View Full Version : anxiety

14-04-09, 21:15
when u suffer from anxiety can u imagen you have pains or aches but there not really there cos i always seem to have a pain some where.

15-04-09, 00:19
Hi Gemma,
I have some kind of pain or ache or illness symptom most of the time, hence my nickname! I think sometimes they are caused from tension you carry in your body, sometimes theyre imaginary. If I read about an illness, its not uncommon for me to have the symptoms soon after. I feel stupid just typing this, but at the time they feel real and are terryfying. I could list all the symptoms I have now and what I think I have wrong with me but Id be here all night!
Take care.

15-04-09, 00:20
yes!! i do this all the time! :(

I always get symptoms thats arn't there! The brain is such a clever thing.

I call it the spider effect - when you are watching a programme about bugs, you always get itchy don't you and feel like they are on you! Its the same thing

Hope this helps xx

15-04-09, 09:16
thank you for your replies, yeah they have helped:D its just nice to know i'm not the only one