View Full Version : a quick non panicky hug needed - headed to A +E

14-04-09, 12:18
my husband had a hernia repair on 2nd april and to cut a long story short it is infected and finally managing to see a doctor today we have been told that the tissue of his tummy (he had an umbilical hernia) is "necratizing". the secratary made an appointment for us tomorrow but he is so ill sleepy and headachy i am not happy wiaitng until tomorrow to see the consultant i am taking him to A and E. I dont know if this is the right thing to do because im not even sure what all of this means but i just know im not happy to leave him until late tomorrow afternoon then go 30 miles on a bus to the appointment.

im just waiting for my dad to get here for the kids then im taking him in.

please let me know am i doing the right thing im trying so hard not to panic but its really hard


14-04-09, 13:34
sophie hun you are doing the right thing i would do the same and will also put your mind at rest, let me know how you get on xxxx

14-04-09, 13:45
Hey Sophie,
If you ask me I think you're definitely doing the right thing - that's what doctors are for! I think you're being really responsible and caring for dealing with it so well. I hope he's okay... keep us posted.
LW xx

14-04-09, 15:54
Your doing the right thing hun i hope it goes well for you.
Let us know how he is.

14-04-09, 20:17
Hello Sophie :)
I hope everything gets sorted out for your husband and that he is soon feeling much better.
Let us know how he gets on. I think you did the right thing in getting to A&E rather than waiting.