View Full Version : cardiac asthma worries now !

14-04-09, 00:57
i have suffered from anxiety about my breathing for quite some time, sometimes it feels like i can not breathe r i don't have enough oxygen in me, i also get chest pains. symptoms are worse after excrcise and after a night n the beer. i stupidily googled this and i am convinced i have cardiac asthma a symptom of heart failure !!!!
i have been to a and e with these symptoms over ad over again hey are sick of me, i blew 650 in a peak flow test and have had two echo's gams which where both fine. i convinced they have missed something and have had symptoms all day i want to run the hospital again i too frightened to sleep and going out of my mind with worry

House fan
14-04-09, 09:34
Hi Pele

They have missed nothing my friend. 650 in the peak flow test is a great result considering you are suffering from anxiety. I can guarantee you that after the tests you have had, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your heart. Unfortunately, the more attention that you give it, the more adrenaline is being released into your system, hence the symptoms.

Learn to live with it for the time being, until you become less sensitized. Your heart is not diseased in any way, I promise.
