View Full Version : Help Please

14-04-09, 08:09
Hi guys,

I think I'm quite sure that what I am suffering from is Anxiety as I have posted something on here before describing my symptoms and it seemed to fit.

As you know most of us have enjoyed a 4 day bank holiday weekend. I have had at least 8 hours of sleep each night and still feel really worn down and want / need to sleep. I went to the gym everyday over the bank holiday and done nothing apart from relax at home for the rest of the time.

My job is quite stressful and normally I sleep for around 6 to 6.5 hours per night during the working week. I go to the gym most nights in the week aswell straight after work.

I still have these weird chest and left arm pain / sensations and I just want it to stop and go away now as it is on my mind a lot.

Any advice or solutions?

By the way I am a 26 year old male.

Thanks for your help!


14-04-09, 08:23
Hi hun,
First of all i have to say that i also get the tight chest and left arm feelings and have on numerous occasions been to a & e and hooked up to all sorts of heart machines to be told there isntanything wrong - i get a tingling sometimes a numb feeling and a ache downthe outside of the uper part of my arm sometime the lower - i would say as long as ur doc has checked uover to make sure nothings wrong ( which im sure there isnt but i have to tell you to be checked just incase) - the other thing it may be is chronic fatigue syndrome as theyhave kinda said they think i have that to - the thing is with anxiety and illness's of our nature i dont think they can really pin point wat is it because there is no test for it. try and take it easy do some relaxation how long have u been feeling this way ?

14-04-09, 09:02
Hi Matt,

It sounds like you could use some relaxation time at the end of your workouts when you are worn out. It's a good time to sneak it in and your muscles & mind are more at ease so it's easier. I do my deep breathing relaxation exercises while I stretch, so I do lots of different stretches with my eyes closed for most of it & block out surroundings & thoughts. I don't count, I just stretch for around a minute each side until it feels loose enough. Then sometimes if I'm still anxious I sit or lie quietly for another 10 minutes at the gym & either blank out my mind, or visualize pleasant things. You should be able to feel your belly go up & down if you place your hands on it when you are deep breathing.

Well that works for me, but maybe you just need a sauna or something. Whatever works, so long as you give yourself a break from doing stuff.

Be happy :)


14-04-09, 09:06

Thanks for your response.

It all started in November 08 with chest pains, light headedness and arm pains. I think it is just lately that I have felt tired and worn down. Wierd how I have relaxed a lot ove the last 4 days and still feel like I need to sleep though!

I went to hypnotherepy 3 weeks ago and the following 2 weeks after that I felt great, like everything had got better. Then 1 week ago I started to get symptoms again. I am due to go back to hypnotherapy this Wednesday. (not sure if I'm actually hypnotised though???)

When will this go away?

I'm also getting married this year in August where I have had to find most of the £30,000 myslelf through working harder. So there has been an element of stress added to the situation. Am just keen to get to the wedding now!!!
