having panic attacks, i just feel like they will NEVER be cured ever. I guess i'm just having a bad day today. I just hate spending my valuable weekend focusing on my worst fears, nothing can get them out of my head...

Anyway's hope everyone else is doing okay this evening, i'm sure people have worse problems than me here.

I think i'm just going to up my dose of meds tongiht. Doc says he wants to put it to twenty even though he only gave me ten, can i just take two tablets to get my mind of this :?

Good night people, see you tommorow, it's 1 am here uk time x

14-08-05, 01:26
I'm sorry your having a bad time of it. Have you read up on what panic and anxiety is? half of the battle is understanding what it is and then mastering relaxation techniques etc to try and overcome it. You will get better i promise[8D] It just takes time and practice. If you cant face work at the moment, then get the doc to sign you off for a while, to give you time out, or depending on your situation people being around you and keeping busy is best for you at the moment. Keep us informed as to how your doing. Take care xxxx:D

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

14-08-05, 12:00
Hi again

Meg once said something in a post about work being a paid distraction I think this is a great way to look at it. I am always better when distracted and to be paid for it is brilliant.

Love Piglet:D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

14-08-05, 17:19
Hi there....

I love a sunday as Its my day of relaxation however as the day goes on and its then the evening I get filled with dread...I panic about work and how im going to feel this week... panicking even more so as was off last week due to heightened anxiety...however I am determined to be positive and get out there yes I may feel uncomfortable but deep down I need to try and distract Mr anxiety, I have my bag packed!!rescue remedy, lavender, chewing gum and I am going to do this!!Hope your mon goes ok its horrible isnt it everyone hates mondays so its even worse for us!!!!

14-08-05, 19:29
hi Ambience...I just started a new job too and am going through the exact same experience. I am trying to keep relaxed but am fighting the panic because of returning to work on Monday. I am trying to pinpoint why I am panicked about going to work. The people in my new workplace are exceptionally kind. The job is not stressful at all. I am trying all kinds of methods to alleviate these attacks. I am starting cognitive therapy tomorrow afternoon. Just thought i would share my experience. Take Care. :)

14-08-05, 22:28
Good luck tomorrow Ambience!! Let us know how it goes :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal