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15-08-05, 17:31
As a few of you know I'm suffering health anxiety. (Sadie describes my situation exactly in her thread "what if this is it this time?" so no point in me repeating it).
I feel I've made a fair bit of progress doing yoga, going for walks etc but my stumbling block has been taking the next step and doing proper aerobic exercise that gets your heart pounding.
Today, I cycled the 3 miles to work but when I got here I felt dizzy and felt like a panic attack was going to kick in at any moment. I held it off but only just.
Has anybody else found that vigorous exercise makes you worse?
Therefore, do I just have to stick with it and it will get better?
It's hard to believe it's good for you when I feel so bad afterwards.
Would love to hear from somebody who has made the transition back into regular "proper" exercise.

(Btw to give you a quick background I'm 38..........on the plus side I did loads of sport at school, mainly rugby and football, then had a few years gap after leaving then went to gyms on and off during college, I did karate for about 6 years and over the past few years did do a fair bit of swimming most mornings, tennis and 5 a side football once a week.:D
On the down side I spent 2 years travelling with no real exercise, I did ALOT of partying over the past 20 years and I've certainly had my fair share of drinks etc. Diet has been variable from fairly healthy to far too many pizzas and curries!)[V]


15-08-05, 18:14
Hi Trev

Judging by your brief take on your background you may well be healthier than what you think, not all that many people have had the excercise that you've had over the years, and as you say, your diet hasn't been consistently bad either.

Besides that, the fear is just the anxiety, otherwise you wouldn't have any concerns.

There's no reason at all why you should stop here. Sure, you get dizzy after 3 miles cycling. 3 miles isn't bad at all considering your fears. But, of course, you can do more with practice.

Firstly, you could keep going, it may temporarily make you feel worse, but it won't harm you.

I had a period a while ago when I was getting dizzy under the same circumstances, and I know it doesn't feel nice at all, but during my years of anxiety health concerns have never been a big fear for me. So, I just kept going and eventually after a few weeks the dizzy spells just stopped completely.

What I would suggest you do is just to try and ease into it, go a little further everyday, but accept that the symptoms are just that of anxiety and will cause you no harm. When you feel them come on remind yourself of this fact, then keep going. Facing your fears is the way out, it's just a process of facing these symptoms.

Edit: You may well feel drained afterwards too, but again, that is just the strain the anxiety puts on you. This too will fade with time.


15-08-05, 18:17

Sometimes we learn to associate sensations with panic regardless of their cause so for some dizziness when getting out of a hot bath can feel the same with a fast heart beat as panic rising so avoid feeling that way.

Equally your exercise raises your heart rate and you start sweating so can sort of feel similar as being panicky even though the causes are totally different.

I remember when I was recovering that I went for a hike and said to my friends how lovely it was to have a racing heart beat but for all the right reasons rather than for a panicky reason.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

15-08-05, 18:42
Hi Trev

As usual Meg explained that really well.

You know I'm still at the yoga phase cos I hate getting out of breath and I think I only bring on the crappy feeling cos I'm anxious about exercise.

I am expecting my mini rebounder thingy to come this week so I'll let you know how I get on!!!!

Meanwhile try and do as Mico suggested and just keep cycling, when you are happy with how far then you can extend it just a little etc.

Chat soon


"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

15-08-05, 19:12
Hi ,

I also have this same problem with cycling, last thursday i felt terrible going to work on my bike ,all dizzy and panicky.
Yet on the sunday evening i felt so annoyed at myself i decided there and then to get back on my bike and go the same route.......this time i did very well indeed and cycled with a huge grin on my face!

On my paul McKenna hypnosis cd he says when u feel anxiety creeping up on yourself greet it positively saying "im excited" not something negative. I am working on this idea daily.

Good luck and believe me when i say "you are not alone"


15-08-05, 19:14
Excitement and fear are exactly the same thing physically.

Its just the thoughts that you insert that creates the difference


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

15-08-05, 22:52
Just back from yoga so feeling all chilled out now. Thanks for the replies. I'm feeling as good as I've felt in a while.

Mico, thanks for recounting your experience. It's good to hear it from people who have been through it. I'm determined now to just try and push through it. The biggie for me is going to be getting back into some proper swimming and accepting that the resulting pains/tightness in the chest is just muscle fatigue!!!

Meg, thanks again. Your comments always seem to hit the button. That's just what happens. I get sweaty, faster heartbeat, and then I start thinking "What if?". Then I might get one of those funny heartbeats where it feels like you've missed a beat and wham, thoughts go onto looking out for all the signs of what's happening to my body. And of course, like you say, they are normal reactions to what I'm doing.
It's going to take time I suppose. In fact, when I look at it logically now is was only 7 months ago when I could barely walk to the end of the road. Over a period I then forced myself to walk round the park for longer and longer and although I felt terrible at the time, I can now do it easily without a care. Logically, it's going to be the same thing with this aerobic exercise thing. It's just keeping that logical thought when the moment of truth arrives. So much of this seems to hinge on confidence. Like the walking round the park thing. Once I knew I could do it then it just got better as my confidence increased.

Mirry, good on you for your achievement. I'm going to try the "I'm excited" approach and see how that goes.

Piglet, obviously I know exactly where you are coming from. Going back to when I started walking round the park it really scares me to look back at how bad I was at the time. There is a slight hill at one stage and I was shuffling up it like I was 300 years old. I didn't even realise I was like it, I was so tied up in my own inner thoughts of not over doing it and being anxious not to raise my heartbeat. Now I can do as many laps round the park at a normal to fast walking pace as I feel like doing. It's taken a while but if I can do it, then you can do it.
Keep me informed on your trampette. I want to hear all about Piglet's first successful flight :D


16-08-05, 09:33
**In fact, when I look at it logically now is was only 7 months ago when I could barely walk to the end of the road. Over a period I then forced myself to walk round the park for longer and longer and although I felt terrible at the time, I can now do it easily without a care. Logically, it's going to be the same thing with this aerobic exercise thing.**

Thanks for the kind words ..

In fact -admit it- you're doing great !!!!

Yes you're right confidence is the pivotal key. Build it up slowly and it will stay.

Be proud of your body and know it is doing its best for you at all times and sometimes we have to accept it knows better than we do ie in order to keep up with you it needs to speed up heart rate and get rid of energy by products in sweat.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

16-08-05, 11:31
You're right Meg, I am doing great. I've never been one for self congratulation. I find that sort of stuff very difficult to deal with. I'm great at praising others though!!! However, when the boot is on the other foot I just shy away from it and just want to get on with things. Given the state I was in at Xmas time to where I am now it's a HUGE improvement. Even I can see that and I know friends have seen it.
This morning I feel the best I've felt since this started I think.
The comments on here have really helped.
I'm not yet back at work 100% and just need to finally banish these thoughts of dying at any moment but they are definitely coming less frequently as I start to actually believe it's anxiety rather than just think it.
Thanks again for your helpful words Meg.

P.S. I'm almost tempted to post something in "succes stories" but the last time I was telling somebody felt OK I had my worst panic attack a few days after!!! But with hindsight I think I know the reason for that one. That was a few days before I found your site actually.

16-08-05, 11:41
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
I'm not yet back at work 100% and just need to finally banish these thoughts of dying at any moment but they are definitely coming less frequently...</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

That is usually a good indicator that your anxiety is subsiding

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">as I start to actually believe it's anxiety rather than just think it.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

That's just the realisations you need, the best way to bring them on is to confront your anxiety and learn by experience, such as you're doing.

Good luck with the rest


16-08-05, 12:03
I suggest you JFDI and write something or I might be tempted to move this one there instead. Lol


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

16-08-05, 13:29
Well done on all your progress Trev. I know it is hard to pat yourself on the back but all the professionals told me to do all the time.

If I went on a bus I had to congratulate myself, if I went in Tesco's shopping I was to buy myself a treat.

We are sometimes all too quick at putting ourselves down and in fact we need to be kind to outselves and accept praise when it is due.

I definitely feel a success story coming from you!!!!! Keep at it ok you are doing so well.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

16-08-05, 14:44
Nic, I'm Olympic standard at putting down my achievements. I am starting to loosen up though and get in touch with my feminine side a bit more..........to a point. I wouldn't look good in a skirt!!!
Mico, based on your advice I am going to play 5 a side tonight for the first time since before all this kicked off (no pun intended!). I'm going to take it steady and try not to worry about sensations and see how it goes. It's at 8pm so I just need to not build it up in my head as anything major (he says as the thoughts rise!!!).

Meg, if the football goes OK then I will promise to post in the success area!

16-08-05, 15:17
Good luck with it Trev.

Just remember that it's all anxiety. 5 a side I would imagine is pretty strenuous, but that aside anxiety is harmless. You probably will reach a point where you get dizzy, maybe other sensations too, I used to get a little disorientated with this, and that did feel worrying to me. But then, you've just got to keep plodding along, and most likely you will continue feeling crap but you're making a big step if even you don't realise it. You may even still feel a little crap and worn out the next day (anxiety does have a tendancy to tire your body and mind), but your brain will be beginning to register that you can go through these experiences and it is these very experiences, as I said before, that will help you recover. Each one gets easier. As you say, just take it easy and at your own pace, but if confronted by anxiety just remind yourself that it is harmless and move your mind back to the game.

Take care


16-08-05, 15:53
Cheers, will let you know how it goes.

16-08-05, 16:58
Good luck with it!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

16-08-05, 17:11
Have a lovely evening Trev - I will be thinking of you (couldn't join you in this one as I don't do shorts) Lol!!

Let us know how it goes!

Love Piglet[8D]

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

16-08-05, 18:41
Thanks guys. Just over an hour to go. Will let you know how it went when I get back.

16-08-05, 22:36
Well, back in one piece. It went really well. :D:D:D
I had some of those "heart missing a beat" feelings, especially at the start, but tried to just ignore them. Got into the game OK but took it steady. It's actually 7 a side which meant I could let other people do a bit more of the work. But basically I didn't get any panicky feelings. I went there fairly confident after reading your replies and in a way I found it easier because it was a game I think. It's the distraction thing again I suppose. On the bike I was just aware of me but playing the game meant that I was less able to think of how I was feeling.
So I'm really happy with that. Looks like it could be regular football again. :D
Thanks for the help guys.
I hope you have all had a good evening.
Trev :D

16-08-05, 23:34
Hi Trev

That's brilliant - bet you feel well chuffed!

I took notice of what you said about how fast you walked around the park so when I went for my evening stroll around the block I power walked the last half. I was really pleased as I didnt feel at all scared. Tonights evening walk was totally anxiety free (cant wait till it feels like that by day too) and good to push myself a little and not keel over too!!!! LOL

Love Piglet:)

17-08-05, 04:55
Excellent Trevor .

Hurrah - another connection made between thoughts and feelings and how your mind fabricates and justifies the connection between them ...

Big progress !


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

17-08-05, 11:55
Nice one Trevor. just goes to show it isn't always as difficult as you think it will be, the anticipatory anxiety is often the worst.

Keep it up.

Well done Piglet too.


17-08-05, 14:20
well done Trev

Well done Piglet


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

17-08-05, 15:19
Thanks alot guys.
Yes, I am feeling really pleased with myself. It's a major stumbling block overcome. :D

Thanks Meg and Mico for your helpful comments. I wouldn't have done it otherwise. Meg, I will post a message in Success Stories about my experiences since the fateful day of 4th November 2004 through to my current point if you think it would be useful to others???

Piglet, good on you mate. That's brilliant stuff. :D:D Keep moving forward and build it up. You'll soon be jogging round the block!! Go for it. If I can do it, you can do it. :D Has your trampette arrived yet?


17-08-05, 19:00
Yes please.....

I can see how many hits the stories pages get and its way,way up there.

Firstly everyone wants to find something similar to them that they can relate to and then they want to find some hope...Every story and post helps provide that.


17-08-05, 19:04
Hi guys,

Thanks Mico (see you in chat later) and thanks Mandie - it was lovely not to have any twinges last night emotionally and physically. LOL

No Trev, no trampette today - I waited in in the morning but have been out to the beach this afternoon. Almost certain it will come tomorrow now, I just hope we are going to be good friends and it doesnt feel like bouncing me to kingdom come !!!

Love Piglet:)

17-08-05, 22:48
OK Meg, I'll give it a go. I'll try to be as brief as poss but cover the full course of events that happened to me. If it helps one person it will be worth the time.

Piglet, what a beautiful day for the beach. Must be nice living near the coast. Hope you had a great day.


26-08-05, 18:09
Meg, I know I've not posted yet in success stories but had a very bad week. It was started by going to a funeral last Friday of someone close and probably made worse by the subsequent hangovers. As I felt like I'd slipped right back it didn't seem appropriate to post a success.

However, on the positive side I've decided to try and go running each morning in the park to try and lift spirits. Based on the advice here I thought it's got to help, and after the football success I feel more confident. I ran this morning and it went OK. It did actually make me feel better after a while. The chest/neck/arm pains are still present at the moment but at least the leg pains now give them something to compete with! Hopefully the top pains will dwindle away and play with the leg pains! So I will have a go at posting in success.
I'm going to give consideration to knocking the drink on the head for a little while as well as I've noticed that I'm much worse with a hangover. With a friend's stag do coming up this may prove difficult though......however, nothing is impossible I suppose. I mentioned it to him to sound him out and he said he is just happy that I'm going to come so don't worry. I'm not worried about him now but it's what to say to the other 10 on the stag???


26-08-05, 19:00
Hi Trev,

Sorry you've had a bad week mate - good decision on the running though.

Little update on me and my rebounder (don't use that trampette word now as seems to cause much confusion and silliness) we've bonded really well and I've got out of breath and raised my heart rate for the whole of this week. I loved the fact that apparently 30 seconds was the advised time for beginners (even I can do 30 seconds).

During the 7 days its been here I've now increased this to 5 mins 3/4 times a day and I love it. Think I could bounce all day actually (erm)!

It was reading your post about going round the park and speeding things up that got me going on this, so thank you for spurring me on, it really helped.

Pips hun if you read this apparently rebounders dont work so well if they dont come out of the garage. Lol.

Love Piglet x[8D]

27-08-05, 13:52
Hi Piglet,

thanks for your post. It was a rough week but I suppose it was always going to be. Just exagerated a bit by my current situation I suppose. It's scary how you can swing back so much but at least I think I understsnd why it happens now which is (more than) half the battle I suppose. :D

Glad to hear you got your "rebounder" through, but one thing, when you say, "we've bonded really well", aren't you supposed to do the exact opposite!!!!!! :D:D
Seriously though, I'm really pleased that you're doing so well with it. 20 mins a day is fantastic as they can be quite knackering I think. So Piglets do fly after all. :D:D
It makes me feel really good to know that you took some inspiration from my efforts as well. Thanks for that.
In actual fact, you've actually helped yourself indirectly because it was alot to do with your Pooh "what if a tree fell on me...........what if it didn't" quote that got me fired up to do it in the first place!! I use it loads now. Instead of thinking "what if?" I've started thinking "what if it didn't?" in it's place and I find it works really well. I've stopped a few panic attacks getting going with that one so that's all thanks to you. Cheers. :D:D:D

P.S. Keep bouncing. Are you going to change names to Zebedee soon then? :D


27-08-05, 16:03
Nice one [8D]

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

27-08-05, 20:34
Sorry you've had a tough week Trev but you know why that is and you're right , it is more than half the battle..

You won't be back at the other end of the swing as you've still got those good days tucked away and you understand too much now, it may still feel awful but you can rationalize the reasons why and how better now..

Piglet - Great news . Well done


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

28-08-05, 21:32
Cheers Meg.
I'm off to the success stories now as promised.............I do hope I'm not tempting fate!

29-08-05, 13:11

Well done on all your exercise successes.

Sorry to hear about the funeral and I can relate to the hangover making you feel worse. Just watch the beer lol.

Look forward to seeing you next Sunday.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

29-08-05, 21:39
Thanks Nic.
Look forward to catching up as well.
I spent about an hour and a half last night typing my story into the success stories section so that it may help somebody and then pressed the wrong button to post it and wiped it all!!!!! Aaaarrrggghhhhh.
I couldn't face doing it all again at the time so I'm going to try and do it at work tomorrow.

Cheers, Trev

23-09-05, 12:34
Just a little update on the whole rebounder/mini trampolene thing.

I've had it here just over a month now and have used it at least 4 days out of 7, sometimes more.

I started with the suggested 30 seconds of really girly jogging and have slowly built this up into 10 mins of mega jogging in a most groovy fashion to all my old 70/80's disco music nearly bumping my head on the ceiling.

Have you benefited Piglet I hear you ask.

Well, firstly the most immediate effect was using up any excess adrenaline, which does stop me feeling so wired.

The most noticable effect though has to be this last week when I go out for my nightly stroll (you all know how I do that to help with my agoraphobia and to get chocolate from the petrol station) I am walking so incredibly fast now, last night I almost tutted as my 13 year couldn't keep up and what's more I wasn't in the least bit out of breath.

It's happened almost unnoticably - I don't think ooh I'm gonna walk much faster tonight, I just sorta do and so much stronger and freer.

It's been one of my best buys recently (I did get quite an expensive one from a specialist supplier, so we ate beans on toast for a while) and reinforces what Trev is always saying about exercise and anxiety. Plus for some reason if you do get out of breath on it, it's not in an unpleasant way.

I aim to increase my heart rate - I'm starting off with my pulse at say around 70 and after 10 mins I want it to be around a 100 then I know I am doing something.

Meg, Trev or anyone could I aim a little higher with this as when I used to do swimming it was around 125 after 30 lengths. I am pleased with how quickly it returns to 70 again usually within 5 mins or so. Do you think this shows my fitness is improving.

Sorry for long post and perhaps it should be under my original trampette post but feel I talked about it more on here lol.


Piglet xxx:):):):)

23-09-05, 13:16
Yes , it definately does show a return to fitness so well done Piglet.

Yes do push it up a bit higher.

You're not on betablockers are you ?

Glad you've seen benefits already - thats great.

Are you walking further as well as faster ..


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

23-09-05, 13:53
After reading your post PIGLET you have made me feel so guilty for taking no excersize at all lately and my anxiety been bad past 3 days, I must get back into it.
Is your trampoline for adults (i weigh 9st 2 lb) dont want to break one if i get one lol.[:I]


23-09-05, 13:57
Thanks Meg mate,

No don't take beta blockers or any meds and yes I am walking further too.

I'm going to try the alone bit we said about last week ie; the kids setting off just before me. Although felt almost like I was walking alone yesterday anyway, as poor child could'nt keep up with me!!!!

Love Pig xx

23-09-05, 15:05
Hi Piglet

Sounds like you are doing great and the exercise is a good way to help yourself feel better, as well as getting fitter.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I'm going to try the alone bit we said about last week ie; the kids setting off just before me. Although felt almost like I was walking alone yesterday anyway, as poor child could'nt keep up with me!!!!
<div align="right">Originally posted by Piglet - 23 September 2005 : 13:57:10</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
That's excellent Piglet. Sounds like you are virtually walking alone anyway. Keep up the good work!


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

23-09-05, 15:36
Hi Mirry,

The one I got is the PT Bouncer by Super Tramp (£65-£89) and is suitable for up to 22st - gosh!!!

I had read an unbiased report on them before I bought mine and it did seem you get what you pay for. I did have one many years ago, a cheapo and I have to say the kids and I think this one is much better, sort of firmer and not so noisy (god knows what the neighbours think I'm doing)!!!!

It doesn't take a lot of room up when stood on its side and is really good fun if you get some music going at the same time.

No special clothes or anything either - yep I'm hooked.

Karen - thanks mate, like you, gonna keep on plodding on.:)

Love Piglet xx

28-09-05, 14:30
Hiya Piglet,
sorry for delay in replying but I was away and I've only just looked back at this topic. [Oops!]

Thanks for your update. It sounds like you are doing a fantastic job all round.

Quote... "I started with the suggested 30 seconds of really girly jogging and have slowly built this up into 10 mins of mega jogging in a most groovy fashion to all my old 70/80's disco music nearly bumping my head on the ceiling."
A very amusing image. :D Good to see you dancing around to some positive music at the same time as cleaning the ceiling. :D

Quote... "I aim to increase my heart rate - I'm starting off with my pulse at say around 70 and after 10 mins I want it to be around a 100 then I know I am doing something.
Meg, Trev or anyone could I aim a little higher with this as when I used to do swimming it was around 125 after 30 lengths. I am pleased with how quickly it returns to 70 again usually within 5 mins or so. Do you think this shows my fitness is improving."
Meg's already answered this but maybe I could just add a little from my own experience.
I did exactly the same as you at first. I was a bit worried about taking my heartbeat too high and as soon as it got into triple figures I would get a little edgy about it. This worry subsided fairly quickly and I then just pushed through a bit higher each time. I was at the gym last night and it got to the 140's which is the highest I've pushed so far. Before all this anxiety stuff it never used to bother me and I wouldn't be able to tell you what it got up to.
So, yes, I'd say push it gradually up and extend the time a bit more each session. (The neighbours will be getting very jealous!! [:I] lol). The anxiety does drop off fairly quickly I have found. That confidence thing again! :D
I'm no expert but I'd say your resting heartrate and recovery times are very good. The acupuncturist I saw said that a professional footballers' resting rate would be around 50-60. I have never looked into this type of stuff but assumed she was correct. On that basis I suggest you bounce down to Southampton and sign up for this season. :D:D
Are you hoping to get back into swimming at some stage?
I do find that the edginess goes when I do the exercise now. I particularly noticed this last week when I was away. It did seem that a little edginess crept back in even though I was walking a fair bit. Seems you need that extra sweaty exercise to really burn the chemicals away.

Glad to hear you are going to tackle the walking on your own bit. It sounds like you are ready for it, but only you know I suppose. Good luck, although it doesn't sound like you'll need it.

Trev :D

28-09-05, 14:48
Hi Trev,


Thanks for the extra info. I really do like this rebounder and yes I think you do have to get all hot and 'glowing' (my mother said ladies don't sweat they glow lol).

The funny think is with this type of exercise you can work up a glow and get over 100 pulse wise but strangely not too out of breath.

Now you and Meg have said I can work a little harder I will do so. Did get up to 120 yesterday so thats a start.

Not got much further with the strolling on my own despite having such good intentions this week, although have no intention of letting that slide, so watch this space.

Take care mate (sorry to have taken over your thread a bit here).

Love Pig :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-09-05, 15:34
"(sorry to have taken over your thread a bit here)."

Don't be silly, these threads have a natural way of twisting and turning.....alot like life I think! It's not my thread, just a thread as far as I see it. We seem to be at a similar stage so it's good to hear how it's natural for it to go that way.

I love the name of the rebounder btw.....Super Tramp :D Simple things please simple minds and all that! :D

You've done really well with the "glowing" so maybe relax about the walking on your own thing for a bit and tackle it again next week maybe? Then you've got even more confidence with the "glowing" under your belt and you are not being hard on yourself?
I've found that my biggest steps forward have been made by pushing for a bit then relaxing about it all for a bit and just chilling so I can recharge. I then feel better able to tackle the next hurdle armed with more confidence and more energy after the rest. Then after a month you look back and lots of little steps have turned into one big one. :D

28-09-05, 17:06
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">

I love the name of the rebounder btw.....Super Tramp :D Simple things please simple minds and all that! :D

You've done really well with the "glowing" so maybe relax about the walking on your own thing for a bit and tackle it again next week maybe? Then you've got even more confidence with the "glowing" under your belt and you are not being hard on yourself?
I've found that my biggest steps forward have been made by pushing for a bit then relaxing about it all for a bit and just chilling so I can recharge. I then feel better able to tackle the next hurdle armed with more confidence and more energy after the rest. Then after a month you look back and lots of little steps have turned into one big one. :D

<div align="right">Originally posted by Trev - 28 September 2005 : 15:34:46</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Yes the name did cause a raised eyebrow and some mirth in our house too!!!

I think you're right about the other stuff - for some reason I've felt a little out of sorts the last few days and just want to be in my happy safe house but then I think is this a backward step.

Anyway I am going to take your sensible advice and also try not to see everything as some sort of flippin race.

I know I will get going with this as and when I'm ready and no-one's got a stopwatch on me, other than me!!!

I think you are quite right when you say about looking back and see how the little steps have mounted up.

Thanks Trev.

Piglet :):):)

28-09-05, 23:21
It's not a backward step Piglet, it's sensible. And besides that, it can't be a backward step because look where you've come to. :D I can totally relate to the feeling of wanting to get it all over with quickly and be rid of it. You may be feeling out of sorts because you've been doing things you haven't done for ages. It's natural that you are going to feel a bit strange. Anyone would.

A couple of Claire Weekes comments spring to mind. These are not quotes, just from memory, but they go something like this :

"It is wiser sometimes to rest a few days than to flog your body on for far of losing what you have learned. You will never lose what you have learned once you approach it in the right way."

"Rushing to get it over with only brings agitation, and agitation is the killer."

You have got the approach right and you've cracked some major hurdles recently so enjoy those for now and carry on as you are. Take it easy on yourself about anything else and then when you feel right (you'll know when I think) tackle the walking alone thing in small steps.
It's the old "let time pass" thing again. Easy said but hard to judge. My last panic attack was as a result of rushing indirectly.

So give that Super Tramp some hammer for a while (give the neighbours something to talk about!) and review how you feel in a couple of weeks or so maybe? :D

We're definitely going forward mate and there's no turning back!!!

Take it easy,

29-09-05, 09:17
Just a little add on to yesterday's post.

I went for my ususal evening stroll last night with the youngest and then decided to let her back into the house while I had a stroll on my own to the top of the road. I felt fine - I didn't push myself to go any further and the whole thing only took 5 mins or so but it felt comfortable.

I could do it cos I took the pressure off after reading your post Trev. As soon as it didn't matter if I did it or not, I could do it. No-one pressurises me here at home other than me.

If I want to do it again tonight I will but if I don't well that's ok too!!!

Thanks mate it was what I needed.

Love Piglet :):):)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

29-09-05, 13:47
Great Piglet

Your progress is going so well..

You do exactly as you feel you want to each day. There is no pressure.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

29-09-05, 14:19
Well done Piglet.

Remember - small steps at your own pace.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

29-09-05, 21:18
Hey, that's great news Piglet. You are relaxing into it and so lifting the pressure on yourself which is brilliant. Well done mate. :D Just go at your pace and each little success will add to your confidence, like the bouncer episode. I'm so pleased for you.

I remembered something else that Claire Weekes said which may or may not be appropriate now......you decide.

It was along the lines of........in the beginning decide on a set journey before you set off (i.e like you did with going to the end of the road). If you just go out and think "I'll see how far I can go" you will start to wonder "have I gone far enough" or "should I turn back" and you begin to introduce doubt which then causes you to get flustered and so starts the anxiety.
It may not be appropriate to you now but I thought I'd mention it just in case it does help????

Good on you Piglet :D


P.S. I went to the gym today and gave it alot more stick. 40 mins on bike and 15 mins rowing and then weights. Couldn't get enough!!!! Felt properly happy about it for the first time since going and had no episodes at all, not even the dizziness which I used to get loads. :D:D

30-09-05, 09:02
Did it again last night - 6 houses further this time.

Yes Trev quite right about deciding how far to go as I knew which house I wanted to reach. I give myself the goal and again no pressure I tell myself if I don't feel good, stop, do the 10 second thing that Meg said and then either wander home or carry on.

Will keep plodding on with this for now until I feel really happy with it, doing it only on the nights I want to.

Well done in the gym - it's lovely when anxiety isnt uppermost in your mind, as you then actually enjoy rather than endure.

Love Pig :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-09-05, 13:12
You two have been so good for each other.

I just wanted to say its been so fab to watch and witness both of you improve so well.

I'm tempted to move this to sucesses so others will have the benefit of reading it all in the future.



Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-09-05, 14:29
That's great news Piglet. You have cracked the hardest bit I think so the trend is going to be very much in an upward direction from here. :D
You are on the road to full recovery I reckon. Keep doing what you are doing and your horizons will naturally keep expanding. :D:D

Meg, I think you're right, Piglet and I have been great inspiration for each other. It does help to work with others I think.
In fact the very first time I found this site I saw a post by Piglet with her quote at the bottom of......."Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet. "Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.
I had one of those lightbulb moments you talk about. I suddenly thought "I used to think like that, why am I not doing it now" and I then vowed to apply it to every situation. It was a simple but effective relief that worked for me straight away.

(By the way, although I have a great partner in crime in Piglet I'm not changing my name to Pooh and that's not for discussion!!!! :D:D)

Also you and Mico have had a major influence on my decision making regarding me tackling the exercise thing. For this I will be forever grateful (:D:D) as you guys armed me with the last key to unlock that self imposed cell. I look back over my posts (not only on this thread) and I can see how much I have made progress. An on-line journal in a way, I suppose.

This weekend I'm going to a friends' wedding and I'm soooo looking forward to it and that's because of your help........Beers, stupid conversation, dancing like a 3 legged giraffe (don't know where that came from!!) but the bottom line is that I'm looking forward to it. This last year was a nightmare. I've dreaded doing things that previously I would have relished because the panic and anxiety had taken over my life. Thanks to help from you guys I've cracked that last few percent and I feel brilliant at the moment. Just wish I'd found you earlier but then no point looking back.

Thank you again. I really don't know how you find the time to reply to everyone Meg but your words do help sooooo much so I wanted you to know how much I appreciate the help you've given me.

Trev (not Pooh!! :D)

01-10-05, 11:14
Hi Pooh...oops sorry Trev!!!!

Lol - I feel I'm still very much a work in progress at the moment but I like reading Trev's posts as he is breaking the gound for me and the others following (so no pressure there then - actually quite helpful to hear about the blip days too)!!!

I suppose one big hurdle this last year was getting scared of being out of breath so not really exercising - do think I'm addressing this one reasonably successfully.

The other two hurdles as I see them for me, are, working on the agoraphobia (obviously a little start going on here) and to try to stop caring about having a panic attack in public, that its not the end of the world if people see me hyperventilate or cry. I'm still an ok person.

Thanks my lovlies.

Oh and I did wander to the end of the road again last night - will keep doing this until I feel really comfy and then try a little further.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

04-10-05, 12:38
Well I'm back from a weekend away. A couple of nights away with a group of friends in a cottage and then went to a wedding on the Sunday.
Ended up having a fantastic time and at the wedding I didn't get to bed until about 4.30. Despite over indulging over the weekend I never once had a panic episode even in the morning with the hangover from hell.

I don't know that I'm the groundbreaker. I think we've been breaking ground together Piglet and nudging each other along.
We've helped each other to both overcome a major hurdle with the exercise thing. :D

I think that maybe your other "2 problems" may actually have at the root just one problem. You're doing really well on cracking this. Keep going as you are and I think you will find that the fear of public panic may start to decrease anyway. You are much more than an "OK person" and don't worry about other people's reactions. In fact, the number of people that I have met who have been through similar stuff to us has been mind blowing to me so you'd probably find that their reaction would be different to what you imagine.

Keep on at your own pace mate.

Trev x :D

04-10-05, 13:57
Hi Trev,

Your weekend sounds epic - that's where you are leaps ahead of me, I couldn't manage that yet at all. Well done I bet that's been a real boost.

Think we both have deffo confronted the exercise demon and I'm beginning to realise there isn't much corralation between exercise and out of breathness for me. I can now do nearer to 15 mins on the rebounder and really move and get my heart rate upto 130, yet not get too out of breath. Then a few people come over and I get very out of breath cos of the anxiety in case I panic in front of them.

Conclusion - in the main I hyperventilate through anxiety rather than exercise.

I also think you seem further along cos my first bout of anxiety was 6 years ago and although I can't say its been bad for all of those 6 years (or else I wouldn't have been able to do some of the stuff I have) but it has been in the background with this year being a troublesome one.

I am that classic case in the Claire Weekes book that let the physical/emotional symptoms of anxiety overwhelm her and once they did it was such an incredible blow to the confidence and sense of self that I no longer felt I really knew who I was (does that sound all deep and tree hugging).

The fact I can be this terrified about life shook me to the core and it is taking some 'accepting' (hence the post recently where we were all discussing this very thing).

I do have more than a few aquaintences who I know struggle too but I still feel that somehow they look like they deal with it better than me. I have 2 very close pals who I can tell all too and I know they totally indentify. It is amazing just how many people suffer on all different levels isn't it.

Anyway on a more positive note I am still doing the walking up the road on my own at night (easier now its dark so much earlier) I actually did it in my yoga gear last night cos I couldn't be bothered to change and knabbed a pair of my daughters slippers (does it still count wearing slippers) so glad it was dark I would have panicked being seen in slippers in the street (slippers in the street - so last season darling)!!!![:I]

Love Piglet :):)

04-10-05, 16:10
Hi Piglet,

Quote...."Your weekend sounds epic - that's where you are leaps ahead of me, I couldn't manage that yet at all. Well done I bet that's been a real boost."
Glad to see you say you "couldn't manage it YET". Small steps all add up to big steps and you are taking those steps each time you go out to the end of the road (even if it's in your slippers it still counts!! lol). What you are doing is what I did so you are heading the same way to full recovery.
It has been a boost. Each achievement tops up that confidence bank which makes it that bit easier next time. I've also been thinking of myself as cured and I think that the change of mind state has helped.

Quote...."Conclusion - in the main I hyperventilate through anxiety rather than exercise."
Knowing and believing this is true is key to all of this, isn't it? You know this is true now so you will have alot less worry on your mind to deal with.

Quote...."I am that classic case in the Claire Weekes book that let the physical/emotional symptoms of anxiety overwhelm her and once they did it was such an incredible blow to the confidence and sense of self that I no longer felt I really knew who I was (does that sound all deep and tree hugging)."
Not at all. I can relate totally. Show me someone who wouldn't feel like that! And it's very scary until you know what's happening......and even then it's still very scary!! I let the symptoms get to me loads and got myself in a right state for ages. Some days I could accept them and other days I couldn't. Even now I have the odd moment of doubt still. But as you get more moments of realisation (like your hyperventilating above) the more you KNOW what it's down to and the easier it becomes to accept.
I found it all very hard to deal with at the start. I was always the one who helped everyone else. I was seen as a confident person who organised loads of stuff and someone people could turn to in a crisis. I felt like a failure to be honest. I was so used to crashing through life doing loads of stuff that it felt soul destroying when I couldn't make my own food or look after myself properly or leave the house.

Quote...."I also think you seem further along cos my first bout of anxiety was 6 years ago"
Claire Weekes does also say that we all recover at our own pace.
She also mentions not counting the days, weeks, years. My problems started a year ago but I was very, very, lucky. A friend's girlfriend (who had overdosed on paracetamol but survived) gave me a copy of Claire Weekes "Self Help For Your Nerves" after a month or so of my first panic attack. I wondered why she had given it to me........until I summoned up the courage to read it!! That was when I first understood what was happening to me. If I hadn't had the luck of her giving me that book who knows how long I would have gone on suffering without knowing what it was. Then I would have had time to build up lots more horrible memories. Luckily, my time to do this was reduced. But that's all it was.......luck.
Also, I have my own business which has meant that I can be very flexible about my working pattern. I've taken lots of relaxation opportunities and been lucky to find people along the way who have been through the same. My biggest surprise was that it always seemd to be the people who I had thought of as being massively confident and together. As I say, it's been an eye opener.

Quote...."(slippers in the street - so last season darling)!!!!"
lol. :D Above all, you seem to have a good sense of humour about it all which is definitely a good thing I reckon.

Take it easy,

Trev :)

04-10-05, 18:28
Thanks mate :):):)

05-10-05, 16:36
Wow! The inspiration here is amazing! I feel like I should go out and do something now, of course, I won't! (mainly because it's raining!).

I think Meg's right, this is very much a success story, just wish I had your motivation! Well done. And all the best for keeping it going.


"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"

06-10-05, 21:04
Thanks Hannah.

Piglet, how you been doing the last couple of days?

I've started a new course on "Confidence Building and Self Esteem" which is a follow on to the "Stress and Anxiety Management" course. They put my name down a while ago and it came up so I thought I'd give it a go. It's the same lecturer and I thought she was really good before. :D


07-10-05, 09:25
Hi Trev,

Still bouncing away - I've just ordered some more music off Amazon to keep me inspired while I'm leaping about.

No further progress on the walking on my own at night - still pootling about up and down the street for the moment. I've missed a couple of nights this week as felt so tired and cold (we all got or are fighting off colds at the mo in our house). I will just keep going with this as many nights as I can.

I'm still waiting to hear from NOPanic about the telephone course (I am on the waiting list). Let us know what you think of the self-esteem course when it starts.

I keep losing my internet connection this week which is making answering posts a race against time. LOL!!!! How to answer in the quickest time!!!

Have a good weekend all.[8D]

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

07-10-05, 12:31
Ooh my cd just arrived from Amazon.

It was so full of good ol disco tracks from the 70's & early 80's that I have had to go back on 'super tramp' for the second time today.

I felt a little down in the mouth this morning cos of the weather being so grey and now I feel so much jollier. I should so have been a disco diva in my time (not sure anyone who watches my slinky moves would agree though)!!!!!


07-10-05, 14:09
Did you get a free set of leg warmers to wear as well?? :)

God, that Super Tramp is going to get a hammering. In fact, have you thought of getting a few Super Tramps and then you could place them around the house and bounce from one room to another? Mmmm, maybe not, that really would get the neighbours worried!

There's a lot of those colds and bits and bobs going around. I've been in close quarters with 3 people lately who were all spluttering. I keep feeling like I'm on the brink of one but it seems to be holding off at the moment. Fingers crossed it stays that way!
Don't be too hard on yourself about the walking thing. You're doing great just as you are and besides, nobody feels like doing things when they have a cold. It's not a race so don't even give it a second thought.

BTW how do you copy quotes so that they appear in that sort of yellow box thing??

Will keep you updated on the Confidence course.

Keep bouncing,

love Trev :D

08-10-05, 11:27
A big lol about the jumping from super tramp to super tramp, how cool would that be. I've always wished that they would make those ball pits and those soft adventure playgrounds for adults aswell as children. We'd all be a lot less stessed if we got to play like kids more!!!!

To copy a quote (and this took me ages to work out as I'm not good with machinery) you click the 'reply with quote' icon at the top of the post concerned and this will give you the chance to delete all of the post other than the bit you want - make sure you still have the brackets at the start and finish of the bit you want, or it won't do it quite properly.

Thinking of mowing the lawn now if it stays dry and hopefully that may be the last time for this year????

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

08-10-05, 22:08
[We'd all be a lot less stessed if we got to play like kids more!!!!]

Hopefully the bit above should be in a box thing!! Thanks for that. I don't know how half this stuff works!

I agree. I reckon we get told at too young an age to "behave like an adult" (whatever that is!!) and all that kind of stuff. Adult playgrounds sound like a great idea :D Let's bin work and go and play in the ball pit!! Maybe you should run for Prime Minister Piglet and get it introduced?

Hope you got your grass cut. Weather hasn't been great here so hope it stayed dry with you. Hoping to get out on the motorbike tomorrow for a bit of a meet up. Still not 100% on the bike but getting there slowly :)

Cheers, Trev

08-10-05, 22:11
Well, no box thing but it's got brackets round it so that's a start!!! lol :D

I told you I don't know how half this stuff works. I'll have another go next time. [:I][Duh!]

09-10-05, 11:01
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Adult playgrounds sound like a great idea :D Let's bin work and go and play in the ball pit!! Maybe you should run for Prime Minister Piglet and get it introduced?

Cheers, Trev

<div align="right">Originally posted by Trev - 08 October 2005 : 22:08:49</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I would be a most excellent Prime Mistress, my manifesto (hark at her) would involve lots of chocolate, salt & vinegar pringles and jumping around in adventure playgounds (or on Super Tramps) and every woman would have a different pair of shoes for each day (so not at all a shallow sort of manifesto then) lol!!!!!!

I'm so glad I did the lawn yesterday as it rained in the evening and that would have made it too wet to do today (it doesn't take much to please me)!!

Still doing my evening walks on the road on my own so quite pleased about that but something I'm feeling a little negative about is the fact that since the kids went back to college/school I haven't been out in the day even with them (3 weeks) and now I'm getting a little hangup about that and avoiding doing it even with them.

Mmm not too happy about that. I can stand quite happily on my drive chatting or shouting to all the neighbours in the road passing the time of day as that's in my comfort zone so I need to extend that as otherwise that would be a step back for me.

Actually sod it I'm gonna go round to the newsagent with one of the kids, I'll be back in a mo.

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

09-10-05, 11:36
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Actually sod it I'm gonna go round to the newsagent with one of the kids, I'll be back in a mo.
<div align="right">Originally posted by Piglet - 09 October 2005 : 11:01:05</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Way to go Piglet!:D

How did you get on?


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

10-10-05, 15:33
[quoteand every woman would have a different pair of shoes for each day]
.......that's alot of cobblers!! (Sorry, but I couldn't resist it :D)
Well, I'll vote for you. Not so bothered about the shoes personally but the rest sounds good!

That's good that you got the grass cut. A sense of achieving something for the day.

Quote... "Actually sod it I'm gonna go round to the newsagent with one of the kids, I'll be back in a mo."
Good on you, that's the attitiude. How'd you get on??? :)

I went out on the motorbike yseterday and met up with a few old mates. It was a great day and I was the most relaxed I've been in ages on the bike. However, I did feel very edgy later. I felt a bit of dizziness so I went to the gym to try and work it off but I got a little bit panicy after about 20 mins on the rowing machine. Had trouble controllling the thought of dying which had re-appeared. I stopped and walked around a bit and then went gently into doing a bit more weights and cycling. This went ok I suppose.
I think really it was to be expected I suppose. And if I look back it's still good progress. Also, I'd had a couple of cups of tea over the day plus some chocolate. I've cut out caffeine completely so maybe this had a bit to do with it as well. I don't know.
Still, I see it as a minor blip and I slept ok which was good.

Karen, hope you are doing well? I'm sorry I don't reply to your threads much but I don't really know what to say about anorexia so I work on the theory it's better to say nothing. However, I do look out for how you are doing and I hope you are making progress. :)


11-10-05, 09:02
Sorry for not replying sooner - my internet connection still well dodgy!

Yes made it to the shop and also did go in. The walk was ok there, felt horrible in the shop and horrible a couple of times while walking back.

I will still keep trying to do it though as I am soooooooo bored now being stuck at home and I think this will start making me feel low soon.

Trev - all completely normal how you felt at the gym hun, think it would be weird if you didn't occasionally feel anxious wouldn't it!!!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-10-05, 09:13
Well done for the shopping expedition Piglet.

Can you do it again very soon.

You are doing soooo well, don't get despondant now .

Look at how much progress you've made - and to the next step ahead.

Meg xx

11-10-05, 09:54
Hi Piglet

Well done on your expedition to the shop! I think you did really well to get there and back alone, as well as going into the shop too.

Keep telling yourself how bored you are getting at home, as this will give you motivation to keep going.

Trev: Thanks for your message. It's ok that you don't know what to say about anorexia. I know this isn't really a site for eating disorders. It helps knowing people care and are supporting me though.

You did well at the gym, even if you felt a bit uncomfortable for a while.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

11-10-05, 10:18
Hi Karen,

No I didn't go on my own I had my youngest with me - need to feel comfortable about being out generally with someone before I feel I can tackle that. The only walking I do on my own at the mo is the night time walking up and down my road.

It will come, I know, it's just I want to be independent NOW and I want it like yesterday you know!!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-10-05, 14:51
You are doing well Piglet. You went and did it when you could easily have left it, which is crucial. It all adds up. Keep going. It will get easier in time. :)

When I was on that Stress & Anxiety Management course they said something which I'd never realised. You can actually be under-stressed and have the same response as being over stressed. I only mention this because I know some of my worst times came when I was getting bored around the house. All I ended up doing was mulling it all over in my mind and then getting in a right state which just perpetuated the negative spiral.
You probably know all this stuff, so sorry, don't mean to show you how to suck eggs, so to speak.

Quote..."It will come, I know, it's just I want to be independent NOW and I want it like yesterday you know!!" (I've given up on trying the yellow box thing!!)
I know EXACTLY how you feel. The horrible thing with this is it brings out that agitation again. Rushing to get it over. It's so difficult not to get caught by that one.

You're doing well mate. You are making steps forward. Stick at it and go easy on yourself. :)

Karen, I am giving you support in spirit. I hope you are doing ok at the moment.

Had a great yoga session last night btw. Nearly fell asleep in the relaxation. Probably relates to the weekend. I've been feeling very tired all the time since then but that's to be expected really.


11-10-05, 16:15
Hi Piglet

It is fine that you had someone with you to go to the shop. This is still progress and taking steps in the right direction. I know it is easy to get impatient and want to push yourself too hard sometimes. Little steps add up and are taking you closer to where you want to be.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">The only walking I do on my own at the mo is the night time walking up and down my road.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Less of the only;) I remember not too long ago when you had someone with you for these walks too. You are making great progress.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

11-10-05, 16:54
Well done Piglet, you're making great progress.
Love Lisa :)

12-10-05, 09:46
Aww thanks guys!!!

Trev - think you have a really good point about being under stressed (I sorta do remember hearing that before somewhere) I think where being a single mum of three for the last 10 years has been so hectic, now that they are all older teenagers I do have time for 'me' again and really I'm used to doing 20 things at once and now I don't have to.

I am doing a bit of retraining at the moment to make future job prospects better but my social life is zilch and obviously not getting out much if at all in the day doesn't help - I will give some thought to this!!

Karen - ta for that, you are quite right bless you, it was only a few weeks ago that I wouldn't go out even in the dark without the youngest, so yes there has been progress.

Lisa - hi hun:)

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-10-05, 09:57
well done Piglet going out in the dark.
Have you tried going out at dusk yet ? as its a step in the right direction and may help you bridge that gap.


12-10-05, 10:14
I'm adding this bit on as I daren't do too long a posts while my internet connection is playing up as I lose whole posts that way when it disconnects.

Anyway what I wanted to add on was about the progress thing. The reason it's so hard to feel I'm progressing is because only my family and my best mate know where I am at (just close family not all of them) so I feel that if I had to tell anyone else it wouldn't look like progress if they thought I couldn't go out by myself they would see it as me having quite a problem.

I don't know why I have such an issue with this letting people know thing. I think it's because I've always been so independant and strong I somehow feel really inadequate being like this.

If I were to sum up the biggest problem my anxiety gives me it would be this panicking in front of people thing. Even as a child I always disliked being ill with an audience and would just like to be quiet till I felt better. If I could somehow get this issue sorted out it would go an enormous way to getting a handle on it.

Although I do panic at home occasionally I deal with it so much better and keep things in perspective but give me some people watching and somehow I just feel so laid bare.

I am just so much better at being the helper than being the helpee. Sorry, just having a vent because I feel so embarassed that I can't even go to the corner shop on my own.

Think I will go and have a good leap around on Super tramp as I sound really moany today.

Love moany Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-10-05, 12:11
Hi Piglet,
You have a good moan mate, it's good for you.
Try and see the bigger picture, you are doing so well and have come so far. You are making real progress, just remember that it's the small steps that go towards to end goal, step by step you will get there.
I think alot of people worry they will panic in front of other people, that's very normal. I have had several panic attacks at work and more often than not no one has been any the wiser. These days I am quite open about it though, most people who know me know I have them. In fact when you tell people you'd be surprised about how many people will then say they've had at least one aswell. Initially I didn't like many people knowing but the CBT I had helped me with that.
Anyway keep up the good work and happy bouncing on super tramp!
Love Lisa x

12-10-05, 12:12
Hi Piglet

I doubt most people relish the thought of telling all to anyone except those that are closest and nearest family. I know I wouldn't feel comfortable telling everyone about some of my issues, although I have found that letting people know I have social phobia and have difficulty with verbal communication can help sometimes.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">If I were to sum up the biggest problem my anxiety gives me it would be this panicking in front of people thing. Even as a child I always disliked being ill with an audience and would just like to be quiet till I felt better. If I could somehow get this issue sorted out it would go an enormous way to getting a handle on it.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
I know exactly what you mean here because anyone noticing that I am panicking is a big fear of mine too. I doubt in reality that anyone would be paying attention to you or taking any notice, but it certainly feels that way at the time.

It helps to have a good vent sometimes, so go ahead if you need to! Hope the 'leaping about to Super Tramp' helped!


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

12-10-05, 12:13
BTW - while you're having internet problems, you could write your posts in Word and then copy and paste. That's what I do when my connection is playing up.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

12-10-05, 12:53
Piglet, it's funny but I had a similar problem of suddenly feeling a bit isolated. Mine wasn't to do with kids growing up but more a big group of close friends drifting away. Two couples emmigrated, best mate moved to Oxford, another very good friend went off travelling on his motorbike for 2 years and is still gone! One went to London etc etc. (Maybe they were trying to tell me something!! I should invest in some new deoderant[:I]). Anyway, everyone starting to get careers, married etc. The ones who stayed in Nottingham started having kids and so couldn't get out and suddenly my social world got smaller and smaller until I went from being out virtually all the time to virtually being in all the time. Added to this, my girlfriend is a stewardess and so is away for chunks of time. It only dawned on me about a year or so ago that I was suddenly spending a hell of alot of time on my own. I think that this contributed to my problem starting for sure.
I suppose my point is that it can happen sometimes without you even realising it.


12-10-05, 13:17
Quote..."I am doing a bit of retraining at the moment to make future job prospects better but my social life is zilch and obviously not getting out much if at all in the day doesn't help - I will give some thought to this!!

It's great that you are doing some retraining. More distraction and practical steps forward at the same time. What are you doing?
Also, work will possibly help to increase your circle of friends.
Another segment of the course focused on support networks i.e friends. For me I've realised that you have to work at it. I was used to being in environments where there were loads of people. i.e university, but now that is no longer there so I will have to work at actively putting myself out there to meet new people. I have done this a bit with biking and also the gym. I suppose it's a case of finding an activity you enjoy and joining some club. Sounds easy doesn't it? lol :)

I know what you mean about not wanting to tell people and also not wanting an audience. I was also used to being independant and sure of myself. I did tell quite a few people in the end, but only those I felt comfortable about telling. There's no shame in it and funnily enough once you've told a couple of people it gets alot easier. The other thing to come from that was the number of people who said "I had that". I think I went on about this before but I was staggered by the number of people who said that to me. And more often than not it was the ones who appeared really confident and "together" and great fun in company. It also meant that I found success stories!!! These helped me loads and probably contributed to shortening the length of time I suffered acutely.

Anyway, I feel like I'm rambling on a bit.

You are doing really well. You are making progress and you can't do better than that :). The pace of progress, I believe, is secondary.


12-10-05, 15:15
Feel alot better for having a jump (ooh err)![:I]

I think besides the anxiety I am also at a sort of new point in my life too of not being so needed by the kids (so I can't hide behind them) and all my mates are back at different jobs.

For the first time in my whole life I probably have too much time on my hands and not enough non working friends to fill that time with. I remember my mum telling me something similiar years ago and me thinking how can that be and that because I knew so many people and was so sociable that that would never happen to me!!!!

Also because I feel so embarassed at the thought of having a panic attack (which will usually result in my bursting into tears) in front of them I've cut my friends right down to the few who I don't mind knowing.

Why does it matter so much to me what people think of me having a panic attack. I don't mind at all what they think of my dress sense or my cooking etc etc so why does this matter so much??????[?]

Weather completely grot here today which seems to match my mood bad tempered and foul (lol perhaps foul is a little harsh) but you know what I mean!!!!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-10-05, 19:22
I believe that the weather does affect our mood. Things always seem better with blue skies around.

Quote..."Why does it matter so much to me what people think of me having a panic attack. I don't mind at all what they think of my dress sense or my cooking etc etc so why does this matter so much??????"

Maybe it has something to do with control, or more specifically, self control? With your clothes etc it is people's opinion on your taste that is the issue. We all have different opinions on this and that is fine, we can accept that. Some will like it and some won't.

However, maybe with the panic attack it is more a case of you worrying about your ability to be YOU, the strong independent person. I found that for a while I lost who "I" was. My confidence had been so eroded. Maybe you have similar thoughts going on, I don't know?

If it is, then all I can say is that as you gain confidence from what you are already doing that "You" will come back again in time.

Trev :)

13-10-05, 09:47
Ta Trev mate.

Feel a little less moany today despite the fact the weather is still pants.

I went out last night for a long walk - I did take the youngest as this was a walk into town to the bank it takes about 40 mins total there and back, still in the dark but have to say didn't feel at all panicky so that's good.

I will just keep plodding on with the walking and maybe try what Mirry says about walking in the dusk which will be real easy soon as dusk will be before tea lol!!!! I did also walk up my road in daylight as needed to put a b'day card in a neighbour at the top of the road.:)

Love Piglet :):):)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-10-05, 10:10
A 40 minute walk and a walk in the DAYLIGHT. :D:D:D These are great achievements Piglet and the stepping stones to recovery. You are going about it the right way mate so keep building on it and moving on.

Good on you.

Trev :)

13-10-05, 11:26
Well done Piglet, great achievements :)
Lisa x

13-10-05, 13:54
Piglet, you're doing great.

I can see you doing some volunteering soon doing leaflet drops in your area.

Meg xx


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-10-05, 14:47
Well done Piglet. Great on both the walk into town and the daylight walk.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

28-10-05, 11:27
I thought a little update here.

After my little daylight walk that Sunday to the corner shop I have,

1. Walked in daylight to the doctors and waited in the surgery (this was particularly successful as for once my anxiety came down to normal levels while I was there which was a real boost to confidence levels).

2. Did a long walk in daylight to the local hospital to have my wrist x-rayed (still waiting to hear) and sat in the waiting room and wasn't too bad (trusty bottle of water totally helped) and walked back.

3. Went in daylight to register at a new dentist.

4. Been helping my friend on and off all week with their new move.

I have had company to do all these things but am getting more encouraged with how I feel and am managing these tasks!!!!

I can't say I don't feel panicky but I do feel pleased with the fact I really want to try and it's that positivity that is really helping me.

Oh and by the way all my rebounding is doing rather nice things to the way I look in jeans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of things still to aim for but feel I am at least on the road now.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-10-05, 11:58
You're doing great Piglet, and making so much progress. Well done.

Lisa x:)

28-10-05, 12:53
All wonderful progress Piglet ..

Well done


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

28-10-05, 15:27
Well done Piglet. You are making leaps in progress. Keep it up and keep growing that confidence! :D


04-11-05, 18:58
Just trying out the quote thing that Nic has just told Piglet how to do so apologies for this fairly pointless post!

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Lots of things still to aim for but feel I am at least on the road now.
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I really hope this quote is in a yellow box this time!!!

BTW, Piglet, how you doing lately?

Trev :D

04-11-05, 18:59
Yyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, at last the yellow box appears!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D

04-11-05, 19:01
But it hasn't got the name of the poster and the date????? Anyone help?
Still, I'm happy enough with the yellow box. Time for a celebratory drink I feel.
Cheers. :D

04-11-05, 21:55
Lol Trev mate,

It took me ages to suss out doing quotes and now I'm trying to move on to using a few quotes in the same post.

You did well understanding Nics answer - I'm tired and woolly headed so I will need to read it again tomorrow. You know that feeling when you are reading the words but nope, the lights on but no-ones home thing, well thats me tonight!!!!

Not a bad week ta - only done little bits on my own but again lots with the youngest and feeling more and more like my old self while doing them. [Yeah!]

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

04-11-05, 23:09
Oooooh the dizzy heights of multiple quotes in one post!!!!!! I can only dream of such things!!! lol :D
Good luck to you Piglet. I'll be coming to you for lessons when you suss it.[8D]

Congrats again on your becoming an administrator. Very well deserved.

Don't worry, I know the feeling where it goes in one side, by-passes settling in the brain, and just shoots straight out the other side. We all get days like that I think regardless of anxiety stuff.

That's good news. There's no "only done". That's great stuff. You sound more confident about it. Keep at it and the confidence will still keep going in a general upward direction.

This is quite a significant day for me........not that I've told anyone. It's one year to the day that I had my first panic attack and all this started. (I sound like some sort of proud father!!! lol. Come and see my nice 1 year old panic attack......just getting silly now! :D).
Last bonfire night was a very surreal experience for me so I'm hoping to make up for it tomorrow. :D

Take it easy mate,

Trev x :D:D

05-11-05, 10:00
My anniversary of panic is always Sept.

I am now able to laugh at some of my little episodes at this time. I remember laying in the side corridor of my doctors surgery (actually on the carpet) convinced I was having a heart attack, with my friend idling away the time watching the ornamental fish in the tank - like you do when your best friend is having a heart attack.

Couldn't understand why surgery staff were just stepping over me but didn't actually care much, as at least I was having my heart attack in peace and the right place.

I also remember several school runs and I mean runs!!!! I had children struggling to keep up with me on the the walk home or should I say sprint, giggling away thinking it all such a lark (them not me - my face was something else entirely)!!!!

Asking my doctor if I had mad cows disease very earnestly and him also very earnestly (with a twitch at the corner of his mouth) reassuring me I didn't!!

People came out of the woodwork all over the place to tell me of their experiences (which helped) my ex telling me it would get worse before it got better (which didn't) and my family thinking it was something to do with my cooking (possibly lol).

I tormented myself with visions of being locked away in an victorian mental institution running along corridors in a long nightie with black straggly hair wielding a big dagger (LisaS likes that bit - wonder was I confusing me with a character out of Jane Eyre or somesuch Bronte character)!!

Anyway all in all like you say a surreal time! Think if I had found this site then possibly I wouldn't have felt so 'unusual'. Thankfully now I have and come to the conclusion whilst I may still be unusual so are millions of others.

Group hug Nomorepanic [:I][:I][:I]

Love Piglet:D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

05-11-05, 18:18
Very, very, funny post. :D:D:D

Sorry, not laughing at the horrible bits but with the benefit of hindsight and being in the position we are now, you really do have to laugh at it in general, don't you?

All the litttle anicdotes makde me laugh (from a "been there" point of view....not laughing at you) but the mad cow one just reminded me of how close I came to going to the GP with the same question. I was CONVINCED that must be the answer. I'd eaten too much beef and my eyes were going to start rolling anytime with my tongue flopping around. [:P][:P][:P]:D
I didn't go in the end thank God, but it would have been interesting to see the GP's reaction as well.

Thank you for giving me a right good laugh before going out for the firewroks.

It's just made me have an idea. What about writing a book of anecdotes based on panic disorder? It would help others and be very amusing at the same time.

What a class post Piglet [8D]

Have a good night,

Trev x :)

06-11-05, 10:23
You'll have to suggest that to Nic/Meg Trev. Bet we've all got stories like that (I say that hopefully, otherwise I better get my coat)!!!!

There are still quite a few more gems like that in my past - I seem to be quite an embarassing person on the quiet (no wonder I don't like panicking in public I'm too good at it).

Did you have a nice night at the fireworks, they went on all night round here!!!!!

The youngest and I sat on the settee licking the salt of some Pringles and watching 'come dancing' (like you do)!!!![^]

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

07-11-05, 00:22
First time I had a panic attack was at work. The paramedic that came to my aid wired me up on a mobile ECG. He then called out the ambulance, told me not to worry, fed me something from an inhaler and under blue lights, I was rushed to the cardiac dept in Nottingham city hospital. He had found a "negative T pulse", whatever that is?

I was kept in overnight as a precaution where I had to wait for the results of blood tests taken on my arrival to see if I had had some sort of cardiac incident. Needless to say I didn't sleep very well. Results came back at 3pm and were ok, thank god.

Turns out the paramedic had wired the machine up the wrong way around!! (It's enough to give you a panic attack!!!!:D)

Fireworks good thanks. Yeah, there were loads going off around here.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">The youngest and I sat on the settee licking the salt of some Pringles and watching 'come dancing' (like you do)!!!!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Mmmmm, I really don't know what to say about that one! Some people have the strangest hobbies! Do you just sort of lay the Pringles out to dry once you've licked all the salt off or do you go all the way and eat the Pringle as well? :D:D

More stories would be good if you don't mind divulging.

Take care,
Trev x

07-11-05, 09:23
Lol Trev - yes we eat the whole Pringle!!!!

I have been known to eat the chocolate off Rolo's and discard the inside, once at the cinema a friend and I practiced how far we could spit the horrible toffee part and I onced reached the actual screen (needless to say we were asked to leave)!!!

I have also done the same with Jaffa cakes and Bounty bars but obviously not spat them out at the cinema that would just be stupid!!!

Warning: Please do not attempt any of these procedures - they didn't work for me and will not work for you!!!

Enjoy your day!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

07-11-05, 23:09
Glad to hear you eat the whole pringle, I was getting a bit concerned there! lol ............... until I heard about your cinema antics!!

Meal times must be fascinating round you place. Do you ever get to eat anything without licking it first!!!! [^]

Hope you had a good day.

Trev x :D

07-11-05, 23:24
Just been reading this and you 2 have totally lost the plot[8D]:D[^]:)

Very funny. CHEERED ME UP

I can see the whole piglet family licking pringles and laying them out to dry now!

Totally mad lol.

Very funny.


08-11-05, 10:08
You know some people always sniff milk before they use it (or is that just my mum?) well I lick stuff (steady)!!!!

Nic, think Trev and I do a lot of thinking outloud on this thread and its a good job we weren't at school together I can see we would have been getting into a lot of trouble, although I reckon it would be me who got told off and Trev saying "go on Piglet spit the toffee at the board" then looking all angelic and innocent while I have dribble running down my face and get sent to the Head!!!

Love Piglet :)

08-11-05, 11:02
hope you dont mind but really enjoy reading your banter
piglet i always eat around stuff and lick pringles and i sniff milk so..... and think a thread on funny stories of panic would be good if you cant laugh at yourself... i once once shopping for rescue remedy and had an almighty panic attack which i even found amusing at time and in a panic i once run out of boots with a bottle of water unpaid for
again thanks piglet and trev you make me laugh and again hope you dont mind me reading
take care
danielle ps piglet i love your signiture quote

08-11-05, 11:13
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">You know some people always sniff milk before they use it (or is that just my mum?) well I lick stuff (steady)!!!!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Sniffing milk is normal isn't it? lol :D

All this talk of licking and spitting! I'm trying desperately to not decend down a Frankie Howard / "Carry On" route!!! But............Oooooh, matron, please!! :D[^]:D

You've got to have a laugh though. This anxiety stuff has been so grim that I feel like a new born lamb now......well, maybe not a lamb, but you know what I mean! My new mantra is going to be "the sillier the better" these days I reckon.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">its a good job we weren't at school together I can see we would have been getting into a lot of trouble, although I reckon it would be me who got told off and Trev saying "go on Piglet spit the toffee at the board" then looking all angelic and innocent while I have dribble running down my face and get sent to the Head!!!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

:D:D lol, the thought of you and I at school together is amusing.....and definitely worrying! :D:D As you say, I can see alot of trouble would have occured. I didn't need much encouragement to lark about at school that's for sure and it sounds like you would have been a perfect accomplice!!.........Piglet, put this chalk in the teachers coffee when he's not looking!! :D

Frankie x

08-11-05, 11:20
Dan mate join in anytime you like - it may stop Trev and I getting completely out of hand.

I will soon convert you all into my little ways - you'll be spitting out the toffee middle bits of sweets and licking crisps and using the red off smarties for lipstick (even you Frankie)!!

Must get off the computer in a mo and get some work done and the sun has come out so think may battle with the sheets and get them on the line.

Love Pig :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

08-11-05, 12:40
Hi Danielle,

blimey, you slipped in there as I was writing. Feel free to join in and save our sanity please!

Right, I've got it, it's obvious. Lets have a NMP meet up at the cinema! :D We'll buy as much confectionery as we can, feed it to Piglet "The Tongue" for screen ammo and have a sweep stake on how long it takes for security to be called.

(All proceeds to go to buying red smarties for Piglet).

Trev :D

10-11-05, 21:34
**It's just made me have an idea. What about writing a book of anecdotes based on panic disorder? It would help others and be very amusing at the same time.**

Go for it !! Start a thread and keep it live ....

Charlie, Nic and I are planning a booklet based around personal experieneces that we could happily incorporate these into.

Many thanks for volunteering you both !


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

14-11-05, 15:15
Taken your advice Meg and started a new thread along the 'funny experiences' line!!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

15-11-05, 14:25
Apologies guys,

been away for a bit and only had a chance to check the forum briefly.

Well done for starting that thread Piglet. Those stories do make me laugh. :D

Went away for the weekend to a friends 40th birthday and it was fancy dress. Very funny night. Good chance to get my Adam Ant suit on!! (Very sad!!) Good night, but did get a bit anxious before it. Just a bit dizzy etc but nothing more came of it.
The next day with hangover and lack of sleep I felt edgy again, but I suppose that's normal.


15-11-05, 14:37
Hi mate,

The fact you can actually do these things is brilliant and a little anxiety is acceptable, yes??

Think you should mention in the new thread about treating your panic attacks like a proud parent as that made me laugh a lot - a snort in the cereals!!!

My overall anxiety levels are the best they have been this year and although still not out and about on my own I'm getting out regularly to the shops which is building my confidence back up slowly.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

15-11-05, 15:15

We need pics of that for the pics page - what a sight!


15-11-05, 15:24
Mmmmmm, Nic. I'll check my camera (he says desperately reaching for the delete button!!) :D Get back to you on that one.

I shall make an entry on the thread today hopefully. Glad to hear that you are the best you've been for some time. Just keep topping that confidence up. It will be nice for Xmas to be on good form. I'm happy for you. :D

Cheers guys,
Trev x

15-11-05, 15:45
Excellent Trev- well handled weekend

Piglet.. steady does it . You're doing great.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

15-11-05, 17:48
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
My overall anxiety levels are the best they have been this year and although still not out and about on my own I'm getting out regularly to the shops which is building my confidence back up slowly.
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Piglet this is fantastic to hear, well done you! So pleased for you.

Lisa x

15-11-05, 18:00
Thanks guys.

Much appreciated. :)

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

18-11-05, 19:52
Just a quick update to let you know I went in the steam room today at the gym. Not very exciting in itself I know, but it was one of those little things that I had still avoided.
I'd gone right off the idea of being hot and thought I might feel a bit uncomfortable and dizzy in that steamy environment. I'd convinced myself it didn't matter, as how important is going in a steam room in your life????!!!!
I'm glad I did it now though as it's another brick put back in the confidence wall.


18-11-05, 22:29
Well done Trev. That wall is getting very high and very solid now

Meg xx

18-11-05, 22:42
It is Meg, thanks to this site and the people on here.

I feel fine these days really.

Ok, I have the odd moment (usually after a few beers the night before to be honest! :D) but these days I can see it for what it is, the odd heart flutter, pain due to muscle fatigue or tension, not imminent heart attack.

Things like the steam room are few and far between and getting fewer!

Cured!!! (And even if I wasn't I'd be telling myself I am! :D:D)

Cheers Meg,
Trev x

19-11-05, 00:13
I couldn't help myself - I had to move it !!


19-11-05, 09:34
Blimey, how did I do that?

I suddenly seem to have found the powers of Dr. Who and have travelled through the space / time continuem (god knows the spelling?!!) into the "success stories" quarter!! My confidence has soared so high that I've morphed into a Time Lord!! Bonus. :D

Perfect, it should save me some money as I won't need to bother getting a train to London now for the conference, I shall take the tardis instead! :D

And it proves another thing, Piglets do fly!!!! :D:D

Cheers Meg, look forward to catching up with you and the others next week.


19-11-05, 10:24
Wow how clever is that!!!

I think you did fantastic (not sure about the grammer there) going in the steam room.

I have always been very claustrophobic, with lifts being the major culprits and always avoid them. Mind you I worked for 5 years in an office years ago, on the 5th floor, so I did eventually get to grips with it while I was there (proves you can if you have to) but am back to not using them again in the last 10 years as I dont need to.

So to be semi naked, very hot and in a small space is not what Piglets like. I will stick to leaping about!! Actually the youngest and I skipped back from the shop last night in the dark - which is actually extrememly strenous but all my rebounding is paying off and I did it very gracefully. Good job the other two weren't with us, I am embarassing enough at the best of times, street cred and all that.

Well done hunny.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

19-11-05, 11:11
Well done with the steam room Trev.

lots of love


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

20-11-05, 01:05
Thanks guys.

I must admit, I don't particularly like the steam room, it's just that I used to go in there no worries so I wanted to do it again just to prove I could. Not a big fan of being hot and feeling claustrophobic either.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Good job the other two weren't with us, I am embarassing enough at the best of times, street cred and all that.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

lol. :D

Are you still making gradual progress Piglet? You seem alot more confident to me in your posts and sound like you are doing alot more. :D

Trev x

20-11-05, 11:52
Yes I do think I am making gradual progress if I think about it and my general anxiety levels on a day to day basis are much improved.

I am shopping more and more now and getting more comfortable with it whereas a while ago I didnt even want to go out at all.

So that's a big plus for me - think I will carry on with this for now and see where it takes me. Or do you think I could be doing more????

I am busy with different nice things at the moment too and I wonder if that is taking the focus off myself abit, giving me space in my head to put the anxiety to the back for once!!

I am also thinking that if I have a funny moment and I'm in public I shall say I suffer panic attacks ( gosh do you think I might be making a small progression in the accepting thing and my fear of public panic?).

I have thought in my head a couple of times when I have been out and felt panicky 'sod off panic, you boring old trump, I'm busy'. I actually found it irritating and didn't want to be bothered with feeling panicky.:(

It is all baby steps isn't it and although I don't feel strong every day I do feel stronger more days than don't.

I shall keep plodding on with the ultimate aim eventually of getting out 'alone' (aww don't like that word though, it makes me feel lonely like a billy no mates)!!

Silly old Piglet :):):):)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

20-11-05, 12:24
Trev & Pig

Just catching up on your posts here - they always make me smile.

Well done on the steam room Trev - I can't breathe in those places so don't like them very much! I am pleased to see things are going well for you and look forward to catching up again next weekend.


20-11-05, 15:11
Thanks Nic.

Just as an add on I am also shopping more and more 'by daylight' lol!!!

I have just come in this very afternoon from pottering around the shops in our local town and had very few twinges which is fab for me.

It is a beautiful winters day here and just the sort of day to wrap up and go for a walk across the hills, singing a loud song (like in Sound of Music) and drinking lovely hot things out of flasks. Dream on Piglet!!

Ever since that Sunday when I decided to 'jfdi' to the local shop I have gently 'jfdi' quite a lot.

Cor, doesn't it make a difference when its sunny.:D:D:D

Love Piglet :)

For any new members 'jfdi' means, 'just flippin do it'.

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

20-11-05, 23:17
Thanks Nic. Look forward to catching up as well.

Pigelt, I think you are doing great mate. Just look back over this topic alone to see how much you've improved.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">think I will carry on with this for now and see where it takes me. Or do you think I could be doing more????</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I think you are the best judge of that Piglet. Sometimes we need a shove and sometimes we know we are going at the right pace once we have started doing something. You seem to be doing just fine from where I'm looking on. :D
I think that as long as you carry on doing what you know you can do and then every now and then challenge yourself to take the next step or tick the next obstacle off, the timescale is somewhat irrelevant. It sounds to me like your confidence is improving and that is the key, not the pace of doing things.
The way you just drop in the fact that you've been shopping in the daylight etc shows just how far you have come and there is absolutely no reason to go back now. Another Claire Weekes classic that always stuck with me went along the lines of "confidence, once earned, will never be lost". It all lies in the DOING. And you are doing so much more now than you were even a couple of months ago. Good on you. :D

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I am busy with different nice things at the moment too and I wonder if that is taking the focus off myself abit, giving me space in my head to put the anxiety to the back for once!!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

In my opinion, based on my own experience, I think this quote hits the nail squarely on the head. I believe it's critical to find something you enjoy that takes your mind away from the "what if?" thoughts. Anything that stops that constant negative stuff and starts turning it into positive stuff is absolutely critical I reckon. It gives your mind time to re-charge itself and makes it just that little bit stronger each time.
For what it's worth, I also believe that we should try and tell ourselves we are "cured" even if we still have the upsetting thoughts and feelings and know we are not fully cured. I think it's good to make the mental step away from "a sufferer of anxiety" to one that starts to no longer think of yourself as ill. I suspect that this opinion may cause a flood of comment but with hindsight I do believe that a point has to come where you no longer consider yourself ill. It takes the power away from it in a way. If you are what you think you are, then the surely it's going to be alot more beneficial to consider yourself ok (but maybe with the odd blip) rather than ill with the odd time of feeling ok (if that makes sense).

Blimey, don't know where all that came from!! I was only going to say that I think you are doing just fine Piglet!! :D

Trev x

20-11-05, 23:51
Well done Trev for steamroom and welldone Piglet for going to the busy shops. Hopefully will be at your stages soon enough, Sus, xx

Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.
Ralph Blum

21-11-05, 09:21
Lol Trev,

You got all deep and meaningful there, perhaps because it was a Sunday, I always think they are thoughtful days of the week, perhaps this is because 'Songs of Praise' is on.

Anyway it all made perfect sense to me. I read a book that said to always act 'as if' and one day you are no longer acting. Nice One!!

Think I will keep going as I am, I will know when I want to do the next thing!!

You know I have really liked the weather this week as here it has been really clear sunny crisp cold frosty days. None of that grey stuff and I think that is a boost to the system too.

Sus, thanks too mate and hope you are ok.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-11-05, 16:38
Thanks Sus, you'll get there. :D

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">You got all deep and meaningful there, perhaps because it was a Sunday, I always think they are thoughtful days of the week, perhaps this is because 'Songs of Praise' is on.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

You make me laugh with some of the things you say. :D Just a thought, do you spit confectionery at the TV as well? Songs Of Praise has got to be a contender for that.

I was at the theatre the other night (ooooh get me!). We rang on the night and were very lucky to get some cancelled tickets for the "Little Britain" show about 10 rows back right in the middle. Result! :D Anyway, they were selling Pringles there at the interval and I couldn't resist a chuckle at the thought of buying them just to lick the salt off and throw them at the stage! You are a bad influence.

Trev x

21-11-05, 18:52
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I was at the theatre the other night (ooooh get me!). We rang on the night and were very lucky to get some cancelled tickets for the "Little Britain" show about 10 rows back right in the middle. Result! :D Anyway, they were selling Pringles there at the interval and I couldn't resist a chuckle at the thought of buying them just to lick the salt off and throw them at the stage! You are a bad influence.

Trev x

<div align="right">Originally posted by Trev - 21 November 2005 : 16:38:30</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Ooh you were lucky - bet that was great show.

I wish you had spat the Pringles (I've never tried doing it with those but they are a sort of good shape for it)!!

I would be that little voice on your shoulder egging you on "go on Trev lick the salt off and spit, they will never know" would go the voice "blame Janice if anyone sees" , ahh go on, no go on, ah go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on! (you are picturing a little hairy irish woman at this point no doubt)!![}:)]

Big apologies to Janice here - she is gonna forbid you to come on anymore when she gets frogmarched out of places for taking the blame for pringle spitting. Or do you think she would quite like to join in as stress release from work????

Should we all do it??[}:)]

I have to say though I draw the line at Songs of Praise, as you always do, you just went too far there!!!:D

Love Piglet :)

22-11-05, 15:29
We were very lucky to get them. Tried to book earlier in the year but it was sold out. Janice just rang a couple of hours before on the off chance and the lady said you are very lucky as two have just been cancelled.
The show was good. Crowd was very exciteable. They had to get the crowd to calm down coz they couldn't get a word in at times!

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I would be that little voice on your shoulder egging you on.............(you are picturing a little hairy irish woman at this point no doubt)!!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Are you a little hairy irish Piglet then? :D[^]:D[^]:D

I've got my Pringles packed for Saturday. Now, which lectures was I in again???!!!!! Watch out, there's a Pringle about. I reckon the best ammo would be Toffos though. Do you remember them? Hard Rolos without the chocolate. They would be very quickfire. Pop them in the mouth, quick chew and out they fly. No sucking of chocolate needed. For use in quick "in and out" sniper situations!! :D


I'm off. Got to look for some ski trousers. Oh yeah, forgot to say. I've booked skiing :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Missed it last year for obvious reasons so I'm really looking forward to it this time. Only a short one with a mate and his family. Friday back Tuesday on a Squeezy Jet job.

Take care,
Trev x

22-11-05, 18:38
No, I'm a big strapping northern lass rather than a Father Ted, Mrs Doyle type, nor would I keep saying go on. After the 2nd go on I would have to resort to physical persuasion.[}:)]

I'm glad you mentioned you are actually going skiing as I was wondering if perhaps you just like wearing ski trews for the stylish man about town look.

I remember toffos, how absolutely ridiculous to make toffees with no chocolate on them - how do you work up a good chocolate dribble to enable full spitting capacity with those.

That's the trouble with working with amatuers, don't start trying to branch off on your own, stick with the tried and trusted method of Rolos before attempting anything else and heaven forbid using sherbert pips, you can spray a whole cinema with a mouthful of those!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and what about lemon bon bons, you just end up foaming at the mouth.

I intend to look at the possibility of pringles and will let you know.

God I only get out once in a blue moon to the pictures and it will be as a pringle spitting agoraphobic.[Wow!]

Anyway enough serious talk for today, enjoy the conference if you get to go and behave yourself there.


Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

22-11-05, 23:58
Given this weather "ski trews" (as you big strapping Norvern lasses say!) could be a good option. Maybe I could start a new trend in Notty.

Actually, they are advertising a "Get Fit For Skiing" class down the gym. Naturally they want more wedge for that. No way I'm doing it.........I can do squats on my own thanks without being told how to bend my bl**dy knees by a school leaver. Honestly.

But maybe I've got the wrong end of the ski pole. [B)]

Maybe they are all going to meet in the bar at around 5pm in full ski kit and then tell wild stories of how they managed to ski a whole black run on one ski. Then go on to knock back 15 shots of Schnapps with a pear in it before ending in a karaoke bar singing "I Will Survive"??? Now that's a "Get Fit For Skiing" class I could do!!! :D:D

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">That's the trouble with working with amatuers, don't start trying to branch off on your own, stick with the tried and trusted method of Rolos before attempting anything else and heaven forbid using sherbert pips, you can spray a whole cinema with a mouthful of those!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and what about lemon bon bons, you just end up foaming at the mouth.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

You need to start a training camp for us amatuers. We can but dream of the joys of spitting Lemon Bon Bons. A skill to put on your CV and no mistake. They only ever used to make my skin crawl due to the powdery stuff on the outside, but once I'd managed to get one in my mouth I would then spend the next two weeks chewing the b**tard and the two weeks after that removing pieces on Bon Bon from my teeth!! [:P]

God the stuff we used to eat. I've just remembered Space Dust!!!!![8D]. Did you try that? You could put it between the roof of your mouth and your tongue and it would sound like World War 3 in your head!! God knows what was in that stuff. Washed down with BLUE Slush Puppy. No additives there then!! Now that would give you a mental head pain if it got onto the roof of your mouth. Did me no harm!!! [B)][:P][B)][:P]

lol. Cheers,
Trev x :D

23-11-05, 00:01
Just a quickie.

This is you licking a Lemon Bon Bon........ [:P]:)

23-11-05, 00:02
.......and you licking a Rolo...........[:P][}:)]

23-11-05, 00:03
and you licking the red smarties.........[:P]:(

23-11-05, 00:05
D'you think I should get out more? lol.

Oh God, I'm going to bed for everybody's sake!!!!

Trev :D

23-11-05, 09:30
Good morning,

I particularly liked the skiers telling their stories and ending up 'with I will survive':D:D

I didn't know which bits to put in quotes though as all of it made me snort:D:D:D

Do you think you will be allowed to attend the conference after this little bout of ridiculousness!!!!


Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-11-05, 10:13
I'll probably have to sit on the "naughty step" for the conference!!!! [:I]

Trev x :D

23-11-05, 13:37
If they do put you on the naughty step you can sneakily start spitting, you could quietly aim for Nic or Meg's hair (that'll go down well).


Love Piglet :)

Do you think we need to grow up????[V]

Piglet has a little think here - naaaaaaaaaa!!!!

23-11-05, 14:34
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">If they do put you on the naughty step you can sneakily start spitting, you could quietly aim for Nic or Meg's hair (that'll go down well).</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

"The voices told me Meg!!" as the Rolos fly!! Nah, I can't see it somehow. Don't worry Meg and Nic, I won't be influenced by the naughty Piglet but it could be worth bringing shower caps just in case she comes in disguise! lol :D:D

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Do you think we need to grow up????</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Nah, that's when the problems start!! :( Childish is the new black I reckon!!! :D

Eh, Eh, Eh.......... :D

23-11-05, 14:36
I will be keeping an eye on you young Trevor [:X]

Pig - you bad bad woman - stop giving him these ideas[:P]


23-11-05, 14:39
P.S. I remember spacedust - it was well cool stuff!


23-11-05, 14:55
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I will be keeping an eye on you young Trevor</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Now that does take me back to schooldays!!

Hope you are well Nic and look forward to catching up at the weekend. :D

Trev x

23-11-05, 15:10
Did the space dust not blow your fillings out Nic???

Love Pig x

Did that stuff come in the post today - I sent it 1st class from the main Post Office ???

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-11-05, 15:29
Trev - I am doing ok thanks. Nearly done the display board and Alex has been folding leaflets all week bless him!

Pig - I bet you can't buy them anymore because of that very reason!


23-11-05, 15:43
Glad to hear you are OK. Another bottle of whiskey then for Alex!
When do you get access to the hall to set up your stand?

23-11-05, 16:04
Trev - hopefully Meg and I can get in at 8.30 to set up. Depending on how much we drink the night before - haha!


23-11-05, 16:27
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Depending on how much we drink the night before - haha!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Mmmmm, this thought had gone through my mind. Roll out of bed just in time for the 2nd lecture!!! :D [Oops!]

Well, I'll be around, so let me know if I can do anything. They are saying it's going to snow Thursday night so I'd better hurry up and get my ski trousers!! :D

Trev x

23-11-05, 17:07
We are sure to want leaflet giverouters. Thanks...


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

23-11-05, 19:05
Do I get Rolos for that? Watch out world!! lol

Trev x

27-11-05, 23:20
Went out on the motorbike today........................and froze my bl**dy knackers off!!!!! [:O]

Still, at least I JFDI'd it. :D


28-11-05, 08:59
Did you wear your ski trews on the motorbike lol!!!

Well done for spitting in Nic's hair at the conference - I knew I could rely on you[}:)][}:)][}:)]

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-11-05, 10:34

What have I told you about encouraging him [}:)][:P]

Morning Trev - hope you are warmer now!


28-11-05, 11:24
[Oops!] thought she wouldn't see that lol :D!!!

I would pay to see Nic spitting space dust wouldn't you Trev:D[}:)]:D

Love Piglet :)

28-11-05, 18:17
I still haven't bought any ski trews yet. Hope to look again at the weekend. Could have done with them as leathers are not the warmest of things in winter.

Morning (well evening now) Nic. I think I'm still thawing out to be honest. Couldn't get warm at all today. How are you doing today?

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I would pay to see Nic spitting space dust wouldn't you Trev</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Now there's a sight you don't see every day!! Could we organise some sort of charity fundraising around it do you think? :D [8D]


02-02-06, 02:48
Hi there! I had the same problem with Trev, but mine was developed by physical stress and exertion in the gym(my last worst attack was on the gym in the middle of my workout). So I developed kind of fear and added anxiety, coz I have hyperventilation syndrome for a year since my last attack while in the gym! I'm recovering from it well with the help of Yoga practice and breathing(diaphragmatic)exercises. I also slowly phasing my body through walking exercises and low-intensity weight-training, gradually gaining my confidence and clearing my mind, body and soul and of course achieving mental peace! Reading some advices from this forum helped me more to gain back my confidence, though I must admit that I'm still anxious everytime I'll have a workout! I can't even produce a sweat after, coz I have to stop coz I feel panicky when my heartbeat is so pumped up and feeling short-breathe w/c I know is a part of the exertion I'm doing to my body! I keep on telling myself that I've been here before and I did great back then with only 2 weeks since i was first diagnosed with hyperventilation syndrome! Though it's quite different now, still it's kust mental! But I know this disorder should not stay in my system coz they don't belong there anymore! Enjoy life!Goodluck to us!

02-02-06, 10:10
Sounds like you are working back through it there - it will come in time, like you say as your confidence builds.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-02-06, 16:51

I had those worries. You are doing the right thing by going back and gradually building again. Confidence will come back slowly as you get to realise each time that you are ok.
You sound like you know very well it's all in your mind and of your own making which is great. You can change those worrying thoughts over time. Try and keep as positive as possible in your outlook.

Good luck.


27-03-06, 16:19
Hi, it has been suggested that I get this post going again as it might be useful for others at the moment.

I have been going regularly to the gym now for a bit. Been doing a few classes involving Yoga, Piglates and Swiss Ball still. Also do a bit of swimming and some general gym stuff. I have noticed that the exercise really does help to curb anxiety. Especially if I go swimming in the morning before work. If you are in the process of contemplating exercise then all I can say is just go for it. Build up slowly and I don't think you will regret it. And exercise can be got in many ways.........it doesn't have to be at a gym.

Trev :D

27-03-06, 16:39
Good on ya mate :D:D:D:D

I am still yoga-ing 3 times a week and leaping/jogging on my trampolene 4 days out of 7 (really mean to do it everyday but can't always)!!!

I do walk most places I go (accompanied naturally by my younger piglets at the moment but working on the ' going solo' too)!!!

The yoga is brill for stretching out very tense anxious muscles, helping you learn correct breathing and instilling some sense of calm to proceedings.

The jogging on the trampolene really uses up all that excess adrenline and helps me feel less scattered.

The reason I like both these forms is they are totally non competative which if you are a little scared at first to exercise then you can take it really slowly - I did at first by staring at the yoga mat and the trampolene for quite some days before putting a foot on each :D:D:D

Ray hun how are you getting on with the yoga?????

Trev have a lovely time on your ski's mate and go steady with the outfits.

Love Piglet xx

27-03-06, 17:17
Hi Piglet,

great to hear that you are still doing so much. I think you are sooooo right about the yoga / vigorous exercise balance. I find the exact same thing, the yoga really does help ease out the tension in the muscles and the relaxation and breath control side is excellent. It works so well with the vigorous exercise. I can't see myself ever not doing yoga now. I love it. I'm even contemplating getting back into the martial arts I used to do but we'll have to see about that as it is VERY time consuming and needs big commitment.

Ray, I would also be interested to hear how you are getting on with the dvd?

Thank you very much. I can't wait to get the skis cranked up. I was drooling over them all weekend pretending I was the Hermanator or something!!! :D:D I never ever thought I'd have my own skis so it still feels a bit weird. Off this saturday so keeping everything crossed for the weather!!

Hope your course goes well tomorrow :D:D:D


27-03-06, 19:02
Hope you have a great time Trev.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

28-03-06, 12:45
Thank you very much Karen.

I hope you are doing better now?

Trev :D

30-03-06, 13:34
Thought I'd tag on to this. One of my worst symptoms is DP, which is quite high during the day. After a good workout (at least 30 min cycle and weights) I feel so much better. Also increases my appetite too.

It is an effort with the cycling as my mind tends to go manic for the first 10 mins (prob to do with more oxygen) but it feels good when i get off covered in sweat!!!

Weights is hard with anxiety as my muscles are so tense but I still manage it.

Definately recommend exercise as a step forward.


30-03-06, 14:52
You're absolutely right Mark :D

Love Piglet xx

18-08-06, 12:09
Just thought I'd raise this again to badger you!!

I can't encourage you enough to build some sort of exercise into your recovery plan. It is a significant component of recovery I believe and often too easily ignored. Thoughts are critical but exercise is also way up there in my opinion.

Trev :D

21-07-09, 02:56
Trev I am going through the same as you...Have you gotten back to "normal"? Can you exercise "normally"?

22-07-09, 14:16

The last time he posted on this thread was in 2006, if he has an email addy you might could e-mail him with your question.

Take care,
