View Full Version : peptic ulcers etc

14-04-09, 17:41
hi everyone
ive been suffering with pain straight through from my chest in between my breasts into my bk between shoulder blades for about 5 days now previous to that i had swallowing problerms im october last year , i went to doctor on sunday at primary care and they said it wasnt anythk serious but just from too much acid and told me to carry on taking the omprezole that i have but now im thinking i have an ulcer or sumit not b cos my crazy mind has told me so just as my uncle has had one and his sypmtpms seem very similar to what iam experiencing and its worrying me a little cnt wait to ask the doctor tmoro about this,i knw an ulcer can b healed and now im on tabs itll will ease it buti googled it and it isnt nice, but im in abit of pain and will b glad to get the tests done instead of bein fobbed off, anxiety is bad enough to ave to suffer at any age but im 24 and cnt belive my digestive health is in a bad way.anybody with any expeiernces on ulcers ?what symptoms did u ave and what foods do i have to avoid in advance ,i might not have an ulcer but the heartburn is wicked and i wish it would go away i dnt understand why its so nasty ,sorry to rant on lol any info apprechiated thanks
Chantel xxxx