View Full Version : just something to share!!

15-04-09, 15:02
Hello everyone

Just thought id share something i read in a Paul Mkenna book. Itsd just how much your feelings can change if you have a smile on your face when your thinking bad health thoughts. It really works, you dont even have to really mean the smile , just know that the actual act of smiling causes seratonin to be released and changes the way you feel about what you are thinking about

try it, its cool


15-04-09, 19:25
I'll try anything once if it helps with my anxiety !
I'm going to go round all night grinning like a Cheshire cat :D


15-04-09, 19:39
Just found this great page on Seratonin and all the other chemical goings on in the brain !
LINK (http://www.angelfire.com/hi/TheSeer/seratonin.html)

Vanilla Sky
15-04-09, 20:53
It's true , this really does work ! It's not easy going around with a smile on your face when your having dark thoughts, but i can tell you it takes a few minutes to kick in but you DO start to feel better ! Happy smiling everyone x x