View Full Version : Anxiety UK to lose Gov funding

kid a
15-04-09, 20:38
Anxiety UK, Britain’s leading anxiety disorders charity, has been given the devastating news that their Department of Health funding has been pulled, despite the fact that the country is facing an anxiety epidemic due to the credit crunch and demand for the charity’s services are going through the roof.

Calls to the telephone helpline have doubled in recent months, and emails from anxiety sufferers requesting support are up 400%. The Department of Health funding of £50,000 per year has formed a substantial part of the charity’s core funding for the last 9 years, and this shocking news has thrown the whole financial sustainability of the charity into question.

Please help by signing the petition below:

http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/SaveAnxietyUK (http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/SaveAnxietyUK)

15-04-09, 21:04
Another brilliant decision by the Brown Cabinet.

That was sarcasm.

15-04-09, 23:12
Thanks for drawing my attention to this I have signed the petition and forwarded the info to as many people as I could so hopefully there will be a few more names added to the list. But yes the govt are so stupid the funding money has probably been spent on bailing some corrupt bankers out of trouble:mad:

15-04-09, 23:40
Either that or it went on porn videos. I also signed the petition.