View Full Version : Constant fast heart beat

16-04-09, 22:03
My heart is beating fast all the time now. It's not through anxiety or panic, but when I did panic about it, it did beat a lot quicker. Sorry if garbled, am really thinking that my heart won't be able to take this, it's really fast, not thumping out of my chest & I daren't test to see how fast it's beating 'cause that would freak me out even more.

I had this once before & eventually went away, but I think my heart won't be able to cope & will give up. I have just phoned a mate, that's the first time I've had to phone someone about the way I'm feeling for quite a few years. I'm thinking that if I die, I want someone to know that I'm here.

Does anyone else get this constant quick beating heart, & if so for how long does it go on...........I'm not talking about the bursts of quick beating when you have a pa.

Please, please tell me someone that you get this. Will my poor little heart be able to take this? Why is it beating so fast?

Really feel like this is the end, omg!

17-04-09, 10:05
have you been to see your doc about this? I would urge anyone who is suffering from rapid heartrate to get it checked out. Its usually nothing but always best to be tested. If the doc however says they is nothing wrong then you have to believe them otherwise you will drive yourself insane thinking its something its not. x

20-04-09, 10:43
K so how do you know it isn't through Anxiety? If you have had a test and its Ok then its nothing at your concern, if not it will be Anxiety (if you ain't had no tests).

20-04-09, 11:43
My hearts constantly fast. It was pickedup on a ecg 2 years ago but my GP said there was no reason behind it and I have a healthy heart. If I concentrate on my heart beat or compare it to others it freaks me out and I start thinking theres an underlying problem that the doctors haven't picked up.

When I was pregnant I kept thinking labour would give me a heart attack or the extra blood pumping through my heart would kill me. But I was fine.

It scares me when people checking say I have a fast pulse and when 'm having a panic attack it goes so fast I think its going to jus give up.

Have you any idea what your pulse rate is? Mne is 90bpm which is the upper end of normal but its still normal. :)

20-04-09, 11:45
Sorry about my spelling my keyboard is broken x

27-04-09, 20:23
My heart rate is fast all the time it is always around the 90 bpm mark, sometimes higher, i have missed heartbeats every day, i have had this problem for many years, i have had all kinds of test done, ecg, heart function and scans, everyone keeps saying that it is anxiety, but it is like this even when i dont feel too stressed, I worry thinking that my heart cant keep this up, but after all these years i am still here and worrying about it. If you find anything that helps slow it down let me know. Take Care Ann

28-04-09, 06:03
Hey this happened to me for a while. You do have anxiety but it's not where you are aware of it because you are so use to your body and heart beating like that. I had it from morning to night and I was soo tired. try some breathing though your stomach for a while and drink some HOT herb tea every day!.. or HOT lemon and honey and you will see your body calm more and you will notice a difference then after a while you should be able to calm it yourself. The hot tea gave me a feeling a peace and you calm fast trust me.. I was non stop beating fast and I thought I had some virus lol until I figured it was just me. Im not on pills btw so I might be different then you. I'm too scared of the side effects , but I don't know if that is one anyway.

28-04-09, 06:05
p.s mine is 90ish- 100 anyway so its fine, but I was at 110 with the anxiety and it made my temp go up when I didn't have a flu. :) all in the head

28-04-09, 14:57
Mine is around 90 most of the time too - although it will go over 100+ suddenly for no particular reason, so I guess mine is anxiety too. I had ECG's a few years ago and they didn't pick anything up.

30-04-09, 10:35
Elspeth (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=3936), when my anxiety started to get worse my heart rate started to go higher and it bought on even more anxiety.

When my anxiety got really bad I couldn't sleep because I'd be constantly aware of it and it was really uncomfy and it ruined my sleep. I went to the doctors with my anxiety for the first time ever and told him about the fast heart rate, he scheduled an ECG, a heart echo and a 24 hour tape recorder.

I've now had all these tests done, the ECG came back fine and I'm still waiting for the results for my heart echo and 24 hour ECG.

For the past 3 months, I've been 100% anxiety free and I've never been better. When I have no anxiety, I don't get fast heart rates or anything like that and I can get asleep at night VERY easily.

I think the fast heart rate you're experiencing is pretty much anxiety, the fast heart rate was an absolute nightmare for me, it really is horrible because it convinces your mind that their is something wrong.

Take care,


expecto patronum
01-05-09, 22:32
This is something that I've had a sort of background anxiety about for years now. For some reason it doesn't seem to get mentioned that much as an anxiety symptom, so I was worrying that it was just me, but it stands to reason that many anxious people get it. I think mine is often around the 90 bpm mark, but often you forget that it's not always that high because you only notice it when it is fast.
Does anyone else do things to distract themselves from it, such as fidgeting or wobbling your leg so you can't feel the pulse in your leg? Sometimes I find myself counting the heartbeats before I even realise what I am doing! :scared15:

11-05-09, 02:36
Thanks for all your replies.

I daren't go to drs because I know my heart is bad. I know that it beats a lot faster when I panic about it but still it's fast & I'm scared of a heart attack. But it isn't just that my heart beats fast, along with it comes that I can't breathe properly, can't get enough air in + shaking & my body gets so tense that I can hardly move!! Sometimes I'm afraid to move for fear of making my heart beat even faster.

I'm babbling again. I feel bad at the moment, about hour ago this fast heart rate started again & sent me into another panic attack because I had chest pain too. This is a real long one, I just can't calm down. I've done everything to try to forget it, but nothings working this time. When it's dark & early hours of the morning it's very frightening.

Listening to Dr Claire Weekes, I gotta 'float', loosen & accept. So easy to say, so hard to do. If only I could lose the fear, then it wouldn't matter how I felt, I wouldn't care. Sorry if I'm using this as a sort of blog but I'm so scared.

Does anyone know if there is a blog spot on here? I haven't seen it & I think I've looked at everything. Perhaps it would take up too much space, well I think mine would especially this time of night.

Oh I'm gonna apologize again for my ramblings. Ramblings of an old woman who is alone & frightened, & also scared as to why this anxiety & panic has come on bad again over the last couple of months & getting worse. I thought I had sussed (sp) why I was getting anxious again but apparentley I haven't.

Oh Lord please take away the fear.

Little Em
11-05-09, 04:18
Hi There,

I get this all the time, but sometimes you can become more aware of it.

My heart rate is pretty fast all the time, they have done heart scans etc on me and there is nothing wrong, I just have a fast heart rate due to being anxious all the time. I expect the only time my heart beat is semi normal is when I'm sleeping, it doesn't pose any threat.

I would visit your Doctor though, just to put your mind at rest. Don't go down the path of self checking though, I used to and still do from time to time, check my pulse, you only make it worse by doing self checks, as hard as it may be to fight temptation, do try.

Em :)