View Full Version : How do i deal with these panic attacks

anx mum
15-04-09, 09:38
Starting 2 feel these panic attacks will always be part of my life. How can they suddenly come bk out of the blue. Feb i thought my life was bk on track got an evening job then 2 weeks ago wham here we go again:mad:

15-04-09, 10:43
I had therapy for about a year for my anxiety and panic attacks. (:
It really really worked for me, and I'm sure a lot of other people could have similar stories. I also have some products: - http://organicpharmacy.org/search.php?searchterm=rescue+remedy&x=0&y=0&gclid=CK7j_fDL8pkCFVOT3wodoG5hSQ
They really help now that I've stopped therapy, I just take one or two drops or pastilles when I feel panicky and most of the time they help. (:

Hoped I helped a little!

anx mum
15-04-09, 11:20
Where did u get products from on diazpam which dosent seem 2 b helping

15-04-09, 12:10
He is talking about Rescue Remedy products that I sell in the NMP online shop.

anx mum
15-04-09, 12:24
Can u take rescue remedy with diazpam?

15-04-09, 12:33
Yes you can as it is herbal

anx mum
15-04-09, 12:38
Thanx is it worth a go but worried cos got work 2nite dont wont another one

01-05-09, 20:58
It think it is worth a go, it works for me, my friend, my aunt and my mum so..
:D Hopefully it'll work for you, too!