View Full Version : CT-scan today. Scared beyond belief...

16-04-09, 18:25
Hello everybody,
I was to my local hospital today and took a spiral CT-scan of my abdomen/pelvis-region (with injected contrast).
Anyway; the scan itself was no problem but I`m very scared no while awaiting the results.
Have been having pain in my upper stomach lately and with my health anxiety I am of course convinced it is cancer.... And not any cancer either; I`m afraid it is pancreas, stomach,liver or gallbladder cancer. All of which naturally have an abmyssal prognosis.

I have a doctor`s apointment in a week but it feels hopeless to wait so long for the result. Luckily my wife is a nurse at the same hospital and hopefully she will get hold of the results for me tomorrow afternoon. Still; the wait is horrible and I keep seeing those nightmarish scenarios in my head. The call from my doctor telling me it`s cancer, the operations, the message that it`s incurable etc etc......
I know that so far all this is happening inside my head but I can`t seem to calm myself down at all....
It doesn`t help either that ther has been a lot of cancer around me lately. My father in law was diagnosed with kidney cancer last week, my friend`s brother died of skin cancer last month and my four year old niece is going trough a truly horrible treatment for a brain tumor...
I just can`t stop thinking that tomorrow it is my time to get the dreaded message....

I hope you`ll excuse my not-so-good English BTW...

17-04-09, 08:47
Poor you - how scary - I've just had the same thing waiting for MRI results (came back clear!) and know how scary waiting is. It's great that your wife is a nurse at the same hospital, so you should have the results today? Let us know how it went and what the results are.

I'm really sorry about your Dad, your niece and your brother's friend - sounds like everyone is having a rough time of it at the moment. No wonder your anxiety is through the roof but I am sure that you'll be ok, try to think about something else if you can (I know easier said than done!)... and we're all here if you need us...

17-04-09, 11:49
Well, I`m sitting here waiting for my wife to call and am really scared at the moment.. I hope she has good news but I`m very afraid that is not the case...
I`m also afraid she won`t be able to get the results (depends on which radiologist (?) she runs into) and I`ll have to wait over the weekend...

Yeah, It`s been a lot of sickness around me lately. Hopefully it will turn out allright in the end for my niece and father in law. At least the doctors are fairly optimistic...

17-04-09, 14:02
Ahh; sweet relief...
They didn`t find anything wrong this time either.
The conclusion was: all findings are negative :)
Wonderful news!!!!!

17-04-09, 14:25

Pegs XX