View Full Version : immediate help please!

16-04-09, 13:11
i have been in the library trying to study and do my dissertation but am on teh verge of giving up and going home and really need some help.
last night i had a bad night as i had a PA at night and this morning was really upset and been feeling ligthheaded, dizzy, sick, feverish and just in the last hour, feelings in my chest like my breathing is gonna shutdown. i feel so awful, and my head wont stop hurting.i need to finish my work but amgetting so scared and weepy.
please help.

16-04-09, 13:44
Please remind yourself that these feelings have come before, and you were ok. YOu will be ok. When I have a pa I can't do anything to "get my mind off of it" it just has to pass. This to will pass!:bighug1:

16-04-09, 13:53
Ok lets focus what is your dissertation about?

what have you got to do to finish?

we need to break this down and if you can tell me that then you are going to go and have a trest for half an hour and then start again

It most likely the pressure of the dissertation and it needing finished thats causing your anx to rise having been in this situation my self the best thing to do is talk through with someone else what you need to do. Ive always found it kick starts me again

In the meantime breath.


16-04-09, 14:12
thanks for the help guys. i managed not to go home yet and am talking with some mates to try and distract.
there is nothing urgent for my dissertation so its not taht thats making me anxious, but i was practically hysterical this morning as i had the weird night symptoms, so i knew that i would be feeling rough today. the worst thing is the feeling that your not all there if you know what i mean.
i am looking into getting some cbt;i cant continue like this, i used to travel all over the world alone, had the best jobs, used to act, model and stuff i was so confident and i am becoming a wreck.
i am going to india next month and thinking i dont think i wil make it.so not looking forward to it at all.
i am at my lowest ever today.:blush: but i will get over it.