View Full Version : Jobs for panic people ?

14-08-05, 18:15

I have a job doing home care in the community 2 mornings a week,
I am finding it very difficult as leaving my house is a struggle most days due to my panic/anxiety .
I would like to earn more money and could take on more jobs if I wanted yet do not want to commit myself too much because I am hardly coping as it is.

I feel I would love to work from home as I make jewellery ( been going to class many years now with a friend) but do not know who to sell
to as i couldnt see myself going into shops trying to sell, id panic just at the door!
I wonder how many people work from home who have panic problems ?
and Is it common ?
Can anyone please advise me on job IDEAS working from home ?
Or any help will be much appreciated.



14-08-05, 18:30
Hiya Mirry,
Just wanted to say that im thinking the same and that i wish you all the best.

14-08-05, 19:28
Hi Mirry

I feel the same and Im currently setting up a handmade wedding stationary business with my friend, In a year I hope to be working from home!....Could you send samples in the post to potential buyers?....look on google at Jewllery businesses and send them samples.....could you sell on e bay?. Good Luck!!. XKX

14-08-05, 22:22
You could sell your jewelry over the internet :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

14-08-05, 23:52
Ive been wanting to start working from home also. my mom used to sell things from home called SMC so im may start doing that. im also looking to sell things on e-bay, but you need paypal or a credit card to sell things so i cant do that just yet.

I wish you the best at finding a job that you can do and like. :D


15-08-05, 04:27
a check card or debit card will work too - just for fyi

15-08-05, 11:21
Hi Mirry

I've got the same probs hun!

Will watch this thread with interest.

Love Piglet[8D]

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

15-08-05, 14:38
I have looked into selling my jewellery on ebay and realised theres lots of competition on there and jewellery doesnt fetch much money :(

I Wish I could drive again like i used to and attend weekend craft fairs but i find it all too much. Its so annoying as If i was panic free
I would love to teach jewellery making as there are no classes in my area for people.


15-08-05, 15:14
Mirry - do you have any adult education classes near you that you could ask do they want a jewellery teacher.

I'm a little like you, my strengths lie in my creative abilites and all my mates love the stuff I make but selling it to earn a living is quite a different matter isnt it.

Love Pigx

If you felt brave enough do you think you could do some flyers and leave them in the library say advertising jewellery classes and maybe hold them at your home??????

15-08-05, 15:25
This is an interesting topic. Speaking from just my personal experience i'm not sure that it's a good idea if people that suffer with panic/anxiety should retreat into working from home. The thing is you just get more and more house bound i know as that was me 6 years ago. I had a lovely admin job but it was a 20 min bus ride away and when the panic was at it's worse i could not get on the bus. So i ended up leaving that job i never told anyone it was because i was suffering with anxiety as i was ashamed off myself. So i ended up doing nothing hardly leaving the house and getting more and more isolated. I did get a job cleaning a friend of a friends house, i did that for 4 years it was only supposed to be till i got better. I never saw anyone from one day to the next never talked to anyone. Eventually you just lose your confidence in yourself.

Since then i have slowly got better and i got myself a part-time admin job which was only for 6 months i told myself if i could not do it, at least it's not far from home and only for 6 months it turned into me being there for 16 months and i loved it. Don't get me wrong there were days the panic was dreadful but i stuck it out and i think thats why its better to work outside off the house if you can otherwise you just give into it and become lonely at home. I now work in a school cleaning and also in the kitchens. I still have panic and there are days it's bad but i feel better for knowing i'm out there and just talking to people is great.

So if at all possible please try and stick it out it really does get better.

take care

15-08-05, 15:37
Pauline that's a really good point!!

I think to have the best of both worlds would be to a home job that also involved people on an everyday basis say like a hairdresser working from home!!

I think because I've been a stay at home mum for so many years thats exacerbated (you know I need a spell check on here for me) that feeling of feeling secure at home and possibly inferior in the workplace.

Love Piglet

15-08-05, 15:53
Hi Piglet

Perhaps you could work at your local school? Before i got admin job i had applied for it but heard nothing ( i got called for an interview the very day i started the cleaning job) so a friend said why don't you see if you could do cleaning in a school she worked in a school so gave me the number to ring, the next day i was told there was a job going at the school which is just a 3 min walk away and it was only for 12 hour's a week so i told myself ok and i did not have to go for an interview either just told you have the job. I have now been there 2 years and i have been the supervisor for 1 year. I still panic i still have dreadful days but i do it and that is an achievement in it's self. I think we anxiety people need to be able to pat ourselves on the back as we tend to just feel so negative about ourselves all the time.

You can do it.

15-08-05, 16:05
Hi Pauline

Its funny you should say that, as I did work in school for 4 years while the kids were growing up (got offered both positions from being a helping mum so didnt need an interview). I stuggled on through the last year as thats when my anxiety started but then decided to pursue other stuff I had wanted to do (creatively).

During the years I've been a stay at home mum I've nearly always had some little part-time endeavour but always felt I was somehow supposed to be working full time which has made feel inadequate.

That actually sounds really stupid written down - after all looking after 3 kids on my own is a job in itself (think they are called nannies lol)!

Love Piglet:D

15-08-05, 16:32
Hi hun don't know if that would I was doing a Job Search for my man and saw this and thought of you, it might be suited to you or not as the case may be, but just to let you know that the JobCenterPlus.gov.uk do jobs from home with flexable hours. Alot of them however reccomend that you have your own transport.

here is the link


Hope this helps you

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

15-08-05, 16:52
No Piglet I know what you mean about not working full time. I also have brought up 3 children on my own what with having anxiety and panic attacks it's been a challenge. I had a few years without panic i think that was when i met my ex he was the love of my life. I was too in love to let panic win so i went to college to do an office course and was then given a job by the same college. I even went abroad with some friends. But the anxiety which i think was only hiding at that time came back. Anyway back to why i was replying to you and that is even though i am now working 32 hours i still stuggle paying all the bills and my children are always getting at me to work full-time. They just do not understand anxiety and though i am applying for jobs i am restricted as i do not want to be travelling to far, i have applied for about 15 jobs in a few months but have heard nothing back from any off them.

Take care

15-08-05, 18:48
I have been searching online for "working from home" and believe there are alot of scams out there!
Why do they ask us to fill out forms before telling us the details ?
It should be the other way round, they tell us all the details before we give away our personal information.
As for teaching people jewellery making , i just know i couldnt cope as it would make me sooooo ill.
I suppose teaching fellow panic people would be ok ( just knowing people understand would help) lol.

I have been reading up on teleworkers and think this is an interesting job from home, i dont really know much about it yet except it pays ok.
Does anyone know about this line of work ?


15-08-05, 19:24
Hi I have worked from home for 8 years now, although i had no work for a few months this year and have just started to work again i make equestrian wear, protective jackets for horse riders, there are a lot of pro's and cons for working from home,
On the good side i can choose my own hours, i can work around my children, i dont have to leave the house and scrape my car in the winter, i am my own boss, i dont have to put up with any nasty work colleagues, no one talks about me behind my back, i can go for a lie down if i want to through the day lol,,,,,

but on the down side,
you never leave your work place, you cant call in sick and go home, when you not working you feel guilty sitting cos you think you should be working, it is very lonely, you need to be very disciplined, some days its so hard to get motivated, no adult company no one to laugh with.
you can sit all day feeling sorry for yourself as no one will notice...

i work from home because i have no child care if i went out to work, but i think over the years, for my sanity it would be much better to go out to work, i do miss other peoples company and hate the fact i never leave my work place

so there you go a mixed opinion lol

kairen x

15-08-05, 21:47
You make the jewellery and i will try and sell it for you honey. My company is www.amisolutions.co.uk. I will be happy to do so much for free to help you out and get you off the ground. Don't know if i'm allowed to put my personal website on here, but if i am, then what i do is outsourced telemarketing, i charge my business clients, but i don't work with the public, if you wanted me to help you i would try my best though. Give's me something to occupy my mind too, and i feel better when i'm helping someone. Take care honey,

Love Janey xx

"There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid." "Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it." Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. "Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." "Courage is doing what you are afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you are scared." "Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death" "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."

16-08-05, 08:34
I have enjoyed reading everyones threads on here,keeps my mind busy!

Thanks Jammie for the job link, I will take a peep at that today.
Pauline I think your point about staying at home is true, the more u stay at home the more you want to.Id keep my 2 mornings a week job to keep me going out (got phone call last night asking me to do extra work today.....worried all night).
Piglet, what crafts do you do ? I am always interested to hear from fellow crafts people,I like the sound of the post on making wedding stationary (what a good idea) I do card making but have zero confidence in it unlike my jewellery.
AMBIENCE, are you serious about trying to sell my jewellery? When i read your post last night i started to panic (dont know why) I was thinking OMG what will i do for packaging,presentation ect .
I will try to see how to private message you on here ,havent found it yet but if I cant find it can you please contact me and I will provide you with my email address, thank you!


16-08-05, 10:55
Hi Mirry

To send a PM to someone you just click on the PM sign on their post or name and hey presto or you can look up the member alphabetically and look for the PM sign again.

I make bags, curtains and have also made funky types of clocks and I sold loads of glass painting when that was the in thing 7/8 years ago. I do paint but just for my own home. The trouble is its hard to earn anything much as the bags really need to retail in £25 range at least. I get some of my fabrics from America. My girls love them and so do all their friends.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

16-08-05, 12:41
brace yourselves its gona be a long one...

i know exactly how you all feel.. iv had trouble working due to panic, and want to work from home for income.. currently me and my boyfriend are looking into setting up a website selling gluten free/wheat free food as im a coeliac. He designs webpages and stuff so not much out lay.. so hoping that pulls off. but as pauline says u cant shut urself off. im going to college 3 days a week in sept, which i dont no how im gonna cope as its been a couple of yrs since i went, but im gonna give it a go!! im doing a Higher Education Course in English Biology and Psychology. You dont need any qualifications to do it either as my panic attacks ruined my gcses. If your on income support or anybenefit you can do it for free.
My theory is you might aswell make the most of education if you can get it for nothing, and use it as time to get back into the world and be with people insted of hiding.
Or if college isnt what you want to do, do some voluntary work to keep you socialised and work from home. Lots of playgroups,schools,offices,charity shops looking for free help even if its 2 afternoons a week!

What i originally wanted to add to this thread though was the telework/telesales.. absolute nightmare! me and my mum have done it.. its so hard. got me quite stressed. i was selling health insurance and had to ring people out of the phone book and just real off the script. i had 1 person half interested after id rang about 60 people... and alot of them are really rude and say no thanks and hang up. Not good for your confidence and it made me really nervous to ring the next person! So i wouldnt recommend it if you have to ring random people but if its selling to people that you know will want your product, could be better?? i dont know!

Best of luck to every1 working from home/going to college/volunteering, and getting yourself out there and being happy!

N xxx

16-08-05, 17:20

I like what you are considering doing with the Gluten free idea, will you be making or baking your own products ?

My son is 11 years old and eats a very restricted diet due to his many allergys, he is Anaphylactic to many foods (anaphylaxis is a acute life threatening reaction). The foods he has to avoid are NUTS,FISH,EGGS,MILK AND BEANS.
Over the years I have created many techniques to develope great tasting recipes for my son, cakes with no eggs, pancakes without eggs, stuffings ect, milk free easter eggs.....i could go on and on!
The good thing about my recipes is they are cheap to create without having to buy expensive egg replacers.
A dream i used to have is to write a book about living with an allergic child with recipes included, but i dont feel im that clever !
My father in law is a technical author but he is Way too busy to help me (shame).
Let us know how you do with your Business Idea and good luck! :D


11-01-06, 11:48
hi i dont know if this would be of any help at all to you, as you can work your own hours and it would help to gradually get you out the house, im ready to give this one a go, let me know what you think.....

www.my.oriflame.co.uk/workfromhome or www.oriflameinfo.biz

you can always have a browse at this

take care
lucy x

11-01-06, 12:13
You could try selling your Jewellery (spelling?!) on Ebay??

thankfully I find that my job keeps me sane and keeps my mind off the panic. I just wish I didnt have so many problems driving home!

Thinking of you..xxxx

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

07-03-06, 11:09
Hi Mirry,

I currently work from home and run my own business into the bargain again this is home based but one day I want to get an office and work from there. I think in the short term of our illnesses it is an ideal situation but not really good if we are to make a full recovery. I do telesales and also manage an Occupational Health company with my friend Roy.

There is, lots of jobs out there for charities doing telephone collections over the phone etc you just need to have a good search around for them. I think you need to find a job working from home that will build up your confidence. Sales jobs are very stressful and I think my long term plan is to move out of this industry as a result. You could look up www.freelancers.net and see if there is any jobs on there don’t if they will match your skills.

I really hope you find something that provides you with comfort you need and the correct challenge top help you make a full recovery.


07-03-06, 19:19
well...you could be a writer.
Actually that is my dream. I just recently finished my first book and am in the process of my second one. I have already sent it out to a number of publishers. I love to write, and that is what I really want to do.
For me writing is one of my passions....maybe if you have a passion for writing, you could try that!:D

07-03-06, 19:48
May i suggest starting trading on Ebay ?, many people dont even have a stock they just act as middlemen; i buy bits and bobs and have done quite well, good sources are car boots, charity shops or even the local papers.
Glad to offer any advice if you want it,

07-03-06, 20:34

I work in a charity shop, and although we get lots of stuff valued before pricing it up, there are bargains to be had.

It of course doesn't pay me any money working there, but it gets me out of the house with a sense of purpose.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

08-03-06, 00:07
have you thought of wedding jewellery!One off bespoke pieces?you could advertise in a wedding guide[by phone] and then only deal on a one to one basis,just a thought!Whgat is it with us mom's hey.I too have reared 3 children,they love my rearing so much two of them still live here!!And yet i feel inadaquate too???i have done allsorts thru the years of illness,went to college ,university,became a communicator 4 the deaf,travelled on buses,and trains to work.Then over the last few years,illness[cancer,ok so far]has worn me down so BANG the panic simply took over my life.It's not always easy to 'keep on truckin' is it????I too love the creative arts and have written poetry and lyrics since i was 12. i also used to sing those lyrics to an audience but that was before the childre.I think they think i'm an old hippie or some such and fingd it rather patronising at times,but hey i'm just mom to them!Gosh this has opened a flood gate sorry!Just identify with you all sooo much.Love Mary-Rosexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

08-03-06, 17:19
if starting work seems all too much responsibilty then maybe start with some volunteering instead

Huge Massive Fear of Workplace - suggestions plz (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7057)
Volunteering ... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3767)
Volunteer Work! Update (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6479)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

26-06-06, 17:26

I would love to return back into the workplace someday - but for me working from home would make me feel more isolated.

I do voluntary work, one night a month at the moment, its at a relate ccouple counselling office and I do reception. Not only has it given me the chance to get back into a working environment but I am with company and the 3 hrs fly by.

Its a very small committment but it is a starting point.


........life is for living not just for surviving