View Full Version : TFH (This *bleep* headache)

16-04-09, 16:55
Hi all, I have been suffering the infamous citalopram headaches for the last few weeks. I had a migraine on monday and i am still feeling nearly as bad now.

My eyesight feels strained and my eyes are sore. My temples are killing me too, the veins are practically buzzing. I can only take paracetamol which does help for an hour or two but you can tell when it's wearing off.

I've just been to the optician and was told everything is fine with my eyes, no sign of the dreaded brain tumour (so many people here were scared of brain tumours that the fear infected me an all!), everything is perfectly normal. But I feel like my eyesight is blurry and I seem more short sighted than ever.

I have been feeling a bit dizzy and unreal, again these are probably side effects of citalopram, but why would I feel them now at the beginning of week 5?

I haven't been going to bed til late which won't help.

Does this sound like a combination of medication, tiredness and tension? Or do you reckon I ought to bug Doctor Page again?

Cheers for any advice!

16-04-09, 17:50
From a personal persepctive, I don't know if this happens with everyone but I find the side effects of citalopram ebb and flow. I started it a couple years ago, stopped a bit early because I was fed up now i've been back on them for roughly two months (my sense of time is crap!). I get bad headaches which isn't a usual occurence for me and also this kind of dizziness now and again. I think it's perfectly normal, and you may well get them on and off while you're on citalopram.
The headaches are manageable, maybe you could try a mix of parcetamol and codeine from over the counter? Don't take too many pain-killers for headaches because it makes it worse. Try rosemary tea! Tastes pretty disgusting but you grow to like it.. !

Hope it gets better,

16-04-09, 19:07
Hi Poet!
Sorry to hear about T F Headache. Glad you dont have the dreaded brain tumour! lol :yesyes:
I find that I get the most awful sick making migraines some days that last for a couple of days before going again and before taking citalopram I rarely ever got headaches. They affect my vision too :shades: The pain is usually on one side of my head and my neck hurts a lot too.
Maybe citalopram headaches eventually fade the longer you take them.
Hopefully you will feel better soon on them :yesyes:
I dare not withdraw off the cit as I am now too worried about what the side effects will be, so I am still taking them! :wacko:

Is it ok to take paracetamol with Cit? I cant take ibroprufen cos of kidney problems :unsure:

16-04-09, 20:42
Hi, thanks for replying you two :)

Nicoleannette, my citalopram headaches are normally manageable without pain relief. Strangely, I can never say that about my normal headaches. I had a migraine on Monday and this is the first time I have had to treat one with paracetamol alone. Normally I would use ibuprofen (or ibuprofen with paracetamol if it was severe).

Poppy -- yes, as far as I know paracetamol is the only painkiller you can take with citalopram. The first couple of times I did, it made me feel spaced out, but I was still adjusting to the medication and I was still suffering with side effects anyway. If I take paracetamol now it doesn't make me feel spaced out.

I just picked up my new glasses and spent an hour shopping with my dad and I feel a hundred times better. I was feeling tense and moody this afternoon which I think made things worse.

I wake up in the middle of the night every night needing a wee. I've got the bladder of an old geezer. I think that's contributing to the tiredness.

16-04-09, 22:36
Sorry to hear youve had a migrain,paracetamol are useless for these kind of headaches.There are stronger painkillers the Dr can perscribe for you when these strike.If they are not stopped in their tracks these type of headaches can go on for days,.screeeam! I always take 2 cocodamol ,and this usually if taken immediately ,stops it from getting worse.As long as you dont take these for days they are ok.but if taken for long periods and max dose,will cause withdrawal headaches. Failing this i have a migrain pill i can take for up to 3 days if necessary . As for the old geezer bladder problem lol!, dont drink anything dirrectly before going to bed at least an hour if possible ,this will help. Such a tiny little pill-soo many problems.:ohmy: Sue:whistles:

17-04-09, 11:47
I feel like I'm having a "blip" again this week. I'm tired and headachey every day, my eyesight is strained and feelings of anxiety are beginning to creep back in.

Got to keep going and keep trying to get better. The crap weather hasn't helped and my best mate has been in a mardy mood for the last few days. I wish Britain would just cheer up, I'm sick of all the bad news!!

17-04-09, 11:58
i have started Citalopram the first time 3 weeks ago and took it for 3 days.
on the 4th day, remembering that my mother has been on anti-depressives for all of her life, i stopped, and felt very scared and like i was giving up my will and my life to chemicals, and that i would have ended up like my mom, addicted and dependant.
The day i got off it (only the 4th!!!!!!) i already felt like dying. I wiped for anything, felt blue and lonely and with no stimulus to go on.
I started taking it again yesterday, as my depression and anger have not improved by only going to my terapist. I feel better already (maybe placebo..)
I am in fear that i will get stuck on this forever, and even if i will be able to get off it at some point, it will be dreadful.
Has any of you friends have any advice for me?
x Blu'

17-04-09, 12:19
Hi Soblu,

You might get more replies if you start a new thread? :) Otherwise don't worry about getting addicted. Strangely I felt quite similar to you when I started and still do sometimes. My mum was on anti-depressants for a loooong time, the really heavy kind. She didn't have the support around her or the right kind of advice. SSRIs are gentler than the older kind, and addiction can be a frame of mind (I've have just read a new article about this -academic proof ;) ). Try not to think about it, let Citalopram do it's job, allowing you to step back and look at what is making yuo depressed and try and change things. You're mother is a different person, differnt circumstances and most likely different medication. This is you, your life, your decision to get better! :) You'll be fine.
x :bighug1:

17-04-09, 13:06
Hi Poet! :)
Awww...You sound really down today. This is not like you...you are usually so positive and upbeat...dont you just love the effects of citalopram somedays! :lac:
I am sorry that you are going through a 'blip'. I have had plenty of them (as you know!) and they do pass eventually (as you know) :unsure:
I find that when I have the headaches is when I feel at my worst on these tablets.
I am still taking the citalopram -(I still have not started withdrawing off them yet! - too scared to :scared15:) I have found the past few days to be a lot better than how I was feeling towards the end of last week & over the weekend. This is how it seems to be with citalopram I have found and maybe the longer we are on them the less the side effects eventually.
I read that it can take up to 9 months for citalopram to work fully on anxiety!
I am sorry too about your mardy mate! Maybe he needs anti depressants too? :winks:
I hope your headache passes soon too.

Marc EH
17-04-09, 13:33
Hi mate, sorry to hear about your 'FH'. It sounds like the medication does cause these ups and downs doesn't it but I'm only on day 16 so not sure how long it lasts. Having said that I have been having headaches everday and my sight has got worse rather than better over the last couple of weeks and the optician says my eyes are fine! Chin up and I'm always here if you want to talk mate.

17-04-09, 22:39
Hi everyone, thanks for the reassurance, and thanks for the PMs I got as well :) It is nice that people think highly of me :D

My headache has not been anywhere near as bad today and although I've been tired, I've had more energy than yesterday! The worst headaches seem to coincide with my feeling down or very anxious, almost like feeling those emotions is physically painful? That's weird.

I have been out most of the afternoon with dad but I felt tense and upset all day, the infamous feeling of lurking fear, even though I literally haven't got anything serious to worry about (which is what really does my head in, I wish I could enjoy the peace and quiet!!).

Then I went to my mate's this evening. Had a right laugh with him and his girlfriend. Their papillon Dave (who I call "David Dog") curled up asleep in my lap all evening. It has really made me feel better, just a few hours of fun without worrying about anything. Proves yet again that having company and getting away from your worries can make all the difference. :)