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16-04-09, 12:06
This is a bit of an odd question and maybe some wont want to answer it, but did anyone find there anxiety started after experimenting or dabbling in recreational drugs either now or when they were younger.

Just wondering why so many paople getting soooooo anxious these days and figuring that messing with recreational drugs is so much more common these days too.


16-04-09, 12:43
Hi Lisa

It is common that anx follows drug or alcohol abuse, due to what the drugs do to the brain.

Hope you feeling ok about things hun.

Karen xx

16-04-09, 13:48
I think i read or heard the other day that anxiety is on the rise partly due to the world being a scarier place in general. I blame google and the media for the increase in health related anxiety!

My anxiety started when i was 11, so bit young for recreational drugs! saying that i do react extremely badly to recreational drugs in an anxiety sense.

16-04-09, 13:50
This is exactly what happened to me - the first time I had weed, I had the most awful reaction, panic attacks and everything. I thought I was going to die. I'm sure this is why I'm like I am now.

16-04-09, 14:02
Weed is horrible stuff.

Last time i had it id had a lot of alcohol on top, very stupid idea i know......i subsequently had the worse panic attack of my life, thought my head wasnt attached to my body. Didnt recover for weeks, my anxiety has always been much worse since then.:scared15: