View Full Version : someone please help?

15-04-09, 18:32
I am having the most awful evening, my anxiety is really really bad. I've had a bad lower back for a while now but today it seems to have got worse and has gone down into my bum and is so painful. My legs have started aching now too and I swear I'm getting pins and needles again as well. I'm really worried that it might be cancer or HIV or some STI and it's really freaking me out. It just came on suddenly when I got home from having my hair cut. Someone please help. I really need some reassurance. In a bad way. Thanks

15-04-09, 18:39
Hang on in there. You are in panic. panic causes all sorts of physical symptoms - like the pins and needles you are experiencing. have you been lifting? Sitting at a computer? Back pain is VERY common. It will go.

15-04-09, 18:41
I've been sitting down all day in the hairdresser! It's just so scary, I want it to go away.

15-04-09, 18:56
You don't have to have done anything particular to get back ache. I do know how you feel. I really do. Everything is black and white. You are either 100 pc healthy or you have something dreadful. But in between are a million everday things - backache being one of them! Try not to focus on it - easy to say but not to do.The more you stress the more it will tighten. Can you have a bath? rub in some deephat gel. IT will go. It REALLY WILL.

15-04-09, 18:56
Almost certainly you have been sitting in a position that has annoyed your spine - the pain into bum and weird leg sensations are almost certainly sciatica which is just a back nerve that has been irritated for some reason and the nerve goes down your bum and leg.
If you have never had back trouble before then its an awful shock when you get it and soooo painful and all sorts of weird sensations in odd places as well.
Panicking will only tense the back muscles up more and make it worse.
Wait a few days and if its no better then either go and see an osteopath or your own GP but GP can only prescribe painkillers, They can send you to physio.

15-04-09, 19:00
Thank you so much for your posts - I think I will try a bath!

15-04-09, 19:54

Ir's sounds very much like sciatica to me, i have suffered this in the past. A long soak in the bath will do you good and painkillers will help.

It's painful but deffo not sinister.

Trish x

15-04-09, 20:07
I have exactly the same symptoms, pain in lower back extending to the bottom with pins and needles in the upper thigh down to my knees.
I find that if I sit on one buttock or have my legs curled up on the settee that it goes off a bit. The legs feel peculiar - I can only liken it to the same feeling that a blood pressure cuff gives to your arm when the Dr. takes your blood pressure.

Thinking of you x

15-04-09, 20:23
Thank you mave. I will try that. The thing that makes me doubt that it's sciatica is that it's the inside of my thighs that feel strange and almost numb. It's just such a worry; I can't stop thinking about that and in turn I think that it makes it worse.

15-04-09, 20:27
My aches/pains are never where text book says they should be which makes me panic all the more. You have nerve endings everywhere. Pain is difuse and can be referred. Try not to analyse it. So easy for me to say but I know that train of thought. Go for the hot bath. What about a heat pack. Keep your chin up.

15-04-09, 20:52
I agree with rhianna hun,nevers are everywhere and it's like period pain..it's different from women to women..I get worse pelvic pain than back pain but other women can have it the other way just cos the nerves and the blood are different for everyone.

Please don't worry.

It sounds like you've maybe popped a muscle the wrong way when you were sitting in the hairdressers or something?

Try a hot water bottle and lean back on it. I use my hot water bottle for relieving pain everywhere honestly and it usually works

Amy xxxxxxx

15-04-09, 21:09
luchipoo- sore muscles are more likely to be b/c of stress or a pulled muscle than HIV. It has been 7 years for you...trust me, if that was a symptom of HIV you would also have sever night sweats, diareah, and MAJOR weight loss of more than 20% of your body weight. Your symptoms are not HIV b/c you don't have it :) Relax and try not to focus on that and not matter what you do...STAY OFF OF GOOGLE! You are making it way worse.
2 months ago, I was late on my period and googled "late period and HIV". Please do not do that b/c I had a panic attack here at work it scared me so bad. Google is very broad and general and will spit out whatever you ask and may not even be right. I'd like you to notice soemthing if you will....everything you read on google about HIV is the same word for word site after site. It is like it was cut and pasted. Are you looking for something to tell you your risk is low...if so read those sites I sent you and read the post here instead. Atleast they won't scare the s*** out of you. Your risk are non existent :)
Hope I have helped.

15-04-09, 22:55
Thank you so much for everyone's posts - it really means alot that I'm not alone :)

16-04-09, 10:32

I know exactly how you feel, im in the same boat at the moment. Swaying basck and forward beleiving im olay then freaking out about all the stress symptoms im having and thinking they must be hiv, they cant just be stress. I am even noticing the symptoms in other people and thinkin they have it too, infact in my head there is a mass epidemic in britain and the tests dont work. Sound stupid but thats how i feel.
Glands, i know you are right , everyone has them, but when there in your neck its freaky... We really have to accept that we ARE framing our symptoms, and act like we have confidence in that statement even if we dont and the confidence will follow after a while, im sure of it.
