View Full Version : How often do you check yourself for symptoms?

13-04-09, 19:19
Just a random thing that popped in my head.Amongst all of the other stuff :p

I find that I am quite often. And that other "symptoms" that I may have had subside and then the symptoms that I'm focusing on are more prominent and check often.

I've also started having more and more baths so I can do all over checks.

I'm that bad!

Just wondered if any of you do "regular checks" for things and how often.

13-04-09, 19:54
Well, I check my throat with a light everyday. I have bumps on the posterior wall of my throat that the Dr. says is from nasal drip and using my voice a lot...I did not read anything about that on Google so I still freak about them. But, the do come and go so I have no idea. I have had 3 different Drs to look at them!
I notice that when I am "stressing" I check more than once per day. Had a big party at the house on Sat. and I checked everytime I went to bathroom! I also check glands in neck everyday and lymph nodes in arm pits each morning before putting on deoterant. I worry about HIV so I would have a darn heartattack if any of them were to actually swell!

13-04-09, 20:34
Awww,yes I remember checking my throat alot when I had the lump in throat thing but when that subsided it was onto something else!!

13-04-09, 23:55
I'm like you. I check all the time. Right now I'm dealing with some numbness/tingling in my tongue and face. So I'm always thinking "is it there?" and if it wasn't before it is now! I know as soon as this goes away there will be another random symptom to take it's place. sigh....

14-04-09, 00:05
i check for lumps from the top off my body to the bottom of it every day i check all my moles all day to see if any are different, a new one started the other day checkin gums and teeth. its getting more frequent but dont spend as much time on each bit of the body as i used too. x