View Full Version : Last Night

16-04-09, 10:15
Hi guys,

Last night when I went to bed whenever I was just about to dose off I woke up feeling massivly anxious or panicy, one of the two?

What is this? has anyone else had this? It happened about 6 times. I felt fine when I woke up.

Thanks for your help!


16-04-09, 11:10
yeah this has happened to me a few times. Have you tried doing some sort of relaxation cd before bed? also winding down before bed can help, no booze, no caffeine, a bath, lavender oil can help. You can get alsorts of lavender based products that help send you to sleep peacefully & most I have tried do work. x

16-04-09, 12:54
Hi, thanks for your response. The wierd thing is that I thought I felt relaxed when i went to bed?

I will try listening to a relaxation CD though.


16-04-09, 13:33
Matt, are you woken up by jolts or the feeling that you have stopped breathing followed by palpitations?


16-04-09, 13:37
Matthew, sorry to ask just wonder if you are on any medication that might cause this?? xx

16-04-09, 14:30

No I am not taking any medication.

Yes, it was like I had stopped breathing followed by panic / anxiety. It was wierd?

16-04-09, 14:43
Hey Matt, I dont know if its the same thing but i wake up from my sleep panicking as if I couldn't breath or that I stopped breathing. It happens a few times one after another as I'm trying to fall asleep. Sometimes it goes on for a few hours till I get exhausted and fall asleep. It hard to explain but it feels like an adrenaline rush.


Vanilla Sky
16-04-09, 14:46
It is anxiety and panic, i have experienced this many times. You don't even have to feel anxious it just happens sometimes. I used to jump iut of bed thinking i had stopped breathing. I think it,s because we are on " high alert " even subconciously and sometimes when we relax or try to our mind is not ready and therfore thats when all the weird physical stuff happens. Don't worry about it the less you do the better it gets Paige x

16-04-09, 15:05
Thank you, I feel great knowing that there are other people out there going throught the same thing. I am getting married in August, hopefully I will feel better when it is over as it has been quite stressful!

16-04-09, 15:08
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding Matt. You'll be fine just don't dwell on it.

All the best
