View Full Version : Did you suffer with withdrawal effects from Citalopram?

14-04-09, 15:15
Hi :)
My gp has advised me to stop taking Citalopram. I am on a low dose and have only been taking them for a few weeks.
Has anyone experienced withdrawal effects and if so what were they like?
Maybe I wont experience any side effect but I like to have to have something to whinge about! :winks:

14-04-09, 17:54
Hopefully you'll be fine as you've only been on them a month :)

14-04-09, 18:30
Did you have side effects when you went on them?

If so then yes you probably will

14-04-09, 19:25
Thats something to look forward to then! :wacko:

27-04-09, 11:38
Surely it will help if you cut tiny but increasing amounts from the tablet each day over a period of a month? So you'd come down from 20mg (for example) to 19.5mg, then 19mg, then 18.5mg and so on, with your body adapting to the fractionally reduced dose every day?

27-04-09, 12:07
I had no withdrawal effects whatsoever - but my side effects at the start were dreadful! The only effect I had coming off them was that my emotions came back - I went from 30mg to 20mg for 1 month and then 10mg for one month and then 0. No effects at all.

28-04-09, 11:18
I reduced gradually last time, 20 mg to 10 mg to 5 mg and only had a few minor "head zaps" - nothing else.

Thunderbird 4
28-04-09, 12:39
Came of them gradually, even only taking 10mg. Started by taking one every other day...then cutting in half to 5mg and eventually stopped. This was over a period of about 3 - 4 weeks.

Only major symptom was the head zaps and the feeling of walking backwards.

Coming off....is nothing compared to the side effects of starting them.

Take care, and take your time coming off, do it gradually.

28-04-09, 19:39
I think it is different for everyone, and also on how long you have been taking the drug. I personally had no bad side effects when I started, but nearly went loop the loop when I came off them! As you have only been on them for a short while, I don't think it should be too bad. However as I said, everyone is different. You may get some side effects but hopefully they wont last long. Take your time and do it gradually :)

28-04-09, 21:26
Don't worry Popperoonie, when the day comes for you to get off the ciotalopram bandwagon, we'll be here for you :happy:

We'll probably be doing it at the same time so we can complain to one another :D

28-04-09, 23:12
When I was on them last time I worried myself sick about coming off them and how I might feel. I had researched citalopram on google which is a BIG MISTAKE for anyone who is already terribly anxious and depressed. Ignorance is bliss. But when I came off them I was truly amazed that I had nothing to report in the way of withdrawal symptoms. It was great and Im not afraid to come off them again. Just hated starting them, nasty side effects!

06-05-09, 16:14
I have been on Citalopram for 4 months. I have tapered down the dose from 20mg to 10mg to 5mg daily then to 5mg every other day until last thursday when I forgot to take it and thought thats it.

I felt absolutely fine for a few days and about 24hrs ago I started getting some weird symptoms - just feeling slightly p****d and some very occassional, slightly negative thoughts, all of which comes and goes. I am guessing this is withdrawl of some kind...in comparison to the last time when I stopped dead and had a horrendous time, this is managable.

There is always the fear of going backwards, who wants that again, right?

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06-05-09, 16:55
I've read that it is often beneficial to taper off your medication a lot more slowly than the doctors recommend. Remember they have probably never taken this stuff and won't be able to imagine how it makes a person feel.

07-05-09, 23:52
Noooo - I am not ever coming off them, not now that I have come this far and through all the side effects. I know for a fact that I will slip back into how I was if I come off them and then I would have to go back on them and go through the side effects again. I cant understand how some people can take meds, get better, come off them and then stay fine - surely the medication cant alter brain chemistry for life after taking them for a few months?
Most of my family in USA, are on medication and have been on it for absolutely years. I just feel like how I am with anxiety is how my personality is. I need medication and have no guilt about taking it even if it is for the rest of my life. I like how I am now and never want to go back to how I used to be. :lac::scared15:
I explained all this to my gp after he wanted me to come off them. I gave an oscar winning performance in front of him about how my life has been dramatically transformed. I conveniently forgot to mention the headaches, the stomach cramps, the strange dreams and the memory loss! :wacko:

08-05-09, 09:53
hi everyone, i am now on 15mg and had the odd few good afternoons but still get the spaciness, but feel better than when i was on the higher dose. What dose do you take Poppy????

08-05-09, 12:56
Hi Lucy!
Thanks for the reply. How are you today? I am taking 20mg now. What dose are you taking?
Did you find your side effects increased when you raised your dose?
I feel spacey and 'drugged' most of the time at the moment. My eyes look really big too.:scared15:
I am having much better days but sometimes like today for example I will wake in a really down mood - and I dont suffer usually with depression. Maybe its my head trying to sort itself out? :wacko:
My partner is really annoying me - he can be so selfish - sometimes I wonder if its the relationship thats making me anxious rather than anything else! :mad: