View Full Version : Worried i may have appendicitis!

15-04-09, 19:10
Hi all

i need a bit of advice. I have tried getting an appointment with the doctor but they are fully booked. I have been getting pains on my lower right side of my abdomen. The area close to my thigh and sometimes the pain goes down my thigh. It hurts mostly when i am sitting but is not so bad when i move around. I have no other symptoms. I am just a bit worried as it is in the area of my appendix. Could it have anything to do with Polysystic Ovarian Syndrome at all as i did suspect that i may have this?

15-04-09, 21:44
Hi, it's more likely to be a muscle strain than anything else. One way to identify appendicitis is if it is very painful to touch the affected area. I would think you are more likely to have a trapped nerve or muscle strain than anything else.

15-04-09, 22:01
if it was what you think it is then you would be in so much agony you wouldn't even be able to write this post! go see your GP, but I don't think its what you think it is hun. xxx

15-04-09, 22:16
Hi Darkrose.
It doesnt sound like appendix to me from what you say. I had mine out when i was 19 and it started in my left side then went to my belly button and it was pure agony, i couldnt even straighten up. But like cheeky charlie and physcopet says you would be in so much pain and its sore to touch. I hope you manage to get to see your gp soon and at least he can put your mind at ease.
Take care

tayside lassie
15-04-09, 22:41
believe me if it was your appendix you would know firstly you would be in terrible pain ..vomiting ..diarrhea and a raging temperature ....

15-04-09, 22:42
When i had appendicitis it was much worse when i moved about, much worse. Didnt travel down my thigh either....kinda sounds more like a pinched nerve as it radiates downward. x

19-04-09, 10:54
Thanks for the help all. Saw the doctor & she is running some test. Blood tests etc am still in a lot of pain but just resting :)