View Full Version : tingley feeling in my head??

13-04-09, 20:30
hi all, im new to this board and wondering if anyone could help,

Im 22 and have been suffering from anxiety for a while now. I have a habit of thinking the worst case situation all the time. I was sitting down at the comp just earlier and all the sudden felt warm shivers going up the sides of my head and a tense feeling come over me just above my ears and then over the top of my head.

the first thing i thought of was that sad story about Natasha Richardson (the actress) who had the ski accident and popped a blood vessle in her head. I instantly imagined the warm feeling was blood rushing out in my head(sorry for being graphic lol)

since then ive been feeling a tingley feeling at the top of my head. has anyone ever experienced a feeling like this or have any advice for me? could this just come down to anxiety?

13-04-09, 20:36
i am 22 and have been suffering from anxiety for only just over 2 weeks now, but i get this alot. i dont really worry about it because their are people who suffer immense migraines and stabbing pains in their head while have anxiety/panic attacks, we should feel lucky that we have to worry about a tingling sensation.

I get them every time i either go into an anxiety attack or before a big panic attack. dont worry its just blood going to ya head coz ur brain is thinking anxiety thoughts. it go's and comes. nowt to worry about i dont think mate.

13-04-09, 21:03
JonnyRaz, I started to get that feeling whenever I had a severe panic attack. I'm going to ask my doctor about it tomorrow just for my own peace of mind but I gather that it's just another symptom of anxiety.

14-04-09, 20:53
Good to know thanks, first time id had it. Gone away now suprise suprise lol

Thanks for the reassurance

14-04-09, 21:41
hi all, im new to this board and wondering if anyone could help,

Im 22 and have been suffering from anxiety for a while now. I have a habit of thinking the worst case situation all the time. I was sitting down at the comp just earlier and all the sudden felt warm shivers going up the sides of my head and a tense feeling come over me just above my ears and then over the top of my head.

the first thing i thought of was that sad story about Natasha Richardson (the actress) who had the ski accident and popped a blood vessle in her head. I instantly imagined the warm feeling was blood rushing out in my head(sorry for being graphic lol)

since then ive been feeling a tingley feeling at the top of my head. has anyone ever experienced a feeling like this or have any advice for me? could this just come down to anxiety?
Hi, I kinda know what your talking about....since last nove, I have had this wierd feeling in my head...it feels spaced out but at the same time heavy...it feels like I have been hit over the head with a baseball bat at times. I thought it may be down to anxiety or tension...I went to the docs an he gave me some simple exercises to do but it aint helped. Am now booked in for some physio cos it seems to be speading to my neck and spine? anyone have any ideas as to what it may be? have suffered from stress and depression and am currently on mertazapine...

14-04-09, 23:11
You know something, I think these are the "brain zaps" that people often complain about while taking antidepressants/anti-anxiety drugs. I don't recall having this sensation before I started taking citalopram.

I had the usual fears of brain tumours and chemical imbalance the first couple of times I had this feeling. I haven't had it for a week or more, precisely the amount of time my citalopram has been working properly.

I think they're just harmless side effects of medication and/or anxiety.

03-05-09, 01:33
I used to have the same feeling. A weird sensation that started at my temples, and with in a few hours hit the top of my head. It almost felt like I was wearing a hat. It started right before one of my biggest anxiety attacks.

A couple days later, I then started to get sensations down my neck and spine. It almost felt like someone was dumping a bucket of cold water on my head and it was trickling down my neck and back. This lasted for about 3 months. It went away on its own.

But the more I thought about it, the worse it got.