View Full Version : hypnotherapy cd?

15-04-09, 20:19
I was wondering if anyone has tried hypnotherapy. Im running out of ideas. My HA seems to be getting worse instead of better and i cant take it any more. Over the past 4 days ive had 3 brain tumours, bowel cancer and 5 strokes.


15-04-09, 20:22
You're better than me. I've only had a nose and brain tumor. have tried hypno but it wasn't really Makenna type. It was more like CBT. It did work for a while an I know some people who have real success. Mine started off with wave type music and I had to imagine a sandy beach. I couldn't do it but think it was more my inadequacies than the tape. Try it. Anything is worth a try to get some relief from the fear and anxiety!

15-04-09, 22:59
I've been to hypnotherapy twice. The second time I had a full blown panic attack and ended up having to go to a&e - I think it was mostly my fault - I mentioned to the hypnotist about having pins and needles in my head and she said to me that sometimes symptoms of anxiety can be something else, eg chest pain = heart problems. This of course played on my mind and my symptoms got worse and worse after the session. Having said that, it is different for everyone and provided you find the right hypnotist (I don't think this one was particularly sensitive to my health anxiety) then it might work. To be honest, I would try anything once to help with anxiety - you never know, it might be your miracle cure. So go for it! Good luck x

15-04-09, 23:00
And I totally know what you mean about various different illnesses. Last week I had cervical/ovarian/uterine cancer (still a bit worried this week). But now I think I have HIV..!

16-04-09, 19:15
Glad its not just me, I can convince myself that I have several life threatening illnesses at once!! As for hypnotherapy cd's, I have recently bought one by a chap named Glenn Harrold called Complete Relaxation. Ive not made up my mind about it though as I have not managed to stay awake the whole way through it yet, I manage about 10 mins and Im fast asleep! And although he explains at the beginning of the recording that it doesnt matter if you doze off as your subconsious will take in his words, I cant see it working like that!!!! I do tend to sleep better, not that I have trouble sleeping anyway. I have only listened to it about 3 or 4 times over the past month but I am going to try and listen to it every night as its supposed to have an increased effect the more times you listen to it, like Reiki, which Im having a session of on Saturday :-) Check it out on Amazon, it has very good reviews, there are also lots of over CD's, just do a search for relaxation cd.

16-04-09, 22:38
I use downloads and CDs from www.meditainment.com (http://www.meditainment.com) I find them really good - they calm me down and stop me fretting. They have some free downloads and if you go onto Amazon, you can find their CDs quite cheaply.

16-04-09, 23:15
if the hypnotherapy cd sends you to sleep who will wake you up