View Full Version : why dont people understand

16-04-09, 18:31
sometimes i wish i had some thing to show someone,like my arm hanging off,rather than "im just feeling a bit out of sorts" do they really want to hear it all.

cant sleep
constantly checking my body
shakes when im facing anything
dont want to talk to anyone
and the list goes on..........:scared15:

does any one else wake in the morning checking everthing is ok,has the dreaded headache that hangs over my eye (brain tumour) gone.
stomach churning.....

distraction thats what i need.... tv.. put the washing on.... go in garden...
so it goes on...

thinks this might go off soon.... then cant swallow oh crap..panic..

why is it like a hamster wheel you just want to get off....

anyone else feel the same,would love to hear from you.

good job iv still got sense of humoutr well just

Love sky xx:winks:

16-04-09, 18:38
exactly the same, and keep being told to use distraction techniques and have they worked, i try them all the time it doesn't always help me

16-04-09, 19:51
GOOD POST SKY BLUE think that sums up how a lot of us feel. Just been to get fish and chips and you would think i was going into battle just to walk round to the shop

17-04-09, 09:06
Exactly how I feel....distraction techniques are not working for me at the minute...I cant watch telly, I cant read, I cant listen to music IN FACT i dont do much....aaaarrrrgggghhhh:mad:

Every day is a battle and like you say Bishops the smallest (or for us Largest) of tasks is like going to battle!!

Yet have your leg in pot and great ul get all the help inthe world of others!!


17-04-09, 10:36
My mum always says my problem is that I look too well for people to accept that I am not well (I have ME and fibro as well as all the anxieties and phobias). It can be very frustrating :wacko:

17-04-09, 12:01
what distraction techniques do you use? I am useless at distracting myself!

17-04-09, 16:04
i walk
do the garden
on internet
try watch tv
elastic band flicking on arms
watch dvd
look after my pets

and gp thinks im not trying

17-04-09, 16:31
Great post.
Sums up my periods of anxiety perfectly.
Yet, we still keep smiling..............most of the time :)
I think we sometimes need to stop and give ourselves a pat on the back for the brave faces that we wear throughout our living trauma.


18-04-09, 06:29

I notice some of the people from my past who were so quick to judge me in the past & accuse me of not trying, faking it, being immature, being selfish etc....... If you see some of them them go through anything upsetting they fall apart worse than anyone because they've never dealt with these things before. But then they take it out on everyone else instead of repressing it so it goes away quicker.

Everyone handles things differently I guess. I had to learn to stop talking about it mostly because people kept upsetting me with advice I've heard a million times thinking they can "fix me". Grrrrr....... That's what places like this are for, where you don't get rubbish advice like you aren't trying hard enough. How rude.

18-04-09, 21:39
i think we are the most caring bunch of people,i know,who i bet are great at sorting out everyone else,giving fantastic advise.

while at the same time..thinking why dont i follow that...but we dont.... even though we know we are right!!!!

we just get through the best way we can for us...... even though it may not be the " text book way" it gets us through the day....

i say if it works for you go for it!!!

hang in there

Love Skyxx