View Full Version : Coming off Citalopram

14-04-09, 15:08
Hello all :)
I've been on citalopram for about two years now for depression and social anxiety. I've decided to come off them because i'm getting more and more paranoid about possible long-term affects. I'm waiting until I finish my masters to do so, though there always seems to be another 'step' i'm waiting for to come off. Also i've been with my boyfriend now for two years and i've been on citalopram the whole time, I'm really worried that this may affect our relationship. I'm determined to be drug free, and i'm hoping to find a more permanent solution to my problems. Just looking for some reassurance I suppose! :)


14-04-09, 15:23
Hi, congratulations for reaching the point where you are ready to go medicine-free :D

I'm sure things will work out well for you. Good luck in your exams and have fun in your new life without citalopram :)

14-04-09, 20:13
Hi :)
I too am coming off citalopram as of today, gradually, as advised by my gp as it does not suit me.
I posted a thread earlier asking how people are affected by the withdrawal of this medication.
I have only been on my meds a very short time and I can understand you being worried about coming off them after being on them for a couple of years. I think you are right in not coming off them until after your Masters course. My son is about so start studying for his in the autumn.
I think you will know when it feels right for you to come off them - there is no rush is there? Maybe you will come off them and you will have no withdrawal effects if you very gradually come off them with your gps supervision.
I hope things go well for you.
Let us know how you get on.

15-04-09, 14:52
thanks :) I think I will probably leave it for a while. What worried me was something my friend said to me (who doesn't know i'm on anti-depressants), about people not being themselces when they are on them. Though I don't really believe this because I think it can help you to be yourself, I still can't help but worry whether I will still be the 'person' that my boyfriend wants to be with. Sorry this sounds like quite a superficial worry in perspective of everything. Just wondered what people thought. :wacko: