View Full Version : 11 weeks

16-04-09, 09:03
please give advise
i have been on mirtazipine for 11 weeks
i still everyday feel sick and my whole body aches i know its commn for depression and anxiety but really shouldn't these have stopped a little.
has anyone else felt this for this long
also i still feel psycially ill all the time im so feed up with this i cant cope
every doctor i see just dont listn and i am now under the acute mental team but they just put the medication up
i never have a good day!
please help

16-04-09, 09:06

Hi Emma...I am on AD's and have been for 7 weeks now and I cant see any improvemnt (in fact I ave got worse in all aspects) Every day I think I will start feeling better soon BUT nope nothing. So I can understand a bit of how you are feeling ....This life is Poo at times :weep:


16-04-09, 09:11
i know but do you feel achy all the time and feel ill what meds are you on

06-09-09, 19:31
Hi Emma

I'm just new to the site today. Have been on anti depressants for years.

I've been complaining to the Doc's about my aches and pains. I get them mostly at night in bed, my back, hips, legs and sometimes during the day my lower back aches. However they just give me Ibuprofen and co-codine for the aches.

I never thought of the aches & pains being part of my depression/anxiety/panic attacks, it has never been explained to me that they are also a sympton.

I do suffer bad headaches & was told that they can be part of symptom.

On Friday I was prescribed Mirtz & I am so worried about the weight gain as I myself put the aches & pains of my body down to me being overweight. Although I am sure it does play a part in them.

Good luck to you & I hope that the Mirtz helps us both. This site seems to me to be a great place to listen & for other people to listen and respond to the same problems.

Lots of Love & Best Wishes with the Mirtz.


06-09-09, 22:19
I think when you have been on the last dose for 8weeks and dont feel any better ,you should ask your DR about trying something else .Mirtazapine never worked for me ,and I was then given Citalopram which has ..A lot of side effects do go with time .Higher doses are needed for anxiety and panic ,but you ususally notice a slight difference at least with the depression on 30mg . Sue