View Full Version : your prob fed up of me asking but please help

14-04-09, 08:22
hi all

i am in such a mess and really need peoples honest opinions on what they would do in the same situation:

started with blood on tissue last nov, felt sharp going to loo, blood only eva on tissue and light pink/red
3 wks after got cream stopped it for 3 wks after coming off cream blood back still a sharpness
got another cream stopped for month blood back after coming off cream again
went back to docs examined again and again judt fissures gave blood test all normal, blood became everyday still on tissue and bright
finally referred and given gtn cream had rigid sigscope last week confirmed fissures and saw nothing else said will do no further investigation :(

the gtn cream has helped not such sharpness and until yesterday bleeding completely stopped,had v small spot yest but nothing today.

in the past 5 months or so i have had a few episodes if stomach cramps doctors are not concerned i also sometimes have a groin cramp straight after bm lasts for a minute or so.i have also lost 4 pounds in weight.

my family say i need to accept consultants decision a d think i should go and get antidepressents.

what would you do i am convinced i have some kind if bowel cancer and they wont give me a camera so will not spot it in for acure help!

14-04-09, 08:27
They hae seen fssures and the bleeding has respondd to cream. Fissures cause sharp pain. The medics have looked and seen. KNOW hard t is to believe the doctors. I really do. I always want just one more test but it is a vicious circle. One more will not be enough. Please believe them. Read your post back and see the logic in their diagnosis. Thinking of you. Take care

14-04-09, 11:54
I had a rigid sigmoidoscopy and they immediately told me I need a flexible one and I didn't even know there was a problem.

They would not send you on your way if they thought there was a problem like I had.

Stop worrying and move on from it please.

14-04-09, 20:20
thanks for your responses i am going to see the doc tomorrow and get something for my anxiety hopefully once i can sort this other things should fall into place x

14-04-09, 20:24
You really need to get CBT for the HA and not meds. Ask to be put on the list for that.

15-04-09, 11:05
well went to the doctor who was nxt to useless!just didnt really have anything useful to say wanted to try me on meds before cbt so i have a prescription just not sure whether i want to start taking them or not!

can i just ask does anyone else find putting on weight when they are anxious despite making an effort to eat loads???

i noticed a few weeks ago that ihave lost 4 pounds since xmas since then have made a really effort to eat alot yet not gained an ounce!! :/