View Full Version : fed up

14-04-09, 12:33
I've been to the doctors today because I'm so worried about my smear test results. She's put me back on citalopram and referred me for CBT and all the time she was talking to me I was just thinking but what if my smear comes back abnormal and I was right to worry:(

Its only been 2 weeks since I had the smear and I know the results are going to take a long time to come back. I honestly feel like I'm going mad with worry. I keep reading about HPV and I'm so scared because I've had genital warts when I was 17.

sorry to ramble with no real point


14-04-09, 12:56
Aww petal,I hear you TOTALLY!!

What age are you if I can ask? Have you had a smear before?

I'm 22 and only had my first one.. and just after having a pelvic infection..

So I am freaking out too. And I was told it would take about a month and that's been about a month and no letter!

I think about that HPV too..So worried that I have that and don't know but I'm trying hard to get on with it.

I think the results are taking longer because of what they were calling the "Jade Goody Effect" but I think if something was really wrong they would get the results out pronto..that's what I'm holding onto anyways seeing as it's been about 5weeks!

And I think if something WAS wrong..it takes YEARS to develop so hopefully it gets caught. Jade Goody I think,ignored letters saying she had pre-cancerous cells and things,God Love her and I'm sure I read somewhere that she "thought the cells would just go away on their own" But don't quote me on that. But I'm sure.

Well,I'm worrying about my results too so we can worry together..OR

We can try and tell ourselves that if they found something seriously wrong they would get in touch really quick.

And you're not rambling love.

Now ME on the other hand ;)

I hope you feel better soon

Amy xxxxxxx

14-04-09, 15:17
Thanks for replying Amy,

I'm 31 and have had 2 smears previously which were both ok . I am a year late having this current one. The strange thing is I never worried about those earlier smears. Then again I didn't google stuff back then like I do now !

Its awful waiting isn't it. I think my anxiety's sky high because I asked the nurse if I was at higher risk because of the horrible warts I caught when I was younger and she said I was! So of course now I'm imagining horrible things are going on in my cervix. I've got 2 gorgeous little girls here who are wondering whats wrong with their mum. Usually I can hide it quite well from them :(
I hope you get your results soon, and I'm sure they'll be ok xx:hugs:

14-04-09, 17:52
heya, i cant be much help as i am still battling my doc to send me for my first smear i am 21 just had a baby however, my anxiety has led me to think i had cervical cancer cos i to had genital warts 3 years ago. My doc told me the strain of HPV that causes visable warts does not cause cervical cancer. I found this too on the bbc website. The nurse was wrong to tell you you are high risk cos your not hun :) plus cervical cancer takes many many years to change from bad cells to cancer, seeing as your last smear was ok your 100% ok xx

'' Genital warts are the most common sexually transmitted infection. They are caused by a virus known as the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are more than 100 different types of HPV, some causing visible and invisible warts on the hands, feet or genital areas. This information is only about genital warts.
A few types of wart virus are linked to changes in the cells in the cervix, which could lead to cervical cancer many years later. Women should have regular cervical screening tests whether or not they have genital warts. Visible genital warts are not linked to cervical cancer and women who have had them do not need cervical screening tests more often than other women''

14-04-09, 23:27
What are invisible warts?

Here I go again :'(

15-04-09, 10:09
hey girlys, i was 3 years late having my smear test! i had my first one at 20 (this is before the age limit changed), i was recalled at 23, but didnt go....! i am 26 now, and went for my smear in jan, i have health anxiety since october....so i no how u r all feeling! my results came back in 4 weeks and 2 days!! i was waiting for the posty coming everyday, it actually did my head in! they were fine, but the waiting for them was horrendous, so hold on girlys and im sure everything will be fine hunnys xxx:hugs:

15-04-09, 10:48
Hey can I join in LOL

I had my smear 5 weeks ago yesterday and I am still waiting too (can't tell I am counting down the days LOL)

I only had my first one 2 years ago - naughty me - as i was 28 but I was too scared b4.

I really want mine to hurry up cos I want to try for a baby and if they don't arrive soon I will have to another cycle to try as I have just started my period today, so they need to come back soon!!

15-04-09, 11:26
I've just nearly fallen down stairs running for the post, and it was just junk mail!! :blush:

I'm trying not to google hpv today cos I know it doesn't do any good.
Tash I have read something like that and it did make me feel better, but I still can't get the horrible thoughts out of my head. Its so stupid that you can't have a smear. Could you go private?

Sahara I really hope your results come soon so you can try for your baby. I had my last one so I could try for my little girl, so I know how your feeling.

Amy I'm not sure about the invisible warts either! I'm not looking anything up though I'm in a bad enough state as it is :wacko:


15-04-09, 11:40
Hey panic2much,

Why don't you go to the GU clinic and get yourself checked out? That way you will know if you have a problem 'down there' with any type of warts, and they will sort you out. Maybe that will put your mind at rest?

Take care guys,

Danny xxx

15-04-09, 12:24
You can be tested for HPV as well now - if you want to be. They will do this privately.

I may consider it.

My Dr said 6 weeks for my smear to come back. Oh boy I know I am gonna end up waiting until may to try for my baby. boo hoo

15-04-09, 16:22
Oh I might get tested for the HPV thing actually. Is there anywhere you can get it done?