View Full Version : anxiety/want to feel like myself again

14-04-09, 13:03
i suffer with anxiety and health anxiety i am sick of feeling like this i don't feel like myself anymore my list of symptoms is as long as my arm and my health anxietys list is aslong.i had a miscarriage about 9 weeks ago and i just can't get back to normal it has really knocked me back i was in hospital a few days and paniced the whole time i just want to feel right again xxx

14-04-09, 13:51
Big hugs to you gorgeous xxxx

It CAN be a long and hard road back to 'normality' again, but just try to take little steps to get there.

I found myself so very close - with the help of AD's and hynotherapy but feel like I am sliding back a little again.

I hope it is a case of 2 steps forward, 1 backwards.

Just gather all the support you can and hold it close to you, then prepare to fight the battle of your life.

Thinking of you,