View Full Version : worried about my head

15-04-09, 20:43
in more ways than one!

i've been doing so well lately and not getting worked up with my HA.. but had a total relapse today. it started yesterday really .. felt kind of weird and off, and this morning when i woke up and sat down at my computer i realized i couldn't really see. i had a sort of circular or C shaped portion of my vision that was sort of blurry or flashing almost. like my vision wasn't completely obscured but the corners of my vision were flashing and blurred. it went away after maybe 5 or 10 minutes. no headache really ..

THEN about an hour later, i smelled nail polish remover and got up to see if it was coming from the next room but the smell didn't change in intensity- it was like it was in my nose. this lasted maybe 10 minutes also.

so scary and frustrating! i always have brain tumor concerns but have been doing so well and this really set me back :(

anyone else experience any of the same? i've browsed visual disturbance thread but not sure if what others were describing was same as me. the smell thing also really scared me.

15-04-09, 21:38
Sounds very much like a type of migraine. I have had the visual disturbance bit about 5 times in my life where I get a zigzagging flashing going from one side of my eyes to the other - only lasts about 5 mins and then its gone but totally freaky and I have no other symptoms at all.

I have had quite a few brain scans over the years and no brain tumour so its possible to have this and it be nothing other than a silent migraine. I have read that the smell thing is part of it but I have never had this.

If you keep on getting it then of course see your GP and if you are seriously freaked then maybe ask for a brain scan to put your mind at rest but silent migraine is not uncommon.

15-04-09, 22:23
thanks .. did you see anyone about the visual thing or you just knew it was a migraine? i have been pretty stressed out, and i'm leaving for japan tomorrow and haven't begun preparing or packing because i'm sitting here freaking out which is GREAT.

15-04-09, 22:24
i've also just recently had my eyes checked and there was no sign of problem with the retinal nerve, etc - everything looked normal

15-04-09, 23:29
Purely because I am severely short sighted with cataracts! my Gp did send me to eye clinic to check I didn't have a retinal detachment but that was just because of my existing eye problems and she was sure I didn't.
She said it was silent migraine but she did to a blood test ESR to check it wasn't something like temperal arteriatis which can affect the blood supply to your eyes but again she did it purely routine not expecting anything and she was right the blood test was fine.

I didn't go rushing to her after the first attack it was only when i got it 4 times in a week that I went to her so I would say you are fine to go to Japan but if you keep getting them then when you come back go to your GP.

One thing I did notice is that the first attack was when I was seriously stressed so the more you worry about it the more likely it is to happen I am afraid

Must admit that after the 4 attacks in a week I spent months obsessivly checking my eyes which was not good.

:hugs: to you and please enjoy yourself in Japan.