View Full Version : Still not well

16-04-09, 18:21
I'm not sure where to post this. At the beginning of the week I was suffering bad nausea and vomiting from duloxetine. Now I'm off that and feel better for it. I have a chest infection so strong antibiotics have been prescribed and I have had more nausea and vomiting so I'm off those too. It has been a scarey week as I accused Dr J of poisoning me. He understandably was annoyed but when you feel so sick that you feel that you are going to die it is easy to believe that your care giver is trying to poision you. I'm scared as to where it will all lead as I there are so many drugs I cannot take because of the lithium and I'm allergic to codeine and anything major in the pain relief department. If I can't tolerate duloxetine will I be able to tolerate other ssris? There are many to choose from. Will I need another one? Will I need to come off the dothiepin? Pharmacist says that there is an interaction between the two. I've missed worked today mainly sleeping but I've felt quite low too and I'll just have to trust that the help will be there if I need it.

16-04-09, 18:55
sorry you feel so low
big hug
emma x

17-04-09, 14:30
Thank you. I'm still off work hopefully I'll begin to feel better soon.

17-04-09, 15:32
Hi ElizabethJane,

Lovely name by the way it is my sisters too! I remember when I was testing out ssri's and I took Effexor and I couldn't even stand up I was so ill after just one pill! It is amazing what some meds can do to you and then you find the right one, I'm sure they will for you too. I do hope you feel better soon and just wanted to give you a big :bighug1: . Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Best wishes,
