View Full Version : panic attack

14-04-09, 17:34

Just wondered if anyone out there has a problem with being out of contact with family? It started off as having a panic attack and now i worry that i might have a panic attack and not be able to get in contact with a member of my family to help me. Even though when I'm having a panic attack i prefer to be on my own as long as there's someone in the house with me.

Any explanation on this would be greatly appreciated, thankyou.

14-04-09, 18:27
Someone please reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14-04-09, 20:20
Sorry to hear of your problem! I do feel empathy for you, but I cannot say I have ever had this problem. I have never been totally away from all my family.

14-04-09, 21:23
Hi Cat,

I think I'm just like you. When I'm panicking and alone I just want my partner here or a family member, but when he is here I want to be alone in the room. I guess it's nice to know someone is there if you need them, but it's difficult to be calm if they're there to distract you. I also don't like anyone seeing me panic as I feel embarassed. So I guess I can't really explain it, but you're not alone.

14-04-09, 21:28
Well can empathize slightly. Dont have a massive amount of contact with my family & those that i do live in another country lol

Just the fear of being alone & no one being around to help you isnt it id imagine? What is it that worries you about the idea that no one would be around to help you if you're used to dealing with them on you're own ? You're probably harbouring a negative thought or idea in your head which is the cause of it all.

14-04-09, 21:41
Thanks for your replies.

I think its my way of trying to control my panic attacks. Ive got to know where they are and be able to contact them if necessary. Its stupid i know and not rational but i think its just the feeling of support that it gives me. the idea that they're there if i need them.

14-04-09, 22:34
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx