View Full Version : hospital

15-04-09, 13:49
hi everyone, i was rushed to hospital yesterday with abnormal heart beat my heart would go really fast then really slow dizzy chest pain. my ecgs was all over place they picked up abnormal beat but said it not dangerous or life threatning but my heart was like 130bpm then drop down to 40's so i am confused they said panic attcks wouldnt cause it so that has scare dme more i have to see a cordio doc in 3-12months i get dizzy all the time tight muscles pain in chest. numbness in face legs arms face short of breath choking sensations i know most of these are from panic but does any one else suffer from the fast/slow heart rate and all these symptoms

15-04-09, 16:44
everyday my heart is fast but its always worse in the night it feels like its gonig to come out my chest , hopefully they put your mind at rest a little sying it wasnt dangerous hope you feel better soon