View Full Version : Worried/Stressed!

14-04-09, 16:42
Hi Everyone

I am so glad I have found this site as I feel like im going mental and being totally stupid!

I had my first anxiety attack in Oct and have just had my second. Why do I feel like this all the time? I cant eat and I am constantly worried about me or my family dying!!! For weeks I can be fine and then i see something on the telly or i have a headache and worry i am going develop that illness or die. It all seems to have started when i lost my grandad in July and someone else i know died.

I talk to my mum about it as she had the same thing when she was my age (24) and she helps me and calms me down loads but sometimes i think she tells me things she thinks i want to hear and not the truth!

Its totally taking over my life, like i said somedays i feel great and fine then as soon as i get some sort of pain/feeling ive never had before i start to think this is it. I want to go to the doctor for reassurance but i am always to scared!!!

Does anyone else feel like this?


14-04-09, 17:02

Absolutely agree always feel like this. I always have the feeling that something is wrong or something major is going to happen and I think its health issues that I focus on. I have always had a tendancy to think extremely and always think the worst possible can and will happen. Not sure when it started but got worse and worse with age.

Its a horrible obsessional thing that sticks your mind so easily.

But im quite sure that the anxiety exists independantly and for some reason i choose to fixate on health issues.

Mayve the same for everyone withhealth anxiety. Im sure its called GAD
