View Full Version : return of panic disorder

14-04-09, 17:13
Hi everyone, my name is Mark, I have been panic free for about 3 years until the last 4 months when it has returned in all its upsetting, terrifying glory. Having suffered previously for 10 years and having been VERY well for 3 its quite tough to take. I really feel a strong need to speak with other sufferers and the internet, this is a lot easier for me than speaking to friends, as sharing my 'weakness' (this is how I have always seen the inability to function as well as others) with people close to me is not easy.

I hope to make a friend or 2, remind myself of what I did everyday previously that helped me get well, and enjoy the company of others who are finding it tough too.

Hello to all of you;-).


14-04-09, 22:38
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

15-04-09, 10:07
Hi Sunshine

Thanks you for your reply, I am sure I will enjoy chatting to the folks on here. This disorder has made me adjust my life and I would like to get back to more normal living, how long have you been affected by it??



15-04-09, 13:40
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice on here, and the chatroom is very good as well, take care xx

15-04-09, 14:13
Hi Mark, how I sympathise; I have been panic free for 9 years and it is back in all its full blown horror, however, I have gained a lot of comfort from this website in knowing I am not alone.

15-04-09, 14:55
Hi folks

Thanks for your replies, this time last year I was soooooooooo on top of the world living this 'new', panic free life that this episode blasted through me. In fact, maybe there is a lesson in my story and that is that I felt so good I opened a brand new business (second one) and the stress then took its toll.....................for me, the constant interuptions and need for my attention began to overwhelm me to a dread of being at work.......maybe I should 'know' myself and not just motor on through to a breaking point.

Does anyone feel the same? Do you feel that you just go on and on despite the buildup of tension until you just cant do it anymore?

I look forward to your words.


15-04-09, 21:07
hi mark, nice to meet you. Im a fellow sufferer. Im finding that the only thing that is helping me is overcoming the fear of dying so when Im in the grip of an attack I know that death is not going to be a scary thing. I know that sounds mad but it seems to help. Ive also become a christian and calling on the name of jesus in a panic attack is amazingly comforting xx

16-04-09, 04:20
Hi Mark,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


16-04-09, 10:17
Hi again

From a personal level I find that he absence of internal support (supportive inner voice) is a big factor in keeping panic alive and I see why so many people turn to prayer.

I would imagine to a person, the regulars all know what panic is and IS NOT now, there is so much information, good information that justifies the fact that our worst fears are not about to happen...................but how to be rational within panic???? The ones that find out how!!!!!!!....... I feel do well ,and those that dont, dont do so well.

Acceptance is contrary to our instincts to withdraw, run and hide.

I have needed to adjust my life to accomodate this condition, right now I dont feel so upset about that, I suppose I am quite lucky that I do still have current memories of getting well and being well, so dont feel so very urgent, maybe I will be singing a different song in a month or 2 and I will be sure to bend everyones ear about the ups and downs if thats ok.

Best wishes to everyone.


16-04-09, 10:52
Hi amd welcome

16-04-09, 11:11
Hi Mark,

I'm am new here also. like you I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety. It is the most terrifying thing I have experienced. I fully understand what you are going through. I'm hoping by speaking to others it will help me through this sh*ty time.


16-04-09, 11:55
Hello Stevie

Thanks you for replying, sorry to hear you are not doing as well as you would like, I would say that fits the profile of a lot of people on here, no prob to chat at all, I am kind of watching how my disorder develops, I think I am still on the slppery slope downwards rather than on the way up........how long have you been troubled by this.....? Maybe you would like to message me if you prefer.

To everyone else thanks for your replies...........my day is being rather more positive than of late, I hope you can all say the same, I would like to hear.

