View Full Version : Feeling weird

16-04-09, 06:58

Ive just upped my dosage from 20mg to 40mg on Tues at Drs request and Ive been ok so far...today, Im lethargic, shaky, jittery, and generally feeling quite awful. I know from posts on here that others have had a similar experience but urgh I hate it....its a bloody awful feeling :huh:

Plus Ive lost my motivation - Dam you motivation where the hell have you gone!!! Grrr :mad:

Anyway feel a bit better for sharing it...thanks for reading!

Much love
R x

16-04-09, 09:15
hang in there sorry im not on these meds but do want to try them ive been on mirtazipine but all they do is make me sleep. also do you feel ill achy ans sick all the time


16-04-09, 10:09
These are exactly the same as my symptoms when I first when on the tablets matey, hang in there!

The motivation comes back, you have to build it up bit by bit I find. Don't overdo yourself, it will make you feel worse. Just take your time!

Good luck!

Danny xxx

16-04-09, 14:11
Thanks guys :)

Still shaky and jittery but I holding my own so its not that bad!

Can feel a seriously early night coming on tonight - yay sleep! lol

Hope your both well.
R x

ps - Emma everyone is different, I was only sick and shaky for 3 days when initially taking it and Ive only been taking the higher dose for 3 days this time but so far still have symptoms. Id just try it if your gps ok's it and see how you go. Theres a good post on here by psychopoet with lots of information about citilapram on it...search for him and see his posts to read it. Good luck :)