View Full Version : Cocaine and anxiety

15-04-09, 15:54
I don't know how many of you can help me here, because I wouldn't have thought many of you would be as stupid as I am, but it's worth a shot.

I've been suffering with anxiety for a while now, I have good periods where it lifts a lot, and bad periods where it feels dreadful.

For the past month or so it had lifted a lot, hardly even noticed it and it definitely didn't effect my day to day life.

Last week I went away for a few days, a lot of drinking ensued, which I always experience a little anxiety the next day or so from regardless but I've learned to live with that, as I enjoy a good night on the town.

On the Friday however, my birthday, I got very drunk with a mate, and after the club we decided to get hold of some cocaine. I was into drugs in a pretty big way around 5 years ago, I blame my previous drug taking for a large part of my anxiety, but for the past few years I have hardly touched them at all, definitely not since I've suffered from anxiety like I do now.

At the time it was really fun, but ever since I have felt like absolute s**t. The anxiety has hit me big time. My chest feels tight, I'm worried that my eyesight is blurring when I know it's not because I can still see, read and write fine, I'm thinking that people can just tell that I don't feel right, I feel worn down and tired, and to top it all off I've developed a rash on my knee which is probably just due to some unrelated allergy or something but I keep worrying it's related to the drug taking or something.

To make matters even worse, when I got home from the few days away I had to feign normalness for the sake of my parents, they had booked me a meal on Easter day, and wanted to give me my birthday gifts, when all I wanted to do was lock myself away and work through my anxiety.

I'm not one for ever giving into it, I don't take meds, I've had CBT and try to keep those methods at the forefront of my mind, but when I have times like this it is still very, very distressing.

And I know a major factor of this is because it is totally 100% self-inflicted, which brings on a whole new world of anxiety and self-loathing.

I guess, aside from the cathartic feeling of writing this stuff down to possible sympathisers, I was wondering if anyone else has done this, or if anyone in the know thinks I might have done something genuinely and medically bad this time and if I should speak to a doctor, or if this will just all pass like it usually does. My head just feels a mess and it's been 4 days now since.

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15-04-09, 16:00
hi. richd...what you are experiencing is the after affects of your drugs..it has hit you in a big way..just try and think positive..it will pass..look on the forums on here there will be something somewhere i am sure of that..sorry i cant be much more of a help but if you need to chat pm me anytime..take care .marie.x

15-04-09, 17:08
Just a passing sympathiser, I've have had similar experiences + still cant believe how stupid i am for repeating them even though i know 100% i am going to suffer each time i do. Still do it though - human nature for some of us to get carried away i guess.

Cocaine is only in the system for a matter of hours, severe allergy would have happened immediately.....stimulants very bad idea for anxiety and do seem to make symptoms linger, binging on alcohol can be just as bad in my experience etc

Good luck with it all, should pass soon hopefully x

16-04-09, 11:39
Hi Richd

Like Marie said, you are experiencing the come down after the cocaine, and because you are stressing that you shouldn't have taken it and thinking now something is perhaps medically wrong, you are making yourself even more anxious! You're in a vicious circle. Anxiety breeds more anxiety, so stop beating yourself up over having taken it and try to just go with the flow, reminding yourself it is just the come down.

You'll get there soon, just try to go with the flow rather than examining every symptom.


16-04-09, 16:56
You've just got to let the drugs work their way out of your system. It's probably gonna put you on your arse for a while but just take things slowly and take small steps to get better. If you feel you need to, go see your doctor. They see so many people with drug related anxiety issues and most of them (especially the younger ones in my experience) are very sympathetic and helpful.
I had a big drug problem a few years ago which was a major factor in causing the anxiety that I have now so I know what you're going through. I haven't touched anything (other than drink and fags) for three years now and never even get tempted because I know how I react to that stuff. I don't wanna patronise but just remember this next time you get offered and you won't do it again!

16-04-09, 21:38
Cheers, I'm feeling much better today than yesterday, still not 100% but I'm more just feeling resigned to it and waiting for it to pass.

It's always great to know there's a sympathetic ear here from people who understand what's happening, very much appreciated xx